Tag Archives: Bliensen & Maitai

Backpacking Alone In Mexico

posted by Gidge Uriza

With my busy shooting schedule plus a store to run plus a hunt to get ready for (duh it’s started!) and a slew of friends I love to spend time with……I rarely have those moments alone anymore.

I don’t know if you ever have had them in SL, but those perfect moments of quiet……where you’re just exploring something, wandering…….experiencing that quiet solitude that you can find in such a huge world on a quiet night. Continue reading

Stomping Around Dystopia

posted by Gidge Uriza

When stumbling through piles of human carcasses of a Dystopia it’s important to wear good shoes.  And a shirt that displays a lot of attitude. Luckily I had both. 🙂

After I got done watching human souls be devoured and repeatedly smashed between rocks between demon beasts, I decided to head home to hang out.  Continue reading

It's a Mod, Mod, Mod, Mod World

Today’s outfit would never have come together if not for the good sense and grace of designers who allow their customers to mod their clothes. I really wanted to put these pieces together but the colors weren’t quite right…but thanks to flexible and smart designers from Thimbles and Maitreya, I am happily wearing exactly what I wanted to wear. It all started with this fun and adorable coat from BomBon. Yes, BomBon, not BonBon.

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Swear To Shake It Up, If You Swear To Listen

posted by Gidge Uriza

There will be bonus points awarded to any one who can tell me what that song in the title is!

So I’m not a T-Shirt Person. At all. Hell, I can  make a T-shirt so I rarely pay them any mind in world at all, except for maybe my PRIM WHORE t-shirt which seems all too fitting if you know me. But when someone whose work you know is GOOD make s T-shirts you know that there is going to be something a little different, that sets them apart and makes the more interesting.

How about a badass graphic? Continue reading

I Am Elated

Well, actually, I am just wearing Elate’s dress, but what the hey. Now, I know this dress has been blogged before. I have seen it at least three times, but…you know, I am not so vain that I think every single person who reads fashion blogs is one of my readers. I am equally certain the other bloggers would never assume they are universally read either. Even the vanity of fashionistas has limits. So if you are someone seeing this for the third time, that’s the downside of dresses as fun as this one.

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Hobo Christmas

I was very unhappy at being snowed in and unable to spend Christmas with friends as planned. So, when I saw this Christmas tree at Forgotten Village, I  wanted to photograph it.  It sort of expressed what my holiday felt like.  In order to better express my mood, I thought I would outfit myself with some grunge wear.

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Christmas Shopping

Running around the grid today looking for some Christmas gifts, I wanted to be sure both comfortably and seasonally dressed. I confess it was a bit nippy and some boots and a jacket would have been wiser, but then it gets so hot inside the store.

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Uncle Wiggly's Almost Free Skirt & Gifties

A trip to Uncle Wiggly is in order. Uncle Wiggly is one of those fun stores where there’s no particular type of creation – which varies from clothing to furniture to foliage and makes stops everywhere in between. What does not fluctuate is the whimsy and quality of these items – most of which are 1 linden. Which mean you should always add some lovely lindens to the tip jar outside. The shirt is actually from LaLa FooFoo and I am wearing it with an Uncle Wiggly skirt.

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Rain, Rain, Go Away

And Don’t Hurry Back! Some days the constant dreary rain can get wearing, knowing that it may be weeks becfor a patch of sunlight peeks out from behind the clouds. The only solution, then, is some fresh air and some good full spectrum light bulbs. Of course, looking good never hurts. I went for a little retail therapy at Chai’s new sim to pick up some of her new skins. That would cheer up the gloomiest gus.

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