Tag Archives: Tesla

What To Wear To The Drunken Drow?

posted by Gidge Uriza

My friend Delilah Drutmann dropped me a notecard a couple of weeks ago that said SHHH! Surprise party for Jezabel! At the Drunken Drow! Here is the LM!

As they are both my RL friends, and folks I drug into the Metaverse with me, I obviously HAD to attend.  But shortly after I got them out of their newbie attire, those two girls ran off into their own SL and I don’t see them all that much. So I was interested to see what they were about now that we didn’t hang IN WORLD so much.

And you’re having the party WHERE? The Drunken Drow? Continue reading

The Velvet

Every Sunday afternoon finds me at the Velvet – the marvelous indie music club on the Downtown sim.  The Velvet is a favorite club for many reasons, not least that there are no gesture addicts there. People actually have conversations with each other so it’s not silenced by IM private chat either.  By and large, people are generally pleasant and friendly though a few are self-proclaimed music snobs. There’s a lot of music conversation and folks have a good time. There’s no dress code and people generally come as they are. This is what I wore this Sunday while dancing the afternoon away.

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Don't Tell Mama

Aemilia Case lifted me out of my pity party at being snowed in and unable to spend Christmas with friends as planned by asking for volunteers for a photo shoot. Considering I had been actually contemplating watching an NCIS marathon, I jumped at the chance to be on the other side of the camera. For the shoot I was given this Mein Herr outfit by Shai Delacroix of Casa del Shai that she is releasing today.

Yes, Sally Bowles!!! and to make it even more fun, all of us were posing on the cabaret chairs made by Luth Brodie of Reel Expression. She will be releasing two 12-pose chairs and 12 standing poses so all of us can release our inner Sally and strut the stage and was kind enough to gift all of us posers with a set.

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Minty Fresh Cuteness

Stores like Honey Kitty and DP YumYum specialize in cute. In fact, I believe they have installed security systems in their stores that prevent anything from rezzing that is not cute. If your hair stays grey in the store, you know it’s not cute. If you aren’t sure about an outfit, test it and tp in and see if it rezzes. If it does, it’s cute. But cute is a continuum. Is it as cute as a baby shark with a funny nosel or is it as cute as a baby seal?  This, I think, is just plain off the chart cute.

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Dress Me Up: Cajsa by Harper

For my last Dress Me Up Challenge, Harper said “Nuff of this pink stuff. I want some hard core goth–skin and all. Make all the vamp boys sweat. Make all the emo girls suffer. Do it up, Casja ;)” Well, I don’t think vampires sweat, but I can check on that. I think I  may have missed it on this challenge, I don’t see much sweating and suffering in my reader’s future as a result of this outfit.

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Dress Me Up: Cajsa by Candy

This outfit could be a twofer, since it also meets the requirements for Analu’s Armoire Diversity Challenge, but it was actually directed by Candy Lemmon of Red-Headed Step-Child. The brief:

I want to see you in menswear! There’s nothing sexier than a girl in a man’s shirt and tie. Try Armidi or Blaze for the button-down, and don’t forget a great hat.

So, wandering in the men’s department, I have to give the men’s clothiers a big fat F for FAIL.  Guys, you have to be more demanding.  It’s absolutely unacceptable that you only get one or two layers and that your shirt layer does not include underpants to allow you to tuck your shirt or wear low rise pants. I went to many men’s stores and was just dismayed…so the shirt is from Muism, for women, but a man’s button down style.

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How's About a Free Dress?

posted by Gidge Uriza

Cajsa has been singing the praises of Little Rebel anytime we have to go somewhere that low ARC is appropriate, and sometimes just because she wants to. I was one of those people plagued by the SYSTEM SKIRT conundrum (they didn’t work if you don’t know – for some of us) so I never really saw the POINT of bothering with shopping at Little Rebel.

It almost seemed cruel to taunt myself with clothes I couldn’t actually WEAR OUT.

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Simply Sn@tch

When I was getting dressed to go globe-hunting this weekend – before I got distracted and didn’t hunt a thing – I looked in my Sn@tch folders knowing I would find something sharp and snazzy.  Sn@tch is another one of those stores where you consistently get good quality clothing at a reasonable price and in fatpacks with lots of color and layer options. The shrug I am wearing is in multi-color fatpack suggestively titled Bit of Trim. I have to confess a deep and abiding love for the Sn@tch clothing names. Normally, I wish designers would just name a blue fur-trimmed mini-jacket something obvious and clear like Sn@tch Fur-Trimmed Knit Sweater Shrug instead of the meaningless names like Helen, Grace and Debra. I can’t remember those names and constantly have to rename folders to more meaningful names. The witty Sn@tch names with their double entendres, however, stick in my head and I can recall what they are. 

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Rain, Rain, Go Away

And Don’t Hurry Back! Some days the constant dreary rain can get wearing, knowing that it may be weeks becfor a patch of sunlight peeks out from behind the clouds. The only solution, then, is some fresh air and some good full spectrum light bulbs. Of course, looking good never hurts. I went for a little retail therapy at Chai’s new sim to pick up some of her new skins. That would cheer up the gloomiest gus.

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I Can TOO Wear White In Winter!

posted by Gidge Uriza

First off – it’s says it’s cream in my inventory folder. I swear.

I mean, with the full bright still turned on, on the prim skirt – okay maybe it WAS a little Lite Brite Light White…….but, I turned that off so see. CREAM! Continue reading