Category Archives: Great Places to Shoot

Sunday is for Self Care

My friend Gogo over at Juicybomb told me about a new residential community called Portofino that is to die for with so many great things to see and do that I had to check it out. So I drove down to the train station to ride over in style to check out this new to me place.

I specifically went for lunch, hoping to find a nice café and wasn’t disappointed. Portofino is a roleplay sim but it’s great for us tourists also, and I’ll be going back a lot I can tell. It’s just lovely and welcoming.

After lunch I found the cutest nail shop that I couldn’t resist stopping in for a quick manicure. I also took this time to shop for skincare products from Perfect Image. For my hair care products, I love ordering them online.

It’s really lovely to have an entire city here to come to and do all the things Gidgey loves – did I mention there is both bowling and roller skating? Plus lots of dining options and even a big box retailer we will refer to as Bullseye ! You already know I went and smelled some candles.

After my exploration and adventures I decided I deserved a little treat so I grabbed a slide of really good cake at the local bakery.

Portofino? Can’t go wrong there! I love it!
Gidge is having a magical day in Portofino in:
Panties to hide my whatnot: {Luxuria} Caroline Lingerie – Panties sky blue (vintage)
Eyeshadow: Izzie’s – LeL Evo X – Soft Winter Glitter Eyeshadow rose 70%
Waterline Glitter: Cazimi
Ink: ~silentsparrow~ Foxlove Tattoo – All – Faded
Brows: Izzie’s – LeL Evo X – 16 Eyebrows (thin) pink 75%
Freckles: LeLUTKA.EvoX.Freckles.013
(Yummy) Diamond Solitaire Ring – Gold – Maitreya
Bag: Apika – Gummy Bear Bag
Earrings: (Yummy) Luxury Earring Collection – Guarded Pearl
Head:/ HEAD / lel EvoX NOEL 3.1
Dress: =Zenith=Blair Dress (Rose) LaraX
Hair: Exile:: Nyx (B) HAIR FAIR
Shoes: Ingenue :: Aalia Heels [LARA] :: VINTAGE
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – LaraX V1.1
Skin: [7DS] – BODY 2020 TRESNA bom skin CARAMEL browless
Car: 777 Stevie – Cutie Pink
Shot on Location at Portofino:

Revisiting Old Friends

So lovely was the loneliness of a wild lake.
NYU Crossover Slim Tee and Mid Lace Floral Skirt

After my long absence, it has been fun to sort through clothes from old favorites. NYU has always been a favorite of mine. NyuNyu Kimono designs for us residents who don’t want to wear clubwear all the time. She has two stores. This is the older one. This is the newer one. The thing is, there are great clothes at both of them. 

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Wander Away To Tempura

Since it’s not vacation if you don’t put on a swimsuit and do something lovely I decided to spend some time on the waterfront at Tempura Island which just happens to be near the vacation house I’m renting. Convenient, isn’t it? I thought so.

Tempura Island has been here for 10 years,  can you believe it? It’s one of my favorite places for photos, and I was reminded of that today wandering the grounds. It reminds me so much of why Second Life can be such an effective escape for a little while, so much beauty is all around us and in so many forms. It’s a wonder. Continue reading

Magical Forests and Comfortable Boots

I decided to take a hike for my Saturday afternoon activity. CAN YOU BELIEVE that in an inventory of ALMOST 140k items I don’t own one single item called “hiking boots”?  I, like you dear reader, am incredulous of this fact yet here we are. I didn’t own a pair and since I was off on vacation and CLEARLY can’t just teleport to a shop to pick up a pair I had to make due with what I had in my suitcase inventory.

Luckily I had JUST thing thing from ISON – perfectly suited to protect my feet from nymphs or sprites or bugs or whatever it was that is currently inhabiting this place I’m staying for the weekend. Continue reading

The Arcade Closes at Midnight Saturday

This was when the aging smokestacks atop the monumental factories began to shut off one by one

“This was when the aging smokestacks atop the monumental factories began to shut off one by one. There were still plenty left running to keep the air over Detroit filled with that choking industrial aptitude, but you were never far from a hollowed-out factory, massive steel tubes on the roofs pointing up toward the sky with nothing left inside but dust and cobwebs. These giant pillars of concrete and metal now jutted high like extended index fingers from broken and casted hands, pointing toward something they would never touch.”
― Michael A. Ferro, TITLE 13: A Novel

This was when the aging smokestacks atop the monumental factories began to shut off one by one
The Arcade closes at midnight Saturday and if you let that happen without picking up the fabulous industrial pieces from NOMAD, you will miss out. The gacha has the delicious name of My Cozy Little Industrial Facility that cracks me up in the best possible way.
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Afternoon on a Hill

I will be the gladdest thing Under the sun! I will touch a hundred flowers And not pick one.

Edna St. Vincent Millay was not thinking of textiles when she wrote, “I will touch a hundred flowers and not pick one,” but nonetheless, when I put on this dress from NOIR for Collabor88, I immediately thought of her poem, “Afternoon on a Hill” perhaps because of that line, but also perhaps because it describes so well, the joy and contentment a person can find in nature.

I will be the gladdest thing
Under the sun!
I will touch a hundred flowers
And not pick one.

I will look at cliffs and clouds
With quiet eyes,
Watch the wind bow down the grass,
And the grass rise.

And when lights begin to show
Up from the town,
I will mark which must be mine,
And then start down!

  Continue reading

A Quick Trip to Greenland

Curiosity that inborn property of man, daughter of ignorance and mother of knowledge when wonder wakens our minds, has the habit, wherever it sees some extraordinary phenomenon of nature, a comet for example, a sun-dog, or a midday star, of asking straigh

I stopped by Groenland today for a short visit. Most of the mass of Greenland is ice, but not on this sim. I guess it’s in one of the areas where the ice has been melting. It reminded me of “Rotten Ice” an excellent article in Harpers by Gretel Ehrlich. It seemed appropriate during the cold snap affecting much of America which prompted the popular-vote-losing President to show he does not know the difference between climate and weather. Sadly, far too many politicians don’t know the difference or they pretend not to know. Sometimes it’s hard to believe they are that ignorant, then I listen to Louis Gohmert and realize there’s no such thing as not too ignorant.

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Impervious to Cold

The season of cold impervious avatars has begun

Every holiday season I am amused by our avatar’s seeming imperviousness to cold. We rush about with open-toed shoes and barely there dresses in the snow and ice and not one of us feels a bit of cold. This gorgeous dress by Cynful for Collabor88 would be all covered up by a heavy coat in the real world.
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Halloween Horror

Well this place came up first in SEARCH and I was seeking a spooky Halloween moment so I decided to go check it out.

It’s pretty spooky and if you are in search of a spooky place to shoot I highly recommend it.

There was a lot to see, just not a lot to do.

That’s not an indictment however, like I said it’s a GREAT place to shoot.

If you are in search of some spooky location to shoot or just visit for fun, pop over to Halloween Horror. They really put some work into making it spooky.

There is a box at the TP and it says you can get a hud for a hunt. I couldn’t make it work, too much lag. Oh well!