Tag Archives: creamshop

Lovely Day at Juicy

Stopped by Juicy

I picked up the lovely outfit at My Attic at The Deck last week and just am getting around to wearing it. It is such a happy outfit, that I decided to go to the lovely beachfront sim Juicy that seemed sure to suit the mood of the dress – and of course it did. Those shoes you see are from Gos – his espadrilles that came out right about the time Viewer 2 got rid of invisiprims, so they are are current as if they had been released yesterday.

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Vero Moderno Red

Oh, I do love scarlet, that reddest of reds. The one that cost poor Jezebel her fiance, though what did her father after he named her Jezebel? Does anyone name their daughter Jezebel? The name, forever linked the infamous Phoenician, is usually used as a epithet, not as a name. The name does not exactly have a happy history though it does give you a reason to use the word defenestration. Too bad there wasn’t an opposition press at the time to give us an alternate since her story is so one-sided and partisan that it exemplifies the concept of history being written by the winners. No matter how you feel about Bette Davis’ Jezebel or the original one, you have to love the scarlet red Puma dress from Vero Moderno.

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An Emerging Designer You Don't Want to Miss


I am going to see a fashion show this morning – the opening collection from Maven Haus (link to runway show) which will be shown at 11 AM and 6 PM SLT. I got a sneak peek last weekend when Applonia Criss of Chantkare im’ed me saying that there was a new designer, Elaera Maven, whose work she was sure I would like and offered a tp to come check him out. She was right and I snapped up this Captain outfit – loving its insouciance. I am eager to see the rest of the collection and suggest you all go to see this emerging designer.


Some of the elements that drew me to this outfit include the saucy little skirt that is a skirt in name only as all the coverage comes from the gorgeously baroque leggings. Still, it’s the skirt that really draws me in with its beautiful texture and the lovely ruffly form. The collar also pleased me a lot – reminding me of something that one of the Queen of Hearts many knaves might wear in Wonderland. Add the wildly wicked hat and the outfit is just irresistible.
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I remember consulting with image experts for a new branding campaign for an organization several years ago. Our logo and materials were all red and white and the consultants wanted us to add blue. I wanted to avoid using exploitative associations with the flag to attract support. The consultants explained that red, white and blue ad campaign color really had nothing to do with the flag, but with trying to draw both genders. Women are drawn to red and men to blue and it’s likely that our membership was 65% women was due as much to our color choices as our program. Well, that’s not true, there is a gender gap on social and economic policy, but adding blue did result in increasing the percentage of men in the organization to around 40%. I think that’s just wild that a color could do that, but I have to acknowledge that I am much more drawn to red than to blue – especially a rich cardinal red like this one in the adorable new blouse from Modern Gypsy which I have paired with an old pencil skirt from Ingenue.

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I Love Rock & Roll

Oh, the Malice dress from Indyra Originals is quite the twofer. You see, you have a choice of wearing the sheer version (shown) or the opaque version. Feeling like a rocker, I went for the sheer version since it’s not too sheer and is discreet in all the right places. Putting it one, I felt like I was ready to join Joan Jett, Krissy Hynde or Patti Smith and rock out. Well, if I could only sing, that is.

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Ahem, about that challenge, Lord Winter?

When Winter Jefferson challenged Gidge to style an outfit featuring Exile’s exuberant Zoe hair, she rose to the challenge and threw down the gauntlet. Well, it seems Lord Winter is too busy planning his upcoming nuptials to Tenshi Vielle to answer the challenge – but never fear, I decided to give it a go and flap that glove in Winter’s face a few times. After all, shouldn’t a challenger actually do the challenge, too? So, here it is: Exile’s Zoe. Yes, it’s a wild and hairy sort of challenge – literally. However, I found it was deceptively easy. You see, the hair may be wild and full of exuberance, but it’s expertly placed exuberance that somehow just didn’t seem to intersect nearly as much as I expected. I really did not have to do a lot of searching for poses that work.

I did, however, think it deserved somethind wild, so I raided a pants set from Chatkare for the top and paired it with the truly wild Feather Skirt from So Many Styles.

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Fashion that gets your heart racing

I admit it, I love the Winter Collection from Micah Kanto. I have already posted several dresses from the collection and thought I had seen it all, and then this Sunday I go to see the runway show and was blown away by a second collection that was only released yesterday.  This Fashion Monster collection continues the red, white and black color theme – but all in houndstooth fabrics formed into wild and extravagant shapes. This is an avant garde collection of winter wear and while it won’t be to everyone’s taste – it just suits mine to a T.  You can see all the hallmarks of this collection in the Onyxia suit I am wearing. Bold use of houndstooth fabric, architectural embellishments such as the sweeping shoulder sculpts and bold shapes such as the stand up collar and the peplum.

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O Admiral, My Admiral

My apologies to Walt Whitman.

Last Saturday, I saw Uma’s marvelous post with the My Admiral Jacket from Milk Motion. She is one of my favorite bloggers and someone whose originality and fashion wit brings real joy and elan to the feed.  I have never met her, but certainly get the impression that she is what we call “nice people” in my neck of woods as her blog is always positive and a delight. When I saw that jacket I knew I had to have it and seriously, it was a struggle to take it off. In fact, I wore it in two outfits back to back.

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Winter, Spring, Summer & Fall

When I looked in my clothing folder this morning I saw a lonely little jacket not in a folder, but sitting there all alone and loose. I recognized the name and realized it was one that I bought Humby Designs on my shopping spree. I just came without a folder and so I decided to make an outfit around it – the one you see above. It’s a great outfit. Still, gray plaid jacket and an autumn look is pretty predictable, isn’t it? So…for fun…I decided to take that simple jacket and style one outfit for each season. If you like wearing traditional clothing, you may look into these Lederhose Damen fashion items.

All photos are shot at MDR’s Photo Park which is open to the public. Click on through if you want to see more details on the outfits. And – if any bloggers out there want to take a shot at making an All-Seasons Item post, I would love to see it.

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I Was In Error

Well, I was technically in Error when I shot these pictures – in the Error sim, that is. I really wanted to share with you this beautiful sim. Certainly, it’s not conventional beauty rife with flowers and greenery and lush with life, but a desolate beauty that draws you in.  I decided to wear the Creamshop Dalmation dress because its colors were so well-matched to the colors of the island.

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