Monthly Archives: June 2008

Blogher 08 Returns to Second Life!

Okay I’m clearly the Blogher 08 Mascot as I showed up in the CNN iHub orientation area wearing the Blogher Colors.
I screwed this post up earlier and killed our side bar so I’m reposting and crossing my fingers as I type. Let this let be a lesson to me, don’t cross post from blogger. (Sorry for the bad photo – clearly this is NOT one of Cajsa’s beautiful photos). Continue reading

Roses in Denmark

I wandered around Denmark yesterday, looking at the lighthouse, the ships and the village. It was a lovely sim and they had beautiful weather while I was there, with just a light breeze. Luckily, I was wearing a light sweater and was perfectly comfortable. ; )

I layered a baby pink cotton camisole with a lightweight rose pink one-button sweater and a lovely red and pink gingham skirt. The lovely Sasy Marakesh Passion Sandals were a perfect match. What really made the outfit though was the rose flower necklace from chicoco, set off with earrings from DeLa and bangles from VG Republic. For additional photos you can check my Flickr. Continue reading

Chocolate Swing

Don’t you just love jackets? I certainly do, from short crop jackets to flowing swing jackets and every stop in between, I love them all. Frankly, I love them best when they swing open, unzipped and unbuttoned, so that I can enjoy the layering of my clothes. Here using the underwear layer for my cami and the jacket layer for the jacket, I  could have even added a vest or other top over, but that would not have suited the light gauzy fabric of this marvelous jacket from pop feel. For more photos, check my Flickr.

pop feel makes 5 of these jackets in different shades and prints and they are a wonder. Floaty and light, they really swing when you walk. Fair warning, though, I did have to do a fair amount of prim editing to get the jacket’s drapery to fit right – not just stretching it a bit, but also, moving individual prims that did not lay quite right on me and it was clearly fitted to a smaller avatar shape. Of course, having to adjust the flexi-prim is fairly common and it was not too difficult. And it was definitely worth the effort.  Continue reading

Bubblegum Lip Smacker – (And the Best Freebie Earrings in SL)

posted by Gidge Uriza

Maht was DJing at the Garage one night and at a loss for what to wear, I pulled together some oldies and newbies for a fun club ensemble. The skin I picked up at the Velvet Heart hunt on Bianca’s new shopping sim just reminded me too much of the days of slathering my lips with bubblegum lip gloss.

The kind that actually tastes good.  Continue reading

Glam It Up for Shopping

So I decided to go check out Viva la GLAM, eager to see what they have done. I decided to fortify myself before heading out to the sim, just as a sensible shopper has a snack before going to the grocery store. So, I dressed and accessorized and all round glammed up. Not that this stopped me from going downright silly when I saw the great necklaces and bangles at Viva la GLAM, but I tried.

I started out with a lovely pink dress from Pink, formerly SeVan, called Tessa. I don’t know if you have been to SeVan, but if you haven’t, it’s a treat. The clothes are arranged by color there – and for some reason, I just love seeing all the reds and all the greens in their groups. I added the Tropical Heels from Digit Darkes that I picked up at the RFL Fashion Expo last weekend and the luscious Glam Earrings from creamshop. You can get them in several colors. Believe it or not, the set comes with an even more massive set of earrings.

There are many more photos on my Flickr.

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A Heart Shaped World

posted by Gidge Uriza

I’m always looking around the world for cute nightie outfits. I don’t really know why. I certainly don’t sleep In World – I think I just like to put them on,sit at my dressing table, brush my hair and look cute. Regardless – it’s hard to FIND babydoll nighties that aren’t hooker-wear. It really is.  I was excited to see this full outfit that includes the nightie, bra, panties and stockings – with a separate layer for the nightie top that lays sheerly over over the bra. I love little details like that.

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This Dress Is Made of Glitter

What to wear when you want to be all dressed up but a formal ball gown is just a bit over-the-top?  I think you can’t go wrong with this dress from Chambre to Chocolat. Eshi Otawara is justly famous for her amazing fishhook dress and the incredible art/fashion installation the Death of a Phoenix, but if you think only of those works, you might skip her store thinking she’s out of your budget range and maybe a bit too avant garde. But that would make you miss so much as she has a fabulous talent for creating ethereal and wearable fashion.

Take this dress, aptly named This Dress Is Made of Glitter, which comes in five glorious colors (blue, gold, hot pink, violet and yellow) and is a favorite in-between dress. The kind you pull out in-between casual and formal, for when you are going to a party and aren’t sure whether it’s formal or not. You don’t want to show up in a floor-length ball gown, but you don’t want to look underdressed. You need and in-between dress and this is it. You can see more pictures of it on my flickr. Continue reading

It Shines!

Yes, I know the world and her sister is blogging the new releases from Armidi.  But then, who could resist such sumptuous shine as this? I have to shade my eyes!  This is the Barlu Fiore Tresia and if could only speak Italian I could tell you how well-named it is. The word fiore is flower – familiar from the wonder millefiore necklaces that are a wonderful RL wardrobe addition. That is so apt, that I am sure the rest of the name is equally perfect. Whether I can understand the name or not, I know I love it. There are a few more photos of it on my flickr and more info and style notes after the cut. Continue reading

Irresistible Peacocks

What’s riches to him
That has made a great peacock
With the pride of his eye?

Lemania Indigo has artistic riches piles up high, because as Yeats said, she made a great peacock with pride. Oh, I did not need this dress. I was not looking for another gown, but the moment I saw it all Linden sense went out the window. Gotta have it!!! and then I clicked buy and was shocked, even stunned. Because this lovely creation was a mere 200 lindens. In fact, in that store packed with great designs paying homage to Hollywood’s best and brightest, 200 linden was the highest price of any of the lovely gowns I looked at.

Now normally, I don’t talk about the cost of dresses. We know the hours of work that can go into a new outfit. We know that it’s not just the perspiration, but also the inspiration. Even if many of us actually knew what we were doing, that does not automatically mean we could create something lovely, new and unique. So I don’t begrudge creators who ask a decent return on their time. But like anyone, when I find a tremendous value like this, it’s simply irresistible. I had so much fun shooting this dress my Flickr is packed with more than a dozen photos. Even shooting pics was irresistible. 

After the cut, there’s a shot of the back and a full-length photo, plus style notes. 

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You're One Of My Kind

posted by Gidge Uriza

I positively drooled when I saw the PACK of jewelry sent to me by Bliensen + Maitai.  I love fun, unusual pieces and the first pieces I fell in love with were the bottle cap earrings and necklace. Great detail on each and every cap is what really makes these a couple of fun pieces to put in your jewelry box for casual or themed events.  I was hostessing a rock themed event at MDR and knew immediately that no matter how I got dressed for the night, I was going to build the ensemble AROUND this jewelry.

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