I relay for many people in my life… my mother, an aunt, an uncle, a cousin and numerous friends … some who have won… some who are losing… and some who have lost to this evil enemy we call CANCER. I will be participating in an event next Saturday – a date auction to benefit Relay for Life. Located at the Balboa Theatre. If you want more information or an auction form, please stop by my shop, Flutterby Tattoo’s. And consider dropping a few Lindens in the RFL kiosk while you are there… I Relay… do you?
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Tag Archives: Miel
Patriotic Pair….
I’ve seen these jeans in posters around the grid for a while and FINALLY found them for sale… so I jumped on them… and when my friend Buzz saw me in them he said.. “hey, I think I have something almost just like that.” And with that…. you have an inspired blog post….. Meet my guest (impromptu) model – Buzz Bumblefoot.
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Barrier Methods
If there is anything you learn growing up in the land of the ice and snow, it’s that you need to stay dry and keep the wet cold off of you. Layers, and the right ones are the key. You’ll get cold, but you won’t be TOO miserable by the time you get home to peel off your frozen outerwear and warm back up.
Being warm is a bugaboo for me. As a child, we had a house with out insulation. After the blizzard hit, we spent many nights sleeping in every item of clothing we owned, on the floor in front of the fireplace.
So, I won’t be cold. Not ever, if I can help it. Continue reading
LOTD – November 9, 2013
LivGlam had a Halloween Hunt on their sim last month and this lovely dress is something I picked up while exploring the nooks and crannies of the shops. I love how most of her outfits have a HUD for changing the color scheme. Today I’m wearing one of the purple options.
More after the cut….
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LOTD – August 25, 2013
I’ve been doing too much shopping and not enough blogging. So this lazy Sunday morning, I thought I’d throw together a quick LOTD with some of my newest purchases.
When Miel is on the $50 L friday list – its the FIRST place I head and this last week was no disappointment.
Obligatory Rainbow Fence Photo Included
I was out doing my Saturday morning farmer’s market shopping when I spied it. A Rainbow Fence! I quickly ran over, struck a pose and snapped. Now I can get that piece on my fashionista punch card punched out and I can trade it in for a free gift! I hope it’s a toaster! Continue reading
Sweeter Than Honey
What is sweeter than honey? How about a dress that can be worn 248,832 different ways. The Nautica dress from Miel (Honey by any other name would taste as sweet.) There are 12 colors (n) and 5 options (r), order is important and colors can be used more than once. You can test it yourself. You can even type in the colors and generate a list of all the combinations. However the specifics really don’t matter, do they, with this deliciously casual dress with all the right details from the gorgeous front pleat to the rope shoulder straps.

Nauticaa’s Color Change Hud
It’s only green.
I’ve been redecorating my little slice of SL heaven, better known as a 1536 plot. Well I’ve been redecorating it repeatedly actually. I have an addiction to houses, skyboxes and furniture. At the moment, I’m on the ground. While putzing around in my new Miel frock, I noticed that it looked nice with my house and land, and so, pictures were born. A couple of things I’d like to call out in the look beside the awesomely fun frock. My necklace is from tea.s and the headband is the jelly glitter headband from Lark! Continue reading
I Just Wrote To Say…
I have been on a quest for the pinkish typewriter from Floorplan and after several days, I found it and danced with joy when I took it home to begin writing my masterpiece. But what to write? Continue reading
Vacation Clothes
Growing up we had a family tradition of vacationing at the Gulf of Mexico. All people from Indiana do so, from what I can tell. Once we had settled into our hotel, my mother and I traditionally went to a ladies “beach store” and we each got one nice sundress, matching flip flops and sometimes a necklace.
Shell necklace obviously. Continue reading