Tag Archives: Yak & Yeti

Lotus Eating @ Flashman's

I find new-to-me stores all sorts of ways, from FashCon notices, reading about them here on the fashion blogs, or just wandering around a shopping district and discovering their fashionable goodness. But now I have  a new way to find out about designers and creators – tips from our blog readership. I got such a tip from regular reader Reverie Boucher who wanted me to check out her favorite store – Black Moon – as she felt it and its designer Vanilla Sola deserved more attention than they receive. Continue reading

Vicious Girls 2.0

posted by Gidge Uriza

Looking for a fun Urban Decay sort of spot to shoot, Cajsa and I hearkened back to our past and went to the newly remodeled Vicious Wasteland. With ability to build and run scripts, this is a great spot for shooting photos or people – depending on your preference.

We were choosing to spotlight the fashions of one of The Grid’s Russian designer’s Olya Lowey. Olya’s designs vary between ultra-modern visions of future fashions to Romanov velvet influences, all with sharp details and many including shoes and accessories. Continue reading

Wherein Yak & Yeti Go Crazy

Every once in awhile a fashion notice will pass by that makes you go hmmm. That’s what happened on Sunday when along came a notice from Yak & Yeti announcing everything in their store was now free. See, when you see a notice like either think it’s poor products, it’s a trick or, if you cynicometer is running low, you think you need to check it out.

So I did and it’s not junk and it’s not a trick and yes, you need to check it out. Yak & Yeti offers traditional Nepalese and Indian clothing and jewelry as well as adorable shoulder pets. That panda  at Yak & Yeti almost tempts me into shoulder pet-keeping. I got some wonderful jewelry there, including this ruby Bollywood set. Included, but not worn are two styles of nose-ring and a stone for the forehead. To wear with it, I decided to become a Dancing Queen. Continue reading