Tag Archives: Dark Mouse


Every once in a while I take a peek to see how many posts Gidge and I have done using one designer or another. Some of course will be in nearly every post (eyes and eyelashes) and some may have been featured a few times only. I ran into Saschi Vixen at the Shape/Skin Expo and just for fun took a quick peek and saw that we had done Adam n Eve 98 times. We chatted for a while and then her partner dropped a pair of the new Yehaw boots on me and I know what would be in #99.  I told Saschi that we were 2 posts away from 100 and she said we ought to have a party. That may be fun, but I ran out of patience and decided to whoop it up with the kickass Yehaw boots and number 99.

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Goodnight Moon

I love the cool light of the moon illuminating my shots and frequently shoot in the moonlight. Nonetheless, while shooting this fabulous outfit from Dutch Touch, the song running through my head was Goodnight Moon, the anthem of the scared-of-the-dark crowd.  Perhaps it’s because of the Kill Bill 2 soundtrack. The strong look of the dress, the options of black, red or gray (shown) and the tough girl look of the dress have just a bit of the edge that might have someone sleeping with guns, a blade by the bed and a phone in hand.

Well goodnight moon
I want the sun
If its not here soon
I might be done
No it wont be too soon til I say
Goodnight moon

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Gray & Gorgeous

There’s a lot of gray on the grid today as people show solidarity with an effort raise awareness of brain cancer by wearing gray for the day. Cancer is an invidious and heartbreaking disease that can best be defeated by increased awareness which often leads to early detection. Too many of us ignore warning signs and for some, that delay is deadly. I lost my brother to lung cancer in July. Like so many who lose the battle with cancer, he ignored warning signs and dismissed symptoms with mundane explanations – never considering the possibility that it could be cancer until it was so advanced as to be untreatable.  America lost Sen. Kennedy to brain cancer last month and we are poorer for it.  I doubt any of us have lived lives untouched by cancer.  I am happy to lend my support to this worthy cause as well.

I don’t know if a dress as gorgeous as this should count toward that effort, however, since it’s one dress I would happily wear any day of the year.  The lovely Mimikri Seduction Dress in gray is just achingly beautiful.  It’s a lovely silvery gray lace over a satin sheath with an extravagant lace bow in the back. The sheath is opaque over the torso and hips and becomes increasingly sheer as the skirt moves from the hips to mid-thigh.  It comes with a prim sash as well, but I preferred how it looks without the sash.

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e! is for EXCITED!

posted by Gidge Uriza

And Excited is what I am to be out of bed. WHERE HAS GIDGE BEEN? Well, she’s on bedrest. So, she can’t be up and about. But she’s had a really good 24 hours so she’s taking the liberty of an hour or two to sit up – and her back in RL is screaming to GET OUT OF BED so that is exactly what I am doing. Continue reading


I did some tinting again. I can’t resist. This time it was the lovely white lace cardigan from Coco. She made it tintable on the sytem and prims – so the color choices for that single cardigan are infinite. I went with a deep rosy  purple that I really like with the side detail on the jeans – perhaps the cutest jeans on the grid. The shirt underneath is the incomparable Fearne top from MichaMi – whose detailed texture work is legendary. This top, though, is my favorite of all her work. The colors are so beautifully chosen and the depth of the textures are stunning.

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Flowers on Fire

Here’s another wardrobe staple, the LBD or Little Black Dress. One of the great features of the LBD is its ability to function as a frame for luscious jewelry which is what this dress from Skin Flicks is doing perfectly.

Dark Mouse was justly recognized as an outstanding new jeweler in the Best of SL awards and this is just one example of why. Her jewelry is quirky and original with a highly personal vision. She generally makes all her items in gold, silver and copper. This gold version has a black stone while the copper has a firey red and the silver a dark lapiz.

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Too Sexy For My Skirt

Polina Kaestner has made one of the sexiest, cutest skirts ever!!  It is very sheer and your legs will show – and that’s the point! It has a perfectly discreet pair of matching glitch panties and that is enough to keep embarrassment at bay so long as you don’t have a friend like Gidge who actually sent an IM to the entire fashion bloggers group saying she could see my butt and then sent a slurl inviting people to come see my butt.  However, I was not embarrassed. The skirt is adorable and a few glimpses thanks to my AO isn’t going to upset me. I should have just changed AO’s, but Gidge was having too much fun.  Considering that she was wearing the Lonely Goatherd dress and carrying a goat, I think she really didn’t have a leg to stand on.

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Donna Flora Challenge

Have you ever been to Donna Flora? If you have, you will understand what I mean when I say going to Donna Flora is like that Lays Potato Chip commercial that says “No one can eat just one.” It’s near impossible to walk into Donna Flora and leave with just one item – because there’s so much, it’s so good and there’s such variety. From hair, to jewelry, shoes to dresses, from retro to avant garde, basics to high fashion – you will find it there in plenty. So I am not going to challenge you to “eat just one” but to let us all know how many items get added to your wish list.

This Donna Flora dress is called Carla and comes with a beautiful prim spray of flowers and a ruffled prim skirt – all on one attachment point. This may require editing a few pieces separately, but it’s worth it for such a unique look.

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Not Your Granny's Granny Square

How many of you have a granny square afghan made by some older relative who tirelessly crocheted multitudes of color scraps of yarn into rosettes and squares and then painstakingly sewed or crocheted them together?  Well, Crochet takes that ubiquitous crocheted rosette favored by grannies the world over and puts them to very un-grannylike use.  Ahem…I present to you the  Crochet Candy Bikini & Skirt – though it would be more appropriately named Shock Your Granny!

Granny says Eep!

Granny says "Eep!"

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Denim Days

It’s Friday – and I am feeling casual and denim suits my mood, so luckily there’s this lovely little jumper from Kunglers in a soft denim. With grey denim trim at the waist, this is a nice casual day dress that goes anywhere. Suiting all weather, too, as you can easily slip a turtleneck sweater underneath.

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