Tag Archives: blogher

Vacancy! Sweet!

Posted by Gidge Uriza

I’ve been a bit slaggy and worn out since the Blogher Conference (being logged into SL because you have to is soooo different that because you want to) and decided I needed some time to just rest. Cajsa suggested a quiet country motel with lots of fresh air and good, “salt of the earth” people.

I think I’ve found JUST the place. Waddya think? 🙂 Continue reading

Blogher 08 Returns to Second Life!

Okay I’m clearly the Blogher 08 Mascot as I showed up in the CNN iHub orientation area wearing the Blogher Colors.
I screwed this post up earlier and killed our side bar so I’m reposting and crossing my fingers as I type. Let this let be a lesson to me, don’t cross post from blogger. (Sorry for the bad photo – clearly this is NOT one of Cajsa’s beautiful photos). Continue reading