Tag Archives: Fresh Baked Goods

Five Reasons to Love Fresh Baked Goods

posted by Gidge Uriza

  1. Fresh Baked Goods Jewelry all comes loaded with color change scripts, so for L$100 you get myriad options!
  2. The names are just fun and sassy. I love designers who come up with fun names for their items. It catches my attention – and makes me remember them.
  3. Variety – with a small selection they still manage to capture a range of jewelry needs from cheeky retro, rocker to elegant.
  4. Beautiful, quality freebies. I get turned on by designers who love their customers, and prospective customers, enough to put out something nice.
  5. Price. I realize I already mentioned it, but when you consider that we don’t blink at spending L$300 or more on some pieces, knowing that Fresh Baked Goods has their items set at about L$100…..really, what a steal.

And no, this is not a paid endorsement. I just really love their jewelry! Continue reading

Sweater Weather Approacheth!

posted by Gidge Uriza

Sweaters, ladies. Sweater weather is coming. Yes you heard me. Labor Day is coming in the US which means we’ll be packing up our whites and our linen, and pulling out sweaters, tweeds and wool. Which makes this a perfect time to show off what I recently picked up at Stitchy by Stitch.

I like to check out the occasional art gallery and I’ve heard about Quadrapop Tree forever and never made it over. While I missed the grand opening of their sim, I managed to eek out some exploring time one afternoon recently and this little ensemble made the cut for the day.  Slinking around the mysterious modern landscape and taking in the wonderful pieces, this was a nice casual choice for such a nice open sim. Continue reading

Down the Rabbit Hole

When I went to Chakryn Forest I had no idea I would be falling down the rabbit hole. I just knew I had dressed up like a giant salt water taffy and should stay away from seaside resorts. You know, my favorite group in Second Life® is the Impossible In Real Life group. I get weekly (or thereabouts) notices of new builds and highlights – places to go, things to see. Many of the places I use in my photos I found through NPIRL. Chakryn Forest is just such a place and home of the group owner and organizer, Bettina Tizzy.

This is a forest for wandering – there’s hidden caves, underwater forests and a handsome Frenchman waiting to show you around, saying “Venez!” Actually, I presume he is not always there, but I was lucky enough to tp there when he was channeling his inner tour guide. Anyway, he’s the one that showed me through the rabbit hole.

This is just part of a lovely House of Cards Tableau, but i will let you find the rest yourself. Just find the White Rabbit and go straight south. Continue reading

Insert Title Here (or the Art of Fashion Blogging)


CL: Hello
GU: Hey There: : )
CL: Did you get a chance to go over to Orage yet and check out those other dollarbies?
GU: Just logged in
CL: Me, too.
GU: I will run over there now. Meet you?
CL: Okay, by the way, I sent her a link to the post I did on her stuff. She sent me a dress as a thank you.
GU: And I got a folder from Wig Wam Bam. I guess that AnonySue is right, WE DO GET ALL OUR STUFF FREE!!!
CL: lol! TP Me!

Continue reading

Stuff So Nice I Bought It Thrice

posted by Gidge Uriza

In my newbie-hood days, I was addicted to shopping but also had more than a bit of shopping ADD. I couldn’t always remember WHAT I had purchased.  A lot of this I attribute to my former crew who advised me to fill up my inventory with worthless garbage – so that the few GOOD pieces I had, I couldn’t remember their names – or where I got them, etc.

Consequently, I bought some of the same things more than once. 

This hair from Cake, and this dress from the former X3D now Digit Darkes is a great example. Continue reading

Curio-usly Mismatched

A short post while I work away on my blog project that I hope to finish tonight – I am halfway there. It takes some running around in-world, so I dressed for urban trekking in this fun jacket from LBD. The colors demanded an equally vibrant makeup, so I wore Curio’s Mismatch. There is a close up after the cut. Continue reading

Oh Mighty Isis

posted by Gidge Uriza

I am probably one of the only ones in SL who is old enough to REMEMBER the Isis/Shazaam power hour but I promise you, it was one of the GREAT moments of Saturday morning television during my childhood.

I popped into Prinny’s Prims jewelry based on a Fashcon notice several days ago because I’d never heard of her and I always need new jewelry. She had advertised a sweet freebie (not pictured) but while wandering the store I saw THIS – THE ISIS NECKLACE!!! Continue reading

Patriotica Part Five – Fresh Baked Patriotism

posted by Gidge Uriza

Another designer that is generous with the freebies especially around the holidays is SYD – Style Your Destiny.  For just a linden you can pick up this sweet little July 4 dress in their store in world or on ONREZ. I couldn’t resist the opportunity to break out my color change bracelets from Fresh Baked Goods.  I love these – any bracelet that I can make work with any outfit is definitely a best buy. Continue reading

I Ain't No Holla Back Girl

posted by Gidge Uriza

Miffy was horrified that I had been in SL over a year and only owned on proper set of boots. So when she gave me these – I knew I had to rock a fun outfit to go with. Something MAD MAX vs. spoiled Diva was what I was going for.

Digit Darkes had a L$1 sale on a hidden item, the Piper shirt and it was an incredible find.  Some designers do separates well, some do full outfits, but Digit does both and it’s so much fun to pick up a new piece and see what you can do with it. Continue reading

Lazing on a Sunday Afternoon

Fridays I go painting in the Louvre.
I’m bound to be proposing on a Saturday night
There he goes again.
I’ll be lazing on a Sunday lazing on a Sunday
Lazing on a Sunday afternoon………………Freddie Mercury

When I got dressed this morning, that song popped into my head. After battling ghost prims last night, I felt I deserved a good lazy day. For you non-lazers out there, lazing is not something you can just do on a whim. It’s an art form and requires mental discipline and proper clothing and equipment. First, you must discipline your mind to ignore unsorted mail, clothes wrinkling in the dryer, cat hair on the carpet and other distractions from a good laze. For equipment, you need some snacks and out of the can food so you can get in and out of the kitchen in two minutes or less – lest you slip and put away some dry dishes or wipe down the counter. Most importantly, you need the right clothes. Comfy, non-binding clothing that let’s you loll around on the couch, the floor, the grass, whither you wander. More importantly, the clothing cannot be too bright and cheery – bright and cheery colors pep you up and pep and lazing are incompatible. Not everyone can do it, but if you approach it with discipline, the proper uniform and a good mental attitude, you too could be lazing on a Sunday afternoon. Continue reading