Monthly Archives: June 2008

GHOST of a Chance

GHOST is closing its doors today and as a last hurrah is offering everything at 50% off. GHOST is a fun and innovative store. My favorite tights are GHOST’s prison tights. They are available on OnRez. One of my favorite freebies from OnRez is GHOST’s Dirty Snow. So to say goodbye to GHOST, I wore this Lag Fade top and mini-skirt from GHOST. I paired it with tights from Bijou and shoes from Armidi and added some cute jewelry from Bliensen. For full disclosure, I must point out that the jewelry are review copies and different from my usual style, but I thought they were perfect for this out. You can seem lots more pics on my Flickr because I was trying a bunch of different Windlight settings on the skin to see how it responded to light. 

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June in June

Mallory Cowan of Laqroki sent me samples of her newest hair with the oh-so-timely name of June. Redhead that I am, I gravitated to the Hot Red. Yes, it is hot. Normally, I would tint it just a bit darker. I usually purchase her Mahogany hair and add red to it. However, for the purpose of this review, I shot it as it is. The color is rich and vibrant, a bright red, but not at all brassy or orangey. It’s a red I am comfortable wearing. The headband is black and consists of three prims with a black fabric texture. It is not color-scripted, but as you can see, it was quite simple to add a dash of green to the texture to accent my dress. Like all her hair, I didn’t have to adjust it one millimeter to fit my head, though of course that won’t be true for all avatar shapes. 

What I love about Laqroki hair is clearly evident in this and the photo of the back after the cut. Ms. Cowan thinks about more than how the hair looks, she thinks about how it interacts with the avatar. I don’t know how she does it, but with Laqroki hair, you seldom see a sheaf of hair appearing mysteriously from the middle of your breast. As a photographer, I love that. I also love the luminescence of the hair. It makes it so  easy to work with lighting because the light doesn’t just get sucked into the hair and disappear. Continue reading

Please pass the Dijon

Some words sound delicious and lovely. Words like silk, charmeuse, aubergine, melon and dijon. Lovely words for lovely things. Then there are the harsh words like cactus, hammer, crankcase and mustard. Still mustard can be lovely and not just on a hot dog. For example, this gorgeous sheer overblouse and tank from Persona are mustard and they are a glorious color. I paired them with the brown with yellow tulips skirt and belt from mocca and was as happy as someone with a hot dog with all the fixings. Now if she only called the color Dijon! ^-^ There are more photos on flickr, if you care to see different angles. Continue reading

Au Revoir, Shantu Selene

posted by Gidge Uriza

It was easy enough to decide which designer to wear to the farewell show of Shantu Selene. A classic crooner definitely warrants something vintage – and in my closet that almost always means Ivalde. The show was an early show, 6ish so I decided the white version of Ivalde’s Leah dress was a great choice (this is a dollarbie, btw, on the second floor of Ivalde).
But my real excitement getting dressed for this event was that this was my first chance to slip into my FIRST TWO review items! Continue reading

The Boots…oh, the boots

It’s late and I have been processing photos for what seems like forever, so this will be quick. Looking for a hot little black dress, I pulled out Sensation from Vanity Affair, but sadly as soon as I did, I remembered why I didn’t wear it. The prim skirt is no-mod and was just too big for every shape I tried. Possibly it is supposed to sit well away from the hips, but that’s not what i wanted. Nonetheless, I like the full body stocking of discreet glitter and the sweeping lines of the bodice and back. So…Leeza Baxter to the rescue with her BlackFur skirt. I tossed the skirt prim on and voila!!! You know, every woman needs one full, poufy, hide every problem skirt whether BlackFur from LBD,  or one of the net pouf skirts from Aleri Darkes, Zen or Biana F.  They can save many an outfit whose prims don’t cooperate. More photos are on my Flickr.

But it’s the boots…

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Cotton Candy

I am noticing a trend. Chocolate, saltwater taffy and now cotton candy. Some sweet tooth must be experiencing a renaissance in my subconscious. But truly how else to describe these confectionary colors that are so common and so charming in this Spring’s collections. This pink is not a floral pink, it’s not a celestial pink, it’s a confectionary pink.  That’s why these luscious colors make us salivate. This particular confection comes to us from Mimikri – I know, twice in 2 days I am wearing a Mimikri outfit, but I dress by whim and want – not with an overarching plan to present some cross-section of Second Life® fashion.

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I Louvre It

posted by Gidge Uriza

Design constraints being what they are, I’m always charmed when I run into something different in the world of clothing. Whether it’s construction, texture, or a combination of the two – it’s fun to see how creative people can be within the contraints of PS and The World.

This dress from Cachet caught my eye on my first trip to the store. One of a series – I loved the glowing texture which seems to radiate warmth and shine. It was difficult to pick a color – but I chose Jodie at the Louvre and packed up my new purchase. Continue reading


Oh, I do love the new Calypso dresses from Mimikri!!! Not only are the luscious and colorful and flirty, but the flouncy construction of the prim skirt allows you to sit and not lose your skirt.  There’s lovely jeweled detailing along the neckpiece and the dress flows softly while skimming your body. It’s a keeper! It’s oh-so-chic styling also demanded an ultra-chic shoe so I dug out my Silver-Studded Pumps from Stiletto Moody. Admittedly, they are a bit glam for many outfits, but for this, they fit perfectly. I was feeling lazy tonight, so I just lazed on one of the trees in my back yard for the snaps. You can see more photos on my FlickrContinue reading

Pink and White Think Alikes

posted by Gidge Uriza

I received the invitation to Boopzee Slade’s rezz day party over the weekend and spent a short amount of time pouting about it, because it looked like I wouldn’t be able to attend due to the time of day. But when I logged in late Monday night to find out that the party was STILL rocking, I was delighted.

With visions of a white frosted cake piped with pink icing flowers in my mind – I went rifling through my closet. My delightful new party dress from the <3 Cupcakes secret sale (got it for ZERO!) was just the ticket for a birtday/rezz day party! I slipped into my shoes and TP’d over to Boopzee’s soiree. Continue reading