Okay, this is probably bad form – blogging a freebie that is no longer available, but I wanted to highlight Neferia Abel’s generosity as well as show you how simple accessories like a belt and a shrug can change your look. This was a fairly vampish sheath, but with the shrug, the sleeveless vamp quality is dialed down and the modishness is dialed up. You see, any freebie from Neferia is just as well-made as her regular items and could just as easily be on the wall with all the other items for sale. Not only that, but she she has given an item a day during Christmas Advent season – this particular dress was an Advent present from 2007. Her group members often get one free color of her new releases (or they did when I was still a group member) I had to drop the group a while back because of space issues, but still remember rushing to get the free color and perhaps one or two other shades when a new dress came out.
Tag Archives: Love Magic
Digit's Egyptian Revival
I am always curious what Digit Darkes will do for festivals like the Digital Alchemy show at Kings Rezzable. Her design sensibility is so strong that you know that no matter where or what the initial inspiration, the ultimate design will be recognizably and indisputably hers. To be clear, that’s not saying she is uninfluenced by her inspirations – but rather that she never allows her source of inspiration to limit her design and that is truly the spirit of Egyptian Revival fashion. In essense, then with Digit’s design you have Egyptian Revival for 2009.
Theda Bara's Dress
Another favorite from the Digital Alchemy celebration of Egypt was this marvelous gown from Laughing Academy that wholeheartely embraced the multiple influences of the Art Deco Egyptian Revival movement. By designing a dress as an homage to Theda Bara, Laughing Academy frankly places the gown right smack in the middle of that movement.
In the Valley of the Kings
Among my most unique pieces of jewelry is a heavy ornate Egyptian Revival necklace with the head of King Tut made of bakelite. Both bakelite and King Tut arrived on the scene in 1922 and much of the jewelry of the later Egyptian Revival combined both of them. Admiring the Digital Alchemy event at Kings Rezzable, I was reminded more of the Egyptian Revival than anciant Egypt and that is as it should be – that was when Egypt was its most fashionable. That’s why Inorite’s classic bob is the perfect hairstyle – incorporating the modernism of the 1920’s with the Egyptian Revival aesthetic.
Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Heart Clubs Band

May I introduce to you Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Pants?
It was twenty years ago today,
Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play
They’ve been going in and out of style
But they’re guaranteed to raise a smile.
So may I introduce to you
The act you’ve known for all these years,
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.
More Love for Zaara
How could I not fall in love with this scarf from the incomparable Zaara? First, it’s peach and that shade of peach that flatters every skin tone in the world. Yes, there are colors that do flatter every skin tone with no reference to winter, spring, summer or fall. They are mid-tones, neither too warm nor too cool and include eggplant, teal, true red and peach/rose. To see how well peach works on all skin tones, you can see 15 women in peach here.
Quick Look: Plum Tea
This will be quick as I am running late and don’t want to be late for work. The focal point of this outfit is the stockings from Bijou – ably set off by a dress from Tea Lane and shoes from Shiny Things.
How much lace can one dress hold?
It’s a tough question and ably answered by Iota Ultsch of Tres Jolie in this marvelous dress of Guipure lace with the eponymous name Guipure. I love the beautifully balanced handdrawn lace textures in the bodice, glitch pants and skirt. This dress is all lace from top to toe.
Minnetonka Mocs
When I saw these moccasins at Sixty-Nine I was immediately reminded of my childhood and the wondrous Minnetonka Moccasins that were ubiquitous at every Minnesota tourist attraction in the state. I coveted a pair so much, but my parents would never spring for something so impractical and so I never had a pair of moccasins. Until yesterday when I stopped at Sixty-Nine and saw these and bought my first moccasins ever. They are every bit as comfortable as I imagined. I also immediately googled Minnetonka and lo, they are still making moccasins and I can get a pair like these for $75 so I just might be getting myself moccasins for a Christmas present in real life too. Though my inner practical self says no.
MDR: One Year Old
MDR Photo Studio was one year old yesterday – and we will be celebrating that milestone with a big party on Friday night at 6:30 PM SLT. In that year we have grown from 1024 sm of ocean in Glookbone to a full sim with our studio and a photo park. The photo above was shot on the beach at MDR where there are a couple of those wonderful wooden boats and rocks from Las Islas filled with beachy animations. I am not wearing the beachiest clothes, but Skin Flicks jacket is, despite its upscale fabric, completely wash and wear, so no worries.