Okay, that title is a reach, I admit it. But this gingham skirt from AOHORU had me reaching for superlatives to describe it and coming up short. I lovely pink, blue and green satin gingham, the lovely color combination is only surpassed by the quality of the fit and design. The belt rests exactly where it should, the prim skirt attaches beautifully without butt bubbles. It’s so well-made I did not have to nudge and adjust a thing and that sort of excellence deserves a Holy Batwings! sort of exclamation. What does deserve a big exclamation, though, is the lucky fact that AOHARU just put everything on sale for 50% off. Holy Lindens, Batman!!!
The excellence from OAHARU doesn’t stop there, however, look at the charming turtleneck that once again has perfect prim placement for the sculptural fullness and verisimilitude we all want. Best of all, by putting the prim collar on the spine, you can put on a necklace without losing the collar – a frequent occurence since many designers instinctively put it on the chest (makes sense) as do most jewelry designers. The skirt and tops are sold in several colors and in a great fat pack. However, to find the fat pack you need sharp eyes, they are a small white square at the BOTTOM of the shelving unit holding the clothes. Sadly, I found them after I bought a few skirts and tops.
More photos on Flickr. This photo was shot in from of the installation by Strawberry Fields @ the Garden of NPIRL (Not Possible in Real Life) Additional info and style notes after the break. Continue reading →