I had plans to go out and do some shopping and maybe have a little lunch, but the wind howling through the pines and the snow accumulating on my windows told me that I’d best order in, and make no plans for this wintry day. Continue reading
I had plans to go out and do some shopping and maybe have a little lunch, but the wind howling through the pines and the snow accumulating on my windows told me that I’d best order in, and make no plans for this wintry day. Continue reading
My quest to make a Linden home adorable is NEVER ending. I had furniture delivered while I was gone, and when I arrived home I have to say I wasn’t disappointed. I picked up the Andel set from Cheeky Pea at Collabor88 and I didn’t get all of it, now I feel silly and will have to do, I’ve reduced my prim count so much that I am reconsidering other furniture now.
I am going to end up with the cutest Linden house ever. I wonder if they have a Home Show? Continue reading
This has not been the best morning. I just spent twenty minutes running around this Linden neighborhood looking for my cat. WHERE IS MY CAT? She wasn’t in bed with me like she should be. The Kittycats hud won’t find her. WHERE IS MY CAT? And – somehow, in the night, someone has stolen all of my nail polish. My entire rack is empty and I know for a FACT I locked the doors. I was not starting out right at all. Plus, I was tired. Continue reading
“Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.” Benjamin Franklin
Hybie is wearing:
Skin: Lara Hurley – Jade tan – ONE VOICE EVENT
Hair: Wasabi Pills – Teeloh Mesh – Vanilla Pudding ONE VOICE EVENT
Shape: Savoir Faire Shapes – Yvonne 2.0 ONE VOICE EVENT
Eyes: Mayfly – Liquid Light Mesh Eyes- Deep Ice ONE VOICE EVENT
Bikini: Mon Cheri – Strong Bikini – Girl Next Door ONE VOICE EVENT
Heels: N-core Shark II White – ONE VOICE EVENT
Sacha’s Designs has released Novice in a special Christmas release that is full of ball gown goodness.
And no, I won’t put on a skirtshape. You can’t make me! Continue reading
PixelDolls Crochet Dress Kit
In plurk yesterday someone asked where folks buy gestures and I snarked that I don’t buy them because I hate them. I have never used the Woot! or Hoo! gestures. In fact, I deleted them as I do most gestures. So of course, friends have had to send me little messages saying Woot! because that’s how the world works.
PixelDolls Marie Lace
Now, about a week ago, I was actually in a position where the Woot! gesture would have been appropriate. You might recall the outfit I wore last week with the black crochet gloves. Folks could not find it, so I im’ed Nephaline Protagonist the creator of PixelDolls and asked if it was still on sale. She said she was going to make it a group gift, but then….the next day I got this off-line IM to email. “Hi sweetie! I tracked down that glove map, and reworked the whole thing a bit- I had quite forgotten what a neat top and stuff that was. I just put some items in my shop that use the maps- I’m sending you copies via Xstreet. Thanks for everything!!! <3”
PixelDolls Marie Crochet
Woot! She released three (four if you count the white skirt options) versions of the older dress, reworked so they are even better. So here they are, thanks in part to you readers asking how to find those gloves, which prompted me to ask, prompting her to revisit those old files. And seriously, these dresses are too sexy by half – whether the daring crochet or the slightly more demure lace, with or without the corset. These are clothes for when you are hell bent on seduction and some of the hottest gloves ever.
Digit Darkes knows how to make sexy, romantic, fall in love forever dresses like no one else. Everytime you think, this is it, it doesn’t get any better, along comes something new and exciting and sexy. Now I liked it when I saw it in the store. I liked it enough to buy it, but had not put it on yet when I saw it at Fabulous Fashion TV last week. Oh my, this is one of those dresses that have to be seen. No photo can capture how the dress glitters and shimmers in the light. I was tempted to change into the dress right then in there in the studio, but I resisted and kept my low ARC system clothing on. /me pats self on the back.
It’s shopping! The bright and cheery Early Summer Flower dress from Slow Kitchen is just the thing to lighten your spirit. With a dash of cotton crochet lace at the bodice, a light and flowly skirt and a cheerful print, it’s the cure for what ails you.
A beautiful, though sorrowful, event is going on – the literal SwanSong of the Black Swan sim. Like other Rezzable sims that all of us have loved, it will be leaving us shortly. But, it’s going out in glory with a SwanSong of artistic inspiration and design – a sale of skin, clothing, jewelry and even some houses inspired by Black Swan sim and the the elements. This glorious dress is Zaara Kohime’s inspired homage to the sim.
Sometimes the best outfits happen by accident. I was trying on some clothes the other night, getting ready to go dancing and had just put on a beautiful goth lolita dress from Blue Blood, but I really wanted something more clubby – so I right clicked on the folder for this black and white mini from bdreams. When it rezzed, I still had the corset and stockings from the Blue Blood outfit remaining and I thought it looked hotter than hot. I added some gloves and red tights under the Blue Blood stocking and sure enough, when I dropped by the Skin Fair, someone said “Rawr!” hence the title.