Monica Outlander made this stunning gown with the peacock print insets, releasing them at the Fashion Pride event in March. She produced it in several colors, but my favorite is this gorgeous royal blue.
I admit I am an SL hoarder. I have items in my inventory from 2007. In fact, I am wearing items from 2007 in this picture. Now, I am not the worst. I do throw things out. Pose stands, landmarks, notecards are ruthlessly trashed. All my shoes with invisiprims have been deleted. Pants with sculpted bottoms and prim flap skirts – gone! Full bright hair – done! Bling – get outta here! But then, I falter.

I think Monica Outlander makes more use of materials than any other fashion designer. You can see her fascination with its possibilities in almost everything she makes.
But how could anyone delete something as gorgeous as this gown? Even if I never wear it again, I might. You never know, right?