Tag Archives: blowpop

O Admiral, My Admiral

My apologies to Walt Whitman.

Last Saturday, I saw Uma’s marvelous post with the My Admiral Jacket from Milk Motion. She is one of my favorite bloggers and someone whose originality and fashion wit brings real joy and elan to the feed.  I have never met her, but certainly get the impression that she is what we call “nice people” in my neck of woods as her blog is always positive and a delight. When I saw that jacket I knew I had to have it and seriously, it was a struggle to take it off. In fact, I wore it in two outfits back to back.

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Hee Haw or I wasn't kidding about the boots.

Normally I would wait and post this in the morning, but since I have shown you Miffy in these old lace up boots in black, I thought you would enjoy the funny coincidence that we were both wearing the same boots, but in completely different styles. After a trip to magi take, I could not resist showing off my finds – especially since it reminds me of cleaning out the cow barn at my uncle’s dairy farm. This may be TMI, but I assure you it’s much more pleasant shoveling straw and manure than washing down the milk off the floor in the milking shed.

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So, when I saw the new poses from DARE made in response to a challenge to create poses based on the photographs of Robert Longo I was reminded of the dance sequence from Funny Face.  I didn’t want to dress exactly like she did in that scene, but did want to dress in something that was authentically representative of that style and era. The cigarette pants from Ingenue are the key ingredient.

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EarthStones Hunt

I have found 13 out of 15 of the items at the EarthStones easter egg hunt, but have been defeated by two. I already IM’ed Abraxxa and shook my fist and hollered “damn you for hiding them so well.”  Of course, she knew I was kidding and laughed.  She assured me that one of the two I have not found was in plain sight, but you know, that’s always the way it is. I probably stood on it.

Now this hunt is a little different as not all items are free, some cost 10 or 50L, but that’s still a huge bargain. Among my finds were the lovely casuals sandals I am wearing. Of course, hunts get you looking around and finding things you cannot resist and one of those was in one of the rental shops outside her store – where I found this skirt that I matched up with the bodice from one of Kunglers Couture gowns. There’s a half dozen different colors and I was tempted to get all of them. The skirts are beautifully made and have a marvelous lacy cutwork texture.

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Yes We Can Can

Something about this dress makes me think of burlesque halls, saloons and the cancan. I expect to see Toulouse Lautrec popping up out of the floor and saying “Beauty. Freedom. Truth.”  However, I still wanted to shoot outdoors so I went to Athan Selidor on the sim Athan.

The details in the dress from Fumi are stunning. It comes with the hat, stockings, prim garters, prim sleeves, a prim skirt and the prim sash with flowers. What drew me to the dress was the lovely wine color and the rich textural details in the lace, the sleeves and the skirt.

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Shooting @ Sick

Street Signage at Sick

Sick is an awesome sim for anytime you want to shoot an urban setting at night. With all the signage and the busy night streets, it’s really the perfect backdrop for urban chic – on the noir side. Unfortunately you cannot rez poseballs, but you can use a pose hud.

I saw Sasy wearing this dress the other night at Truth and knew I had to get it – and to wear it with this leather shrug from Cipher. The minute I saw the dress, this shrug came to mind, though I was unsure whether to wear the black or run over to Cipher and buy their red one (it comes in 5 colors) but my budget conscience carried the day and I stayed with the black shrug I already purchased.

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I received a promotional copy of this adorable micro-mini from BOOM! this weekend and I loved the little buttons and the adorable belt so much that I had to blog it even though there’s no way I would wear a skirt that short in this life or real life. From the front, you don’t get to appreciate how dangerously short it is – but hey, that’s what tights are for!!

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Contrary Me

So I got a IM to e-mail from Micah Kanto the other day alerting me that his marvelous Modern Gypsy was back open again after its renovation. Not just open, but open with a brand new spring collection.  Sadly I was at work and had to wait on tenterhooks all day before rushing home, logging in and checking it out. I was not disappointed. You saw the first of my purchases the other day – a bright purple retro print dress. This outfit though is the one that made me smile. It’s called Couture Suit (Male) and I think it is for men in that it’s man-sized and prim editing was a bit tricky since they were set not to be modifiable. Sometimes, however,  only the conglomerate is not modifiable and the individual components can be modified. By selecting individual prims in the belt, for example, I was able to resize it a bit smaller.  I didn’t resize anything else, though. The thing is, I love the silhouette with the huge shoulders and sweeping flare on the jacket, the bright bold silver fabric. It’s not for the faint of heart.

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Berlin Cabaret Songs

Reading Harper’s yesterday, I came across the a short article listing the taxonomy of Weimar Republic prostitutes – who signalled their specialty by the color of their boots and the laces on their boots. This made me think of those wonderful texture-change hi-tops from UBU and of course I had to laugh because they are called Pornstar.  My reason for mentioning that is that when I put on this RFL Clothing Fair dress from League, I decided to add the League stockings as well and they make me think of Berlin and the wonderfully subversive Berlin cabarets.  One of my favorite albums is Ute Lemper’s Berlin Cabaret songs which is as subversive as they come. So,, listening to Ute as I shot this outfit – I followed the route of the Berlin cabaret singer.

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Giving Thanks & Surviving Family Dinner

Today is one of America’s big holiday when we drug ourselves into comas with overdoses of tryptophan and melatonin and sheer gluttony. This ensures a good night’s sleep for the biggest shopping day of the year on Friday – and the kick off of the official Christmas shopping season, my least favorite time of year thanks to steamrolling crowds of crazed shoppers and blaring music at all the stores playing the same songs ad infinitum. But today, today is a day to be thankful that the stores are closed and we can spend some time with friends, family and good food.

While my mother was alive, we never had less than 40 people for Thanksgiving because if just my 5 siblings and their children came, we hit 40. But then, she invited every widow, widower and other solitary person and anyone else she could think of so the numbers often swelled to 70 or more.  Yay for big houses and miles of forest to play in. So, in order to survive in a fashionable sense, I followed some rules.

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