Tag Archives: kraftika

On the Sunny Side of the Street

The sunshine yellow in this joyful spring skirt and blouse from Mimikri made me think of the joyful and exuberant song “On the Sunny Side of the Street.”  This is the yellow of sunshine and springtime.   That song is particularly interesting in that many believe it was written about the experience of “passing” – the practice by some light-skinned blacks of passing as white to increase their opportunities.

Grab your coat and get your hat
Leave your worries on the doorstep
Life can be so sweet
On the sunny side of the street

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Beneath the tree that died

I shot these photos at AM Radio’s Beneath the Tree That Died art installation that had been at the University of KY sim but is now at Welsh Lakes up in the sky between his other builds.  The rail fence is not part of the build. It’s Luth Brodie’s pose rail. I really wanted to shoot this outfit with a western feeling, bringing the Naive boho skirt back to its country roots.  I must say I spent more time on getting the Style Notes together on this post than is healthy – and ended up having a mini shopping spree while doing so as the shirt and vest in the picture because a mystery requiring all my best detecting skills.

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Theda Bara's Dress

Another favorite from the Digital Alchemy celebration of Egypt was this marvelous gown from Laughing Academy that wholeheartely embraced the multiple influences of the Art Deco Egyptian Revival movement. By designing a dress as an homage to Theda Bara, Laughing Academy frankly places the gown right smack in the middle of that movement.

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In the Valley of the Kings

Among my most unique pieces of jewelry is a heavy ornate Egyptian Revival necklace with the head of King Tut made of bakelite. Both bakelite and King Tut arrived on the scene in 1922 and much of the jewelry of the later Egyptian Revival combined both of them.  Admiring the Digital Alchemy event at Kings Rezzable, I was reminded more of the Egyptian Revival than anciant Egypt and that is as it should be – that was when Egypt was its most fashionable. That’s why Inorite’s classic bob is the perfect hairstyle – incorporating the modernism of the 1920’s with the Egyptian Revival aesthetic.

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The Velvet

Every Sunday afternoon finds me at the Velvet – the marvelous indie music club on the Downtown sim.  The Velvet is a favorite club for many reasons, not least that there are no gesture addicts there. People actually have conversations with each other so it’s not silenced by IM private chat either.  By and large, people are generally pleasant and friendly though a few are self-proclaimed music snobs. There’s a lot of music conversation and folks have a good time. There’s no dress code and people generally come as they are. This is what I wore this Sunday while dancing the afternoon away.

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Adele Dazzles

Regular readers know I there are a few designers that simply flip my switches. What they do just appeals to me on a different level than most fashion. Most designs that I like, I can admire and evaluate relatively objectively. If it’s reasonably priced, I will buy it. If not, I won’t.  Then there are those whose designs disconnect my brain from my wallet and blow my budget. They do something unique and new. Their clothing doesn’t remind me of anyone else. It’s wholly their own. LadyThera Taurog of Lady Thera’s Art & Fashion is one such designer and if ever there were a case of brain disconnection, it is this dress.

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Winter Garden: Gypsophilia & Ginkgo

So I am going to go overboard and drive you mad with Modern Gypsy posts, I am that excited. This post will look at two of Micah Kanto’s designs for Modern Gypsy, Babybreath and Genko. You mission, should you choose to accept it, is to determine which is which.

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Christmas Quickie #1

I have several Christmas outfits that I have dithered around and not posted, so I will make some quick and short posts. This is Flirty Christmas from 24Shoo – a store I encountered when deleting landmarks – a mystery landmark that I had to follow before deleting. I will have to go back again. There were some cool shoes there but their vendors were messed up and nothing on that wall was for sale. This was in another area, so lucky me… a flirty, lovely cocktail dress.

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Winter Warmth

Wouldn’t it be lovely to be able to wear all the lovely winter wools and layers and run around in the snow and ice and have your feet stay warm, dry and toasty? Wait,  it’s Second Life and I can. Whee! As someone who grew up in the Minnesota Northwoods – who remembers the joy of touching a frozen metal stair rail with my tongue at age five and recalls my hand sticking to the door handle of my dad’s car, I so love living in a warmer place that seldom sees a flake of snow. But I would have occasional bouts of nostalgia for the sparking beauty of winter snow, of hoarfrost on the trees and all the loveliness that winter brings. Second Life gives me a taste of that without the chapped lips and runny nose.  And so I can dress for these winter wonderlands in lovely wools such as this Zona Cero coat and this Boom sweater.

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It's All Golden

Shai Delacroix knows how to texture dresses so they look wonderful on you. She adds shadows, contours and shading so the dress is not just fitting your body, but it also looks like it’s fitting your body.  Her clothes are a dream to photograph because they are never flat and lifeless. Today, I am wearing her gold Aemillia dress and feel like a million bucks.

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