Tag Archives: Lemania Indigo

The Poisoned Apple

When you want to feel ghoulish and girlish at the same time, I suggest you head over to Lemania Indigoo’s place.  She says Halloween is her favorite holiday and she is making it easy for us to celebrate in style with several costumes. One stunner is her Wicked Stepmother costume – and in the holiday spirit, she’s offering it for only 100 L at Hotel Dare. So get thee gone!

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Wherein Yak & Yeti Go Crazy

Every once in awhile a fashion notice will pass by that makes you go hmmm. That’s what happened on Sunday when along came a notice from Yak & Yeti announcing everything in their store was now free. See, when you see a notice like either think it’s poor products, it’s a trick or, if you cynicometer is running low, you think you need to check it out.

So I did and it’s not junk and it’s not a trick and yes, you need to check it out. Yak & Yeti offers traditional Nepalese and Indian clothing and jewelry as well as adorable shoulder pets. That panda  at Yak & Yeti almost tempts me into shoulder pet-keeping. I got some wonderful jewelry there, including this ruby Bollywood set. Included, but not worn are two styles of nose-ring and a stone for the forehead. To wear with it, I decided to become a Dancing Queen. Continue reading

Hunting for Apples @ Lemania Indigo

I know I posted only a little over an hour ago, but wanted to encourage you to join in the hunt for this luscious winter coat with the wonderfully vintage 40’s look. You have to find all 15 apples, but they are of a good size, easy to spot and she very kindly placed them more or less in numerical order so if you are missing one, you just need to focus your hunt near the numerically adjacent apples. It took me less than an hour and that included taking a swan boat ride – which ends with another freebie and a few trips on the ferris wheel.

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Irresistible Peacocks

What’s riches to him
That has made a great peacock
With the pride of his eye?

Lemania Indigo has artistic riches piles up high, because as Yeats said, she made a great peacock with pride. Oh, I did not need this dress. I was not looking for another gown, but the moment I saw it all Linden sense went out the window. Gotta have it!!! and then I clicked buy and was shocked, even stunned. Because this lovely creation was a mere 200 lindens. In fact, in that store packed with great designs paying homage to Hollywood’s best and brightest, 200 linden was the highest price of any of the lovely gowns I looked at.

Now normally, I don’t talk about the cost of dresses. We know the hours of work that can go into a new outfit. We know that it’s not just the perspiration, but also the inspiration. Even if many of us actually knew what we were doing, that does not automatically mean we could create something lovely, new and unique. So I don’t begrudge creators who ask a decent return on their time. But like anyone, when I find a tremendous value like this, it’s simply irresistible. I had so much fun shooting this dress my Flickr is packed with more than a dozen photos. Even shooting pics was irresistible. 

After the cut, there’s a shot of the back and a full-length photo, plus style notes. 

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