Tag Archives: Bare Rose

I'm Bad

I am a little bad, I admit, in not getting around to posting any sort of Michael Jackson tribute until now. However, I only just decided to do this when I found the King of Pop pose set at 5ifth Order poses. I only picked up three of the 10 poses – though the entire set was tempting. Actually, the animator has a lovely tableua set up with pose balls that is just itching for a group to go jump on the pose balls and do a great group shot in all the poses. There’s fog, rocks, lights – very King of Pop!  Just as is this outfit I pulled together from Bare Rose, LeeZu and Milk Motion.

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A Post With Multiple Purposes!

posted by Gidge Uriza

First up, today is the SXY2nd Magazine Launch Wingding on the SXY2nd Sim and it’s a full scale Whup-ti-doo! From 12-4pm SLT it’s beach wear so put on your beach clothes or bathing suits and head over to party!

Then from 4-6pm it’s a white party! Put on your white and don’t miss part two of this celebration!

Now, part two of my purpose……


A Whole Lotta Olé

When I put on the wonderful flamenco-inspired dress Aibell from StoRin I fell in love with the skirt and its lovely form and structure. Flamenco made me think of Spain and of course of the magnificent traje de lus that a torero would wear in the bull ring. I had just the thing, an outfit from Bare@Rose that was typical Bare@Rose – complete and detailed and perfect from head to toe. Putting the two together seemed inevitable.

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Back To Work? Really?

posted by Gidge Uriza

It’s alleged that it is Monday Morning and that this means I need to put on a suit and act like a grownup and not some pixel fashionista.

Sigh. Who’s plan IS this anway? I didn’t vote for it. I should send out a memo….

Or just stay swaddled in another super fun production by June Dion’s BARE ROSE. Bare Rose as we all know is great for boxing up several versions of their clothes and for often giving you accessories (FTW) and goodies to complete your look.

TOY SHOP GIRL is no exception.

Including the jeans, top, bag and all the other accessories (most of which are just images on the bag or the shirt which is good, you aren’t carting around a lot of prims and they are well done and look good). It also includes the glasses which Cajsa insists make me look like Sarah Palin.

A small part of me died upon hearing that. Continue reading

Winter, Spring, Summer & Fall

When I looked in my clothing folder this morning I saw a lonely little jacket not in a folder, but sitting there all alone and loose. I recognized the name and realized it was one that I bought Humby Designs on my shopping spree. I just came without a folder and so I decided to make an outfit around it – the one you see above. It’s a great outfit. Still, gray plaid jacket and an autumn look is pretty predictable, isn’t it? So…for fun…I decided to take that simple jacket and style one outfit for each season. If you like wearing traditional clothing, you may look into these Lederhose Damen fashion items.

All photos are shot at MDR’s Photo Park which is open to the public. Click on through if you want to see more details on the outfits. And – if any bloggers out there want to take a shot at making an All-Seasons Item post, I would love to see it.

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Shooting @ Sick

Street Signage at Sick

Sick is an awesome sim for anytime you want to shoot an urban setting at night. With all the signage and the busy night streets, it’s really the perfect backdrop for urban chic – on the noir side. Unfortunately you cannot rez poseballs, but you can use a pose hud.

I saw Sasy wearing this dress the other night at Truth and knew I had to get it – and to wear it with this leather shrug from Cipher. The minute I saw the dress, this shrug came to mind, though I was unsure whether to wear the black or run over to Cipher and buy their red one (it comes in 5 colors) but my budget conscience carried the day and I stayed with the black shrug I already purchased.

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My Hair Is On Fire

Well, not really, but it sure looks like it. And it certainly could be given Gidge going all drama on us! However, I will still try to keep the drama free pledge and focus on this adorable little mashup. The blouse comes from one of those excesses of goodness you get at Bare Rose – the Angela jacket. You know June would never just give you a fat pack of jackets without something extra like this fabulouse white blouse that goes under the jacket.  The skirt is made by maruko05 Aya whose store Shirohato is in Japan Village – a wonderful place for finding surprises. The skirt comes with a perfectly lovely white blouse, I just wanted to wear one that went all out with the outrageous prim collar like this gorgeous one from Bare Rose.

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Jazmin & Clyde

Bonnie & Clyde may have come to a bad end, but I think Jazmin and Clyde roll together famously and will ramble along until a comfortable retirement in some distant inventory purge.  The Clyde in this outfit is the new line of ribbon-tied ankle boots from Digit Darkes.  Jazmin is the marvelous minidress from Bare Rose that is as soft, romantic and frilly as can be…and flexible as well, wearable as a blouse or dress (just drop the  prim) and comes in several colors. I chose the wear the black dress for this shoot.

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