Tag Archives: Digit Darkes

Feeling Nostalgic


This is the fourth annual Peace on Earth hunt. Blogging about the Hunt makes me remember my first year in Second Life and the POE1 was the first gridwide hunt that I had participated in. I remember reading about it beforehand and wondering how they would do a gridwide hunt – did that mean I had to look everywhere? Yup, I was that doofus! It was fresh and exciting and so much fun to hunt with Gidge, running all over the place, cracking wise and having good times. I remember how we would go to lucky chairs to wait and actually talk in chat. We even had lucky chair parties! This made me remember Digit Darkes and how much Gidge and I looked for her every new release, racing to be there to see what was new! She’s left the grid and I have packed up almost everything, but not everything. For this post, I pulled out a couple favorites to mash up with a dress from 1 Hundred for the 4th Annual Peace on Earth Hunt. The dress is adorable, but it’s chilly and I have been battling a head cold and for some very bizarre reason, I want my avatar to be nice, warm and comfy, so I didn’t want to wear a sleeveless mini – no matter how adorable. I decided to take off the skirt and add some pants and a jacket.
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Blogger Challenge:Something Old

Achariya has challenged us all to dig into our closets and pull out designs that are no longer available to appreciate them and take that stroll down memory lane of who we used to be.
It was tough for me, because I have three former great loves who are not longer with us. All three just POOFED and were gone one day.
I had a hard time not just wearing all Digit Darkes, but let’s face it, I blogged most if not all of her catalog here over the years so I thought I’d mash it up a bit.
I’m wearing a cropped green sweater and tribal bead jeans from Chic Boutique which was a store I always refused to tell my friends where it was.
I didn’t want them to have cute things like me. HA. Continue reading

Digit Darkes

[vodpod id=Video.4061643&w=425&h=350&fv=]

Digit Darkes , posted with vodpod

A short retrospective of the amazing work of Digit Darkes.

I am not alone is feeling shock, dismay and sadness that Digit Darkes has left SL – at least under that name, closing her store and her sim. I don’t know why and won’t speculate, but will only offer this retrospective of some of the joy and color she has brought to my SL experience.


[vodpod id=Video.4061643&w=425&h=350&fv=]

Digit Darkes , posted with vodpod

A short retrospective of the amazing work of Digit Darkes.

I am not alone is feeling shock, dismay and sadness that Digit Darkes has left SL – at least under that name, closing her store and her sim. I don’t know why and won’t speculate, but will only offer this retrospective of some of the joy and color she has brought to my SL experience.

Expectations 7 – Royal Expectations

Marie Antoinette was a fashionista. She’s not the original fashionista because there’s Du Barry and Pompadour. I am sure if we could only find the style section of The Imperial Times of Rome, we could discover Calpurnia’s favorite stola maker. Fashion is probably as old as human existence since we just know that some cave women draped their skins better than others. Still, Marie Antoinette does have the singular distinction of being someone whose love of fashion not only contributed to her death, but to a revolution. I guess it is possible to take love of fashion too far. Sshhh! Don’t tell Gidge!

Anyway, if Marie were alive today, she would shop at Sn@tch, and she would buy this dress. Good grief, it’s named after her. I shot it at Utopia 04-Markus Inkpen. When I choose a place to shoot an outfit, I generally choose one of two approaches. Either the setting and the clothing are in complete harmony, such as a 20’s style gown in a speakeasy or  they are completely dissonant such as this bright colorful fantastical dress in this somber sim, apposite and opposite you could say.

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This Post Lacks Ninjas and Tigers -But Has Makeup #13

posted by Gidge Uriza

All videos in the 80s needed fog, wind, outrageous and bold face makeup (even on the boys), big tall hair that would stand up and NOT sway in the wind (thank you AquaNet) and if you were REALLY putting effort into your production – NINJAS AND TIGERS.

(Point of reference – Total Eclipse of the Heart Video, I promise, You Tube It.) Continue reading

It's An Emerald Day

posted by Gidge Uriza

Today’s theme is GREEN.

As in Emerald. As in the viewer if finally just downloaded. I haven’t played with it yet. I’m stodgy and don’t like change. So we’ll see.

Know what I DO like? JEWELRY!  I have been meaning to check out the offerings dropped on me from GANKED in a while- and frankly, I’ve seen other people wearing them and have been impressed but I’m in the pregnancy sloth and have gotten sooo lazy.

I changed that the other day. The second I got these gorgeous, excessive gems on me, I had to go shopping for something snappy to wear with them. Continue reading

Mutant Baby Animals For Easter!

posted by Gidge Uriza

My festive Uriza Cousin Ghanima, the creator at BlueBlood has released a set of dresses that might just be the perfect Easter Dress for those of you not of a chiffon and flowers inclination.

Mutant Baby Animals anyone? Each dress comes with two in the folder and trans properties on one (or both, fsss I forget) so you can SHARE the goodness with a friend. And you have a lovely choice of TYPE of mutant baby animal! Would you like a chicken flower,or a cow bear? What about a Sheep bunny? Continue reading

Las Pas in Nirvana – from Nymphetamine

posted by Gidge Uriza

There is a lovely area of the Nymphetamine Isle that has been set up as a romantic hideaway……Nirvana. I decided that since I was reshooting the beautiful Las Pas gown and lingerie (I had previously shot nothing but long hair stuck into my boobs) that I’d go give it a whirl and see what there was to see. Continue reading

Noir³ Argent²

I was thinking it would be fun to do color formulas like we do chemical formulas. Instead of H2O, we could write Bl4Si2 when we wore four elements in black and 2 in silver. Or, we could do it in French to make it more obscure and seem more fashionable and chic and write out Nr4Ar2. Yes, there you have it. Sometimes my mind goes off on odd tangents and speculative journeys.  This outfit sent me off on that journey while I was wondering how to explain what in the heck I am doing wearing black hair. Actually, the explanation is quite simple. I saw this hairstyle from !syDS! for the Accessory Fair and just love it – and they only made it in black and white and it’s no mod so I could not tint it. In between thinking about sending out a call to Redheads of the World to Unite and storm the barricades and swooning over its bold and audacious styling, I just had to wear it. Even if it’s not red.  So one of the black elements is the hair.

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