posted by Gidge
Monica Outlander of MiaMai has some awesome cute GACHA minicorsets! I’m wearing a few of the colors today for a Friday Quickie! Continue reading
posted by Gidge
Monica Outlander of MiaMai has some awesome cute GACHA minicorsets! I’m wearing a few of the colors today for a Friday Quickie! Continue reading
posted by Gidge Uriza
So it’s a funny story about my shoes. These stiletto’s from Periquita I picked up the day they were released. I excitedly took them home and put them on and……
I hated them.
They didn’t fit they looked crazy they were just all wrong. So I jammed them into the back of my closet angrily and went on with my pixel life. But then, when getting dressed I wanted some heels to wear with this t-shirt (only on the grid, right?)…..and I saw these heels …….and decided to give them another try.
You would think an AV over two years old would remember that SOMETIMES the grid is borked and things don’t rezz right, look nuts etc…..and you should always give them a second try. Continue reading
I love it when Second Life designers decide to work on something together. It’s a testament to the openness of SL Fashion Community and to the freindships and connections people make though Second Life and through their mutual love of fashion. In this case, Leah McCullough of Naive and Mouse Mimistrobell of Dark Mouse produced completementary dresses and jewelry.
Elise by Draconic Kiss is one of the many fashions at Crimson Shadow -
I can’t seem to think very well this morning and do want to show you the enormous amount of fun I had deconstructing and playing with a little red dress I picked up at Crimson Shadow. I took a little bit from Naive and Digit Darkes and just had some fun…and put them together and what did I get?
Salagadoola mechicka boola bibbidi-bobbidi-boo
Put ’em together and what have you got
Here the top from Naive's Mooney dress erases every bit of Gothiness. A belt from Artilleri united them.
Salagadoola mechicka boola bibbidi-bobbidi-boo
It’ll do magic believe it or not
Now, toss in Digit Darkes tulle skirt while keeping the short Elise skirt as an overskirt/ruffle and get some real elegance. The DD tulle skirt should be in every wardrobe as it seems to go with anything.
Salagadoola means mechicka booleroo
But the thingmabob that does the job is
The Cajsa Suit comes with a black wide belt, however, I wanted the bright orange pop of this M*A*ii*K*I belt to counterbalance the necklace.
So, more in jest than in than anything, I have occasionally whined that with a name like Cajsa, I will never get anything named after me. After all, who would no know to pronounce it. Well, Leah McCullough of NAIVE did a cannonball into the pool and created the suit I am wearing above and named it Cajsa. Yes, I now have eponymous clothing!! So, here’s the tutorial so you can run to NAIVE and pick up the Cajsa Suit in blue (shown), pink, gray or black. The first syllable is pronounced CAI as in Cairo and the second is pronounced ZHA as in Asia. No excuses now, so off you get to NAIVE. Meanwhile, I am going to jam to James Brown:
I feel good, I knew that I would, now
I feel good, I knew that I would, now
So good, so good, I got you
Whoa! I feel nice, like sugar and spice
I feel nice, like sugar and spice
So nice, so nice, I got you
posted by Gidge Uriza
Adam & Eve is one of those stores I NEVER shop at enough. I don’t know why. Maybe because it’s not one of those stores that got ingrained in me when I was a noob. It’s certainly not for lack of quality – it’s lovely stuff. And it’s not because of the creator being a jerk – far from it – Sachi Vixen has never been anything but lovely to me.
Why do I always forget to shop there? I have to rectify it. Note to self, go back to Adam & Eve tonight and find something pretty!
Posted by Gidge Uriza
….but I love her work.
I love that I can roll over to Frick whenever I’m in the mood for something nutty or different, and pick up one of her fantasy skins – and do so for very few lindens. I had to have this retro pinup skin as it’s called Brigitte – and Gidge’s RL name is the same.
I’m slowly on a quest to acquire things with my name to make an “ALL ABOUT ME” outift. ”
Fricka’s prices are good and her variety is such a treat. I do love all the fun skins. I usually take new player friends over there to pick up “something different” when they have been on the grid a few days. They ALL love it. Continue reading
posted by Gidge Uriza
I love skins that have LIPS I CAN SEE (like this one) and eyeshadow that interests me. I’m not always so into the artsy eyes, but once in a while one will catch my eye. What I like most of all, though, is make up that is interesting enough to catch your eye without being garish.
I am afraid that the Fashion Mafia may revoke my card if I admit this aloud – but this is indeed my FIRST skin from Adam n Eve. Continue reading
I shot these photos at AM Radio’s Beneath the Tree That Died art installation that had been at the University of KY sim but is now at Welsh Lakes up in the sky between his other builds. The rail fence is not part of the build. It’s Luth Brodie’s pose rail. I really wanted to shoot this outfit with a western feeling, bringing the Naive boho skirt back to its country roots. I must say I spent more time on getting the Style Notes together on this post than is healthy – and ended up having a mini shopping spree while doing so as the shirt and vest in the picture because a mystery requiring all my best detecting skills.
posted by Gidge Uriza
You Give Your Hand To Me…and you Say Hello
And I Can Hardly Speak, My Heart Is Beating So
And Anyone Could Tell, You Think You Know Me Well
But, You Don’t Know Me……. Continue reading