Monthly Archives: October 2008

El día de los muertos

Some cultures are more comfortable with death than others. In the United States and England we have a hard time with the words death, dead and dying and have come up with hundreds of euphemisms from resting in peace to crossing the river and going home to more colorful ones like kicked the bucket and taking a dirt nap. We have over 200 euphemisms for death. On the other hand, when I first began studying Spanish, I learned a children’s song somehat similar to Old McDonald Had a Farm – focusing on animal noises. The title was Mi Gallo Se Murió Ayer – “My Rooster Died Yesterday” – clearly a culture that doesn’t shrink from death. You see that in the wonderful celebration of el día de los muertos in Mexico and Central America where they throw a party at the cemetary complete with food, wine and song – a fiesta of light, laughter and remembrance. Some of Second Life’s most creative were inspired by that tradition and I am wearing the wonderfully bright results.

I am sad to say that this wonderful skin is not on sale, but that just goes to show you what high standards Annyka Bekkers of blowpop has. She has worked on these skins for some time but was dissatisfied with the result.  Sharing her decision to delete them on plurk, a bunch of us begged for a stay of execution and she gifted us with the skins.  Personally, I cannot see what’s wrong, they look perfect to me, but I defer to her expertise and am grateful that we have creators in Second Life who will not release less than their best for sale. As a skin consumer, it’s reassuring to know that blowpop has such exacting standards.

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More Ghost Hunting

Ooh, I am a terrible ghost hunter. I get stuck and hunt and hunt and hunt and cannot see what is in front of my nose. And I have a special “I’ll get you my pretty” for a few who shall remain nameless so as not to give too broad a hint. My the time I found the ghost with the run-around-and-hide-from-me script I was searching for a bang-my-head-against-the-wall gesture. By the time I found the tinted ghost, I was getting a little green around the gills myself. I imagine these folks tiptoeing around their stores giggling and cackling with glee as they placed the ghosts. Continue reading

Halloween Exposure

One of the really great things about Halloween for some folks is that it allows you to indulge the id a little bit, giving you permission to dress in ways that are unimaginable to you 364 other days of the year. Take for example, this Bastet costume from WishedOn, this is not the clothing of pixel prudery. No, this is exhibitionist clothing and how fun is it that Halloween’s unrestrained foolery frees our inner Jezebels.

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Ghost Hunting

Yes, I went ghost hunting, and will share a great find in this post, but there were other Halloween promotions this weekend, including freebies that were just there and not hiding in trees, closets, airshafts and right in front of my nose. Take this lovely Halloween makeup from The Obscene – completely free and not hiding anywhere.  After some of the toughies, a little easy one was nice. Continue reading

Who? Me? Wear Silly Shoes? NEVER!

posted by Gidge Uriza

These shoes are getting a lot of mileage but they’re too HILARIOUS not to. Seriously, giant fairytale shoes with wings with what look like fairy lights……they’re the perfect pixel compliment to SCADS of outfits.  They’re so over the top that I knew they’d be a hoot even with this sleek look from Digit Darkes. Continue reading

Hatchy is a Butterfly

When I sent my friend Hatchy a pair of the D’Fly Candy Corn boots – the 1L boots at XCentricity, she was thrilled and decided to become a butterfly. When I signed on the next day, she sent an IM saying “TP, TP!” I thought she was stuck in a rock, but really, she was just excited to show off her butterfly self.

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Gothic Vamp

Before saying a word about this luscioius dress from LaPointe, I have to spend some time drooling over the Tuli Gothic skins again. Yes, I have drooled before. Guess what, I will likely drool again. When something is so drool-worthy, you just have to go with the flow. This time I am drooling over the Vamp makeup that is completely V – pause – A – pause – M – pause – P – pause – VAMP, with luscious red lips, kohl-smeared eyes and a delicate little beauty mark highlighting one cheekbone. Yummy! I have to say, the flowy big hair from Sky Everett doesn’t hurt either.

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