Tag Archives: muism

Calling on the Classics

After the avant garde funkiness of the Kitty coat yesterday, I felt a need to reach for the classics – those wonderful trusty items that never fail. And what could be more classic than a lovely plaid skirt, an oxford-cloth shirt and a cardigan. This stunningly well-made shirt is from Muism – and the prim parts fit flawlessly with just a tiny bit of adjustment. With it, I wore the Irelyn Houndstooth scarf to match the fabric in the Vogart skirt.

The skirt is from Vogart and as always is a perfectly made a-ling prim skirt.  I wish Vogart made more skirts because Vogart skirts are the most well-made I have. They simply look perfect everytime. The cardigan is from Frangipani Designs – a simple classic with classic good looks. Continue reading

Fleur Perfection

Creamy Cooljoke just wrote about this lovely group gift from Le Petite Fleur yesterday and I had to have it – in part because I used to this dress in RL or one substantially similar. Seeing it made me nostalgic and I rushed to get the dress which took all of two seconds since it was a group gift. It was chilly last night, though, so I added a shrug from Stitch by Stitch to cover the bare shoulders and stay a bit warmer. Continue reading

What do you call a dress that is almost free?

So…I am wandering around the Best of Italian Design sim – popping in to test a store SLUrl I added to the directory – and discovered OC: Orage Creations and dropped everything I was doing just to enjoy the marvelously surreal designs. Although most were priced about average for high fashion gowns, there were two dresses indistinguishable from the others in quality, but marked down without fanfare to 10 and 20L. I snapped them up and decided to share the wealth by spreading the word. The first one I put together with MiaSnow’s magnificently eccentric Wild Woman Hair – a magic chair gift. She kindly set the chair to 5 minutes, so it won’t take you all day to win. I thought the wild span of the hair and the wild black plumage at the top of the dress was a nice pairing.

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It's Not Sold Out In Second Life®

Some Second Life designers are real life designers whose creations take a journey from idea, to paper, to fabric to pixels, linking their First and Second Life design business. Carnal, House of Nyla and Petal Meg are a few that pop into my head without doing any research. Another, though, has been added to that list, Poison Candy, located at the Cannery Rezzable. They have irreverent, irrepressible and imaginative designs such as this charming tattoo dress, which is currently sold out in Real Life. Ah, the advantages of  Second Life!!!! 

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Saints and Butterflies

Nyla Cheeky had her semi-annual 50% sale that convinced me that now is the time to get this dress I have been eying for months. Called Sainte Marie, it is rich confection of detailed black embroidery on vibrant blue. Nyla’s a real life designer who often brings her creations in-world so we can enjoy her creativity. Many of her dresses make me smile and even laugh out loud with their bright cheery colors and droll with. Relatively restrained for a House of Nyla dress, the Sainte Marie still has that special touch – in the detailed embroidery, the naughty black netting ruffle peeping out below the skirt and the custom shoes to coordinate, for example.  This is a dress for afternoon parties that can take you into an evening event – and the bright blue does wonders for most people’s eyes.

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Dotty About Creamshop

Let’s clear one thing up first. I love polka dots. Not surprisingly, they are named after the dance, but only because at the time textile manufacturers were producing the polka dot fabrics, the polka was the hottest dance craze around. Just think, if polka dots had not come out then, but say in the 20’s the may have been Charleston Dots or Shimmy Dots. If they were named today, what would they be called? Crump Dots? I kind of like the name Shimmy Dots, but I don’t suppose we could persuade the world to change the name.

Creamshop makes two delicious polka dot skirts in one lovely fatpack. I am wearing the black with gold dots, there is also a white with gold dots skirt. There are lovely bubble skirts – a skirt fashion more suited to SL than RL where wrinkling and flattening while you sit are not going to leave your skirt out of sorts all day long. As you can see, they provided another opportunity to throw on my Elphaba shoes from Digit Darkes. I believe there might actually be a dozen outfits by now with those shoes on this blog (just guessing!) Continue reading

Red Delicious

I have had this deliciously fresh Apple dress from Heartattack & Vine for quite awhile without breaking it out of the closet. I love the design, the retro pop print, the colors, everything about it, except that when I put it on, it just didn’t look quite right. Putting it on again last night, it finally clicked. It really needed a nice chunky jacket. I knew just the one – the short leather jacket from Ce Cubic Effect which they fortunately made in a rich red that suited the dress perfectly.

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Cotton Candy

I am noticing a trend. Chocolate, saltwater taffy and now cotton candy. Some sweet tooth must be experiencing a renaissance in my subconscious. But truly how else to describe these confectionary colors that are so common and so charming in this Spring’s collections. This pink is not a floral pink, it’s not a celestial pink, it’s a confectionary pink.  That’s why these luscious colors make us salivate. This particular confection comes to us from Mimikri – I know, twice in 2 days I am wearing a Mimikri outfit, but I dress by whim and want – not with an overarching plan to present some cross-section of Second Life® fashion.

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Shopping in the City

Have you been to The World yet? It’s a lovely sim, with all the appearance of and old medieval city throughout. The only anachronistic features are modern steam pipes and, of course, teleport technology.  Not being an RPG player, I wore this delightful sundress from Casa del Shai. When I saw how perfectly it matched the pots in the market, I could not resist taking a snap. With it I am wearing the too charming to be believed mules from Aphrodite Outlander of AC Creations. These shoes are adorable and delightful. Completely the outfit, the cherry wood Boho Gypsy from EarthTones. There are more photos on Flickr – and a closeup and style notes after the jump.

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Look Like Gold

You look like gold to me, and I’m not too blind to see.
Oh, you look like gold.
Said, you look like gold.

And you make me want to sing with all the joy you bring.
Oh, you look like gold.
Oh, you look like gold.

Like the rays down from the sun when a new day has just begun.
You look like gold.
You look like gold.   (Ben Harper)

The moment I saw this dress, these lyrics from Ben Harper popped into my head and stuck. Oh, they stuck!!! Adam and Eve are geniuses at making fluid fabrics that shimmer and shine. Wearing this Snakeskin Gold dress of theirs is like wearing liquid gold. So of course, I dug into my gold jewelry to accessorize, mixing earrings and bangles from DeLa with the perfect gold texture of the Kraftika necklace #112. Yes, I know I wear it a lot. That’s because it’s the Goldilocks of gold – not too brassy, not too bright, not too dull, it’s just right. Speaking of just right – those Glamour Metallic Pumps from Detour are also just right. The water spray from the falls obscures their sheen a bit, but for a perfectly balanced gold, you can’t find better. For more photos, see my Flickr. Continue reading