Tag Archives: Exodi

Bandana Day With the Sexiest Swimsuit in Second Life

So reading the newest issue of Sxy2nd I see that readers voted and chose a swimsuit from JustB as the Sexiest Swimsuit in Second Life. I definitely had to check that out. The suit in the photo was white, but I chose the red for my bandana day outfit because, hey, it’s the 4th of July tomorrow.  You are not seeing the sexiest option, that is after the cut and still discreetly photographed…you know me. I had some running around to do, so I covered up a bit with some other super sexy clothes from Exodi.

If you were paying attention last week, you would have popped over to Exodi for the 50% off sale in which 100% of proceeds were to be donated to Make A Wish Foundation in Michael Jackson’s memory. The total raised was 812.99  which is very exciting. While the sale was on, I ran over and picked up just about all the tops she has.

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Oh Sh!t Not That Argrace Hair AGAIN!?

posted by Gidge Uriza

I could not decide what was the best way to show off the Exodi skin I picked up the other day right after the 50% off sale started.  I mean, it’s so extreme and colorful – I wanted fun and festive. This Fedora hat and mystic bob seemed to be the perfect way to show you the colors.

I’m actually quite enamored of this hair color – I have to slide over to Argrace and see what else they have. Continue reading

Has Digit Darkes Lost Her Mind?

Well, no she hasn’t, but you might if you try to figure out exactly how many combinations of jewels and dresses you can get out of her new Delhi dress.  I didn’t even mess with the jewel color which has a treasure trove of jewel options and only fiddled with the texture change skirt simply because that is such a new innovation and look what happened.

I was cloned!!!  These are the possible shirt texture options on the texture-changing skirt in the Delhi dress – the mustard version. Incidentally, shouldn’t it be called Curry Yellow instead of Mustard Yellow – just because.I am wearing Baiastice’s Querelle shoes in Gold. Digit makes a matching pair of shoes that has matching color change gems, but you know, you give me that many choices and I will be paralyzed by choice.

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B&W, Braids & the Hottest Shoes Evah!!!

I recently found a couple of darling black and white dresses, both heavily influenced by vintage styles, both from relatively under-blogged stores and oddly enough, I wore my hair in braids with both of them, though totally by accident. What was not an accident was my choice of shoes – the hottest shoes ever, ever, evah! But first, here’s a lovely black and white pop print from Lost Dreams with the useful and descriptive name Retro Dress.

This dress also has a pop print though the shape is a good decade older. It’s name is Delana Kisses, an unhelpful name unles you think those teardrop shapes remind you of Hershey’s Kisses or something. This is from ROC.

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Tryggare kan ingen vara

As many of you have already learned, Neferia Abel is leaving Second Life for several months while  she moves, fulfills her dream of illustrating a children’s book and recovers her health.  An ambitious set of goals and I am sure each and every one of us wish her success in every one and hope for her speedy return. Like many others, I will share a couple favorites today, but first I want to share a  lovely song that suits this heavenly dress and will most likely be familiar to Neferia since there is so much cross-cultural sharing between Norwegians and Swedes. It was my father’s favorite hymn. He was Swedish and it was sung at his funeral – and to perfectly frank, at every funeral on that side of the family. Sometimes I think it’s the only Swedish song everyone still remembers besides Oleanna and Nikolina (believe me they are NOT funeral appropriate.)

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Have you ever seen at a gas station or garage when some gasoline spills on a puddle of water? That’s what the iridescent colors in this dress remind me of – the rainbow within reach.  This is really an amazing gown -taking the folden shapes from origami and translating them into a wild and beautiful concoction. It was a gift from AvaGardner  Kungler which she gave a thank you for her photos in the Double Take project. I will share one of those photos below.

AvaGarder Kungler - one half of the Kungler dynamic design duo.

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The Fastest Compliment Ever

Okay, so I was checking out some demos from DrLife and Rockberry and generally futzing around when I got an IM reminding me that Achariya was going to me on Fabulous Fashion TV and so I dropped what I was doing and just before TP’ing I realized I had on DEMO skin. Now, unnoticed, Ryker Beck had sent out two Blogger packs of her two new skin releases under the new brand Exodi (previously Genesis) and they were sitting there innocently waiting in the folder right above the demo packs, so I  quickly popped it open and wore the first skin I clicked on and tp’ed away. No sooner did I get there than I received an IM – “love your skin!!! can you tell me where you got it.”  Well, I knew it was Exodi, but I had not even looked at what I looked like yet. I just had perfect confidence that if Ryker made it, it was fab. And well, judge for yourself.

This is what else I was wearing… The flower wash jeans from Callie Cline on sale right now for 50L. I have been planning to hop over there and pick them up, but the sale lit a fire and I went there first thing where I ran into Callie so I grabbed her for my Double Take project.

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