Tag Archives: AOHARU

A Night at the Opera

I have been holding back. I admit it. I wore this dress on Sunday and have not shared it with you all. I was saving it for Halloween night simply because of all the costumes and Halloween gowns and goth designs I have tried out this week, this is my favorite.  This morning however, it occurs to me that you might like to check it out before Halloween in case you want to wear it, too. I know I will be wearing it at MDR’s Halloween party tomorrow night because this dress is made for dancing.

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You do know how to whistle, don't you Steve?

You just put your lips together, and blow.

So, I totally owe the title for this post to Grady Echegaray from Strange Pixels who posted the quote in flickr’s comments on this photo.  She was reminded of that hot, hot scene from the movie To Have and Have Not. This look is definitely hot sultry 1940’s – though the individual inspiration is more Burlesque than Bacall.

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Oh playmate, come out and play with me

Now if we moved this shelf over there and that shelf over here...

Looking at the last few posts, you might think my weekend was long on glamour and formal occasions which is far from the truth considering the one big event I planned to attend, I missed by dilly-dallying. Speaking of dilly-dallying – here’s one of the places I dallied a lot this weekend, The Hollow Forest. More specifically, the children’s room in the house there.  As soon as I saw it I thought of the old song.

Oh playmate, come out and play with me
And bring your dollies three.
Climb up my apple tree,
Look down my rain barrel
Slide down my cellar door
And we’ll be jolly friends forever more.

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the land inbetween

My friend Naru im’ed me to let me know that C was in the lucky chair at Aoharu. Do you have any idea how rare it is for a C like me to get to tp in and rescue a lucky chair party from a long wait? Most lucky chair parties have 3 to 4 C’s all waiting their chance. What in the word does that have to do with this picture? Simply that I won a fabulous pair of shoes that made me think of this dress and pull it out of my closet. It’s called the Black Widow dress and that made me think of cemetaries which leads us full circle and back to the land inbetween and its fabulous cemetary.

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The, uh, stuff that dreams are made of.

I have always liked that little “uh” when Bogart speaks the famous quote in The Maltese Falcon. Sometimes it’s the flaw that elevates the excellent to the extraordinary. After all, where would Lauren Hutton be without her gap? In the case of the new Tuli Elizabeth skin, I submit that the little mole under the left eye is what moves this skin into the extraordinary.In the past I have read the rave reviews of Tuli skins with bemusement as they never seemed to suit my face. This one, though, is a perfect fit. Continue reading

Roses in Denmark

I wandered around Denmark yesterday, looking at the lighthouse, the ships and the village. It was a lovely sim and they had beautiful weather while I was there, with just a light breeze. Luckily, I was wearing a light sweater and was perfectly comfortable. ; )

I layered a baby pink cotton camisole with a lightweight rose pink one-button sweater and a lovely red and pink gingham skirt. The lovely Sasy Marakesh Passion Sandals were a perfect match. What really made the outfit though was the rose flower necklace from chicoco, set off with earrings from DeLa and bangles from VG Republic. For additional photos you can check my Flickr. Continue reading

Big Yellow Taxi

When I heard AOHARU had a 50% off sale, I rushed to the store and bought the fat  pack of their leather rider’s jacket that I had been drooling over and then I had to wear one right away. A necklace would lie under the jacket, so I decided to wear a VOGART Pucci-inspired scarf with it. It had the same attachment point as the jacket collar, so i made a copy and attached it to the spine instead and then did some adjusting. Well, a LOT of a adjusting.

The scarf suggested my burnt orange cigarette pants from Ingenue and Storm Schmooz’s funky Rubba ankle boots. Some earrings from chicoco and the trusty bangles from Fresh Baked Goods and I was ready for a stroll through the Cannery.  I thought I might take a cab, but the cabbie was nowhere to be found.

See more shots on my Flickr. Closer photo of accessories and Style Notes after the jump. Continue reading

Great Gingham's Ghost, Batman!!!

Okay, that title is a reach, I admit it. But this gingham skirt from AOHORU had me reaching for superlatives to describe it and coming up short. I lovely pink, blue and green satin gingham, the lovely color combination is only surpassed by the quality of the fit and design. The belt rests exactly where it should, the prim skirt attaches beautifully without butt bubbles. It’s so well-made I did not have to nudge and adjust a thing and that sort of excellence deserves a Holy Batwings! sort of exclamation. What does deserve a big exclamation, though, is the lucky fact that AOHARU just put everything on sale for 50% off. Holy Lindens, Batman!!!

The excellence from OAHARU doesn’t stop there, however, look at the charming turtleneck that once again has perfect prim placement for the sculptural fullness and verisimilitude we all want. Best of all, by putting the prim collar on the spine, you can put on a necklace without losing the collar – a frequent occurence since many designers instinctively put it on the chest (makes sense) as do most jewelry designers. The skirt and tops are sold in several colors and in a great fat pack. However, to find the fat pack you need sharp eyes, they are a small white square at the BOTTOM of the shelving unit holding the clothes. Sadly, I found them after I bought a few skirts and tops.

More photos on Flickr.  This photo was shot in from of the installation by Strawberry Fields @ the Garden of NPIRL (Not Possible in Real Life) Additional info and style notes after the break. Continue reading