I appreciate the breakfast in bed but why does my maid only bring me the same thing every day. Oh well, I am too lazy to complain and too hungry not to eat it.
I feel like I’m forgetting something today. It’s the first day of hurricane season, I know that. It’s the first day of PRIDE – yay I need to to shopping. But what am I forgetting?

I need more caffeine. Surely I’ll think of it.

Oh my god….she though while brushing her gorgeous locks – it’s HAIR FAIR helllll yes!!
Hair Fair!! That GLORIOUS event that signals that summer is in full swing. You can hop over HERE and do your preliminary looksee to decide what you’ll get in your first round of shopping. Hair Fair requires more than one round, obviously.
Imma hit the shower and get ready.

I didn’t post my shower pic because I’m nekkid and you can see some bootie and I don’t wanna be shocking. You can see it over on FLICKR if you wanna. I’m grabbing second breakfast at home (more economical) and then I’m hitting the road. Time to get my shopping on!!
Gidge Is Ready for the Day In:
2nd Look:
Ink;~silentsparrow~ Foxlove Tattoo – All – Faded
Brows: Izzie’s – LeL Evo X – 16 Eyebrows (thin) pink 75%
Ring: (Yummy) Diamond Solitaire Ring – Gold – Maitreya
Earrings: (Yummy) Luxury Earring Collection – Guarded Pearl
Robe: -tres blah- Open Robe (Maitreya) – Bouquet
Head:/ HEAD / lel EvoX NOEL 3.1
Hair: Exile:: Imogen (B)
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – LaraX V1.1
Slippers: [Maitreya] The Secret Store – Boudoir Slippers – Rose
Skin” [7DS] – BODY 2020 TRESNA bom skin CARAMEL browless
1st Look:
Gidge is Saturday Slow In:
Ink: ~silentsparrow~ Foxlove Tattoo – All – Faded
Brows:Izzie’s – LeL Evo X – 16 Eyebrows (thin) pink 75%
Freckles: LeLUTKA.EvoX.Freckles.013
Ring: (Yummy) Diamond Solitaire Ring – Gold – Maitreya
Earrings: (Yummy) Luxury Earring Collection – Guarded Pearl
Head:/ HEAD / lel EvoX NOEL 3.1
Hair: Exile:: Imogen (B)
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – LaraX V1.1
Pajamas: Tres Blah – Slumber Party Pj’s (Lara) VINTAGE
Slippers;{Sakura} Beary Cute Slippers – Flat – Lara
Skin: [7DS] – BODY 2020 TRESNA bom skin CARAMEL browless