Now if we moved this shelf over there and that shelf over here...
Looking at the last few posts, you might think my weekend was long on glamour and formal occasions which is far from the truth considering the one big event I planned to attend, I missed by dilly-dallying. Speaking of dilly-dallying – here’s one of the places I dallied a lot this weekend, The Hollow Forest. More specifically, the children’s room in the house there. As soon as I saw it I thought of the old song.
Oh playmate, come out and play with me
And bring your dollies three.
Climb up my apple tree,
Look down my rain barrel
Slide down my cellar door
And we’ll be jolly friends forever more.
So, dressing for fun and play, I jumped at the chance to wear the Aoharu boots and this lovely embroidered dress from The Closet. The dress comes with several skirt prims from so short you can only wear it as a blouse to a full-length long skirt. As is, it’s a baby doll, but I lowered the skirt a bit to give myself a waist.
I added a belt on the jacket layer just for fun and emphasize that reclaimed waist. The necklace is from EArthStones and matches the outfit perfectly with its lighthearted mood.
The hair style is from creamshop. To be completely frank, this is my favorite hair style in all of SL. It is most like my RL hair which I always put up before leaving the house. I hate stuff in my hair, so I generally pin it up with one barette, scrunchy or concorde clip and a stern warning not to fall down. It is obedient enough to stay up – but up in disarray like this. Sadly, I do not wear this hair much. Just putting it on, my ARC jumps 6500. I don’t know if it’s the highest ARC hair in the world, but it’s the race. Still, there are days when I am running around, but not among crowds and just keeping my own company and I put on my highest ARC hair I own and jump in mud puddles, too.
I’m sorry Playmate, I cannot play with you
My dollies have the flu,
Boo-hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo.
Ain’t got no rain barrel
Ain’t got no cellar door
But we’ll be jolly friends forever more.
Photography by Cajsa Lilliehook MDR Photo Studio
****STYLE NOTES******
- Skin: Chai Ginger Becca
- Eyes: IC-Eyes Soulful Hazel
- Lashes: CyberNetic L#b1
- Nails: Love Magic Glassy Orange
- Hair:Creamshop Cherry Brown with ChuChu
- Dress: The Closet VTG Ruffle Dress Yellow
- Shoes: Aoharu Walk Back Ribbon Short Boots Orange
- Jewelry: EarthStones Burst Hot
Beautiful – you look just incredible in that skin, and the colouring of it goes SOOOOOOOOO well with the hair.
Thanks, I do love the Ginger skin from CHAI and with the 50% off sale last week, I added some new ones.