Tag Archives: IC Eyes

Chupa Chup

I have no idea what Chupa Chup means, but it’s what Sissy Pessoa named this lovely dress (one I got at her half-price sale) and it sounds fun, so let’s run with it.  It’s bright colors and wild stripe pattern so reminded me of candy that when I could not remember the name while saving to disk, what my mind came up with was chuchui. It was a tad chilly so I added a shrug from Little Rebel and went with some ankle boots from Novocaine.

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New skin from Gala Phoenix: Sari with freckles

Sometimes the beauty of a dress is so self-evident that any attempt to describe it merely detracts from your pleasure in seeing the designer’s marriage of art and design and her balancing of the challenges of phantom flexi-prims with the demands of fashion.  The Kungler Couture Passion of the Black Swan dress by AvaGardner Kungler is exactly that sort of dress.  This is a dress that can take your breath away, so just sit back and enjoy the ride.

The fires of passion frame your face with feathers.

A panache of fire and black plumes frame your face together with the silver needles and thread of the old song, The Black Swan by Giancarlo Menotti.

Black Swan

The sun is falling and it lies in blood
The moon is weaving bandages of gold
Old black swan where oh where is my lover now
Where oh where is my lover now
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Under the bamboo tree

I made a lovely visit to the Gion sim this weekend and found this gorgeous walkway through a stand of bamboo. I could not resist stopping for some photos. Luckily I was dressed for shooting in this lovely high-waisted ruched skirt from Little Rebel and lovely ruffled top from Frangipani Designs.

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Oh playmate, come out and play with me

Now if we moved this shelf over there and that shelf over here...

Looking at the last few posts, you might think my weekend was long on glamour and formal occasions which is far from the truth considering the one big event I planned to attend, I missed by dilly-dallying. Speaking of dilly-dallying – here’s one of the places I dallied a lot this weekend, The Hollow Forest. More specifically, the children’s room in the house there.  As soon as I saw it I thought of the old song.

Oh playmate, come out and play with me
And bring your dollies three.
Climb up my apple tree,
Look down my rain barrel
Slide down my cellar door
And we’ll be jolly friends forever more.

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I do love Peacocks

The best treasure I found at Sari’s treasure hunt was a little top I bought for a mere 45L. You can see it in the photo. It’s called Diving Peacock – and you should know I find peacock deisgns irresistable. But what to wear with it?  Actually, yesterday i saw this adorable ruched high waisted skirt in teal at Little Rebel, but my dilemma was a few days ago. All my system skirts left about an inch of bare belly which is just too informal for the look I wanted.

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Treasures Found

I only spent a few minutes at Sari’s treasure hunt looking for the big balls of yarn, but was thrilled with my find – a lovely Indian print outfit featuring this blouse with a different  skirt. After I put it on, I felt like exploring and went to ShowCase, the new search feature that replaces the Most Popular Places tab. It’s a great feature and has lead me to new places like the balloon ride – which crosses something like 20 sims and takes 30 minutes. Continue reading


I love Innovations, with a capital or a lower case I. DG Innovations has long been a favorite store since I first discovered it last year looking for a ball gown for Christmas. It’s well named as the fashions range far and wide in inspiration but stay close to home and consistent in quality.  I wasn’t looking or needing anything new when I dropped by Innovations yesterday – not at all – but then I saw this and all was lost.

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And then there was Yodeling Elaine – the Queen of the air

Aerial Assault at the Carnival of Doom

We put up our tent on a dark
Green knoll, outside of town by
The train tracks and a seagull dump
Topping the bill was Horse Face Ethel
And her ‘Marvellous Pigs In Satin’

We pounded our stakes in the ground
All powder brown
And the branches spread like scary
Fingers reaching
We were in a pasture outside Kankakee

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okay, so I CAN mod my hair, sort of…

I was able to mod my hair last night and move the single offending hair prim out of my cheek. YAY! It took 4 minutes and clicking the move Y- button twenty-two times. NOT SO YAY!  And that was with everything going my way.  I was lucky that i guessed y-minus right off the bat and didn’t spend any time clicking the other 5 options at all. And of course, if the prim had been behind another prim, i woul have spent 10-20 minutes moving one prim out of the way so I could click on the prim I need to move and then moving the prim in the way back to position. Actually, no I wouldn’t, I would have given up and deleted the hair.  Honestly, edit scripts are a poor substitute for being able to edit hair. It’s time-consuming and frustrating. And Damselfly is one of my favorite hair stylists, dagnabbit.But on to more cheerful things like the gorgeous dress from TOSL that I have on. Continue reading

I want to mod my hair

When I saw the new Seduction dress from Mimikri I began to drool. After mopping up, I popped over to the store and picked up the sexy Seduction in Nude.   I added a bit of contrast with tan gloves from Fleur and a stole from Skin Flicks.With the coffee lipstick on the PXL skin, I thought the palette was just about perfect.

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