Tag Archives: Tesla

Voyageur à la Mode

posted by Gidge Uriza

Traveling in style is a fashion opportunity that should not be missed, in RL or SL. Today in RL my company will have a limo pick me up for transport to the airport – where I’ll be whisked off to destinations 1000 miles away. Continue reading

Vive le rouge!

Since first seeing photos of the breathtakingly original Rouge sim, I have been eagerly awaiting its grand opening and hoping for its success. CodeBastard Redgrave is a Second Life® original and a tremendous boon to the community and especially to us photographers, but with Eshi Otawara’s design, she’s taken SL originality up a notch. Imagine a pole-dancing sim!  Dressing for the party, I knew I had to wear red and or lingerie, so why not both with this lovely slip dress from Pixel Fashion that I found on OnRez?

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Patriotica Part Eight – Patriotic Vampire

posted by Gidge Uriza

SYD Designer Teagan saw my Patriotica series and hit me with her Vampire Skin – with Patriotic makeup. While I was waiting for Cajsa to be ready to shoot, while I was ambling around the grid shopping and meandering I decided to to juxtapose the goth-vampire look with a very girly BRIGHT dress from <3 Cupcakes and some uber high-fashion shades I just picked up at Tesla.

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Stormy Weather

There’s nothing like a storm starting just as you leave the office to catch a bus home after working late into the evening to bring on a pity party. Fortunately, my outfit was just too cute for pity. Combining Honey Kitty and Schaudenfreude (just love that combination of words), I felt almost perky about the rain. I was wearing the brown Revenant outfit from Schaudenfreude, which makes up the skirt and corset here. The blouse was a lovely light brown, sleeveless top, but it had a skull pin at the neck. I just am not into skulls for clothing except maybe on Halloween, so I decided to wear another blouse. I had this delicious cream blouse from Honey Kitty in my closet – a blouse with loving attention to detail on the collar and cuff prims. Continue reading

Patriotica Part Five – Fresh Baked Patriotism

posted by Gidge Uriza

Another designer that is generous with the freebies especially around the holidays is SYD – Style Your Destiny.  For just a linden you can pick up this sweet little July 4 dress in their store in world or on ONREZ. I couldn’t resist the opportunity to break out my color change bracelets from Fresh Baked Goods.  I love these – any bracelet that I can make work with any outfit is definitely a best buy. Continue reading

Mix to Match

If you noticed Second Life® tilting slightly the other day, that was when Zaara released her newest design, a long dress called Calangute that comes with absolute outrageous belting on the jacket layer and everyone rushed to get their own. These belts will get their use. I made a copy and pasted it into my belts folder so I remember to use them with other outfits. This is the chocolate version of the dress and it comes with a lovely long textured skirt that I was not in the mood to wear. I wanted knee length but I remembered that I had a dress from DP Serendipity that was a very similar color and sure enough, the skirt from that dress was a perfect match. I used the other dress’s pants layer to make sure the seams and highlights lined up. I was more than happy with the result.

Another photo and style notes after the cut.

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Back to Black

posted by Gidge Uriza
When I met Sable Heartsdale, I knew right away she’d find her niche in SL and be a boon to anyone she worked with. She was MY boon for a short time when she was my assistant manager. Since the dissolution of that team she’s gone on to manage and now co-own the Royale Elite Gentleman’s Club .

I wanted to pop over and check out her new place but couldn’t decide what to wear. I hadn’t pulled out this sweet little prim-skirted dress from Honey Soul yet so I thought why not – it’s understated but club-kicky-fun (is that a word? No, probably not). I LOVE the detail at the straps – really sets it apart from your generic prim-skirt dress doens’t it? Continue reading

A River Runs Through It

posted by Gidge Uriza

I was briefly at a loss for what to wear when invited to Bakura for a party with a bunch of clone stormtroopers.  A good friend just resurrected from the SL dead plus a newbie friend were looking at me with excitement about going to such a fun sim so I excused myself for a few minutes to go AFK and read my notices and attachments to find something new to wear.

Imagine my delight when I noticed Aleri Darkeshad released a new babydoll cocktail dress and the red color was on sale for 24 hours. I’m never partial to a true babydoll – so I tend to slid the skirs DOWN to the waist but regardless of which way you wear it, this shimmering dress is a fun new addition to my wardrobe. Continue reading

Peach Sorbet

Bianca F always can be relied on for imaginative and fun outfits. She doesn’t disappoint with her super-sexy net skirts that show lots of leg. The skirts come in several colors and I went for the peach – a color that flatters every skin tone. Of course, it also matches my skin tone very closely so the skirt seems more daring than it really is. There really are glitch pants under there, I promise.  I paired it with a corset from PixelDolls. Can anybody make a corset like they can? You can see more on my flickr.

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