I spent a fun morning on the grid, running about, flying hither and thither, and shopping up a storm as well. I even stopped off for a bit of hide and seek in a trunk. Well, actually it’s a posing trunk I picked up at Attetuede where I found so many fun little animations and props that it was hard to choose only one. I have placed it in the Forest Box at MDR for folks to shoot. The outfit I picked up here, there and everywhere… and it’s perfect for play. In particular, the Athlete Heels from Redgrave add a playful bit of fun.
Tag Archives: Reel Expression
To a Butterfly
- This dress from Magnolia is an Ode to Butterflies with its lovely embroidered green and bronze butterflies on the sheer overskirt. Butterflies appliqued on top of more butterflies form the hem.
I’ve watched you now a full half-hour;
Self-poised upon that yellow flower
And, little Butterfly! indeed
I know not if you sleep or feed.
How motionless!–not frozen seas
More motionless! and then
What joy awaits you, when the breeze
Hath found you out among the trees,
And calls you forth again!
Ciphers are a girl's best friend
Frankly, I have also heard the same about diamonds. However, if you’re talking fashion – the store Cipher on Mooncat Izumo is definitely in the girl’s best friend category with some hot jackets that are fresh and unique designs like this shrug I am wearing with a Canimal dress. Nothing brings a dress up a notch as well as well-chosen shrug or jacket and the Cipher jackets are amazing.
Ready to Dance
Oh, this gorgeously pop outfit from Moxie Polano is the pants and top for dancing. I would be ready to head out to First Avenue if I still lived in the Cities. Almost no one who lives there calls them the Twin Cities, we just would say The Cities as if there were no other ones on the planet. First Avenue was a favorite dance club when I was in college – and is well-known to many of you as that is the setting of Purple Rain. It was a short walk from my weekend job at the Planetarium when I was in college and so was a regular Saturday night stop. When I put this outfit on, I immediately thought of the club and wondered if it still existed and what it looked like. So reassuring to see that it has lasted.
EarthStones Hunt
I have found 13 out of 15 of the items at the EarthStones easter egg hunt, but have been defeated by two. I already IM’ed Abraxxa and shook my fist and hollered “damn you for hiding them so well.” Of course, she knew I was kidding and laughed. She assured me that one of the two I have not found was in plain sight, but you know, that’s always the way it is. I probably stood on it.
Now this hunt is a little different as not all items are free, some cost 10 or 50L, but that’s still a huge bargain. Among my finds were the lovely casuals sandals I am wearing. Of course, hunts get you looking around and finding things you cannot resist and one of those was in one of the rental shops outside her store – where I found this skirt that I matched up with the bodice from one of Kunglers Couture gowns. There’s a half dozen different colors and I was tempted to get all of them. The skirts are beautifully made and have a marvelous lacy cutwork texture.
In Bloom
Every once in a while someone makes a dress that makes everyone stop and take a breath and sigh. The newest dress from Mimikri is that kind of dress. There is a black version that is all black – which makes it a very different dress – and equally striking, but the sheer springlike femininity of the pink, blue and yellow versions of this dress is unrivaled. The skirt is a riot of flowers with a ruched satin bodice and it’s absolutely luscious.
Yes We Can Can
Something about this dress makes me think of burlesque halls, saloons and the cancan. I expect to see Toulouse Lautrec popping up out of the floor and saying “Beauty. Freedom. Truth.” However, I still wanted to shoot outdoors so I went to Athan Selidor on the sim Athan.
The details in the dress from Fumi are stunning. It comes with the hat, stockings, prim garters, prim sleeves, a prim skirt and the prim sash with flowers. What drew me to the dress was the lovely wine color and the rich textural details in the lace, the sleeves and the skirt.
Shooting @ Sick
Sick is an awesome sim for anytime you want to shoot an urban setting at night. With all the signage and the busy night streets, it’s really the perfect backdrop for urban chic – on the noir side. Unfortunately you cannot rez poseballs, but you can use a pose hud.
I saw Sasy wearing this dress the other night at Truth and knew I had to get it – and to wear it with this leather shrug from Cipher. The minute I saw the dress, this shrug came to mind, though I was unsure whether to wear the black or run over to Cipher and buy their red one (it comes in 5 colors) but my budget conscience carried the day and I stayed with the black shrug I already purchased.
Art & Fashion
Lady Thera’s Art & Fashion is the store for art lovers who also love fashion. She doesn’t just plop a picture on a t-shirt but rather samples the original art in order to create patterns with which she creates new and original work. Her sampling is so well done, you might call her LT Cool, but you had probably better not. This dress is based on William Turner’s work. Turner was the master of painting sea and sky which you can sense from this dress. There’s a marvelous online collection at the Tate Online.
This picture, by the way, was shot at MDR Photo Park – on the black field, a huge flat black plane. I then just rezzed some surreal flowers from MiaSnow including an artichoke tree. Because I am not landscaping, I can stack flowers on top of flowers, making a sort of box of flowers and get a full background with any gaps filled in by the black field. It’s a fun, fast and easy way to make an impressionistic background like this.
Another Visit to Embryo
I went back to Embryo for a quick visit last night after some hair shopping at Exile where I grabbed this gorgeous new style, Rayne. The dress I got awhile back from Damiani and I love the matching stockings that come with it, the lovely floral print cooridating perfectly with the dress.