Tag Archives: Reel Expression

Will it go round in circles

I’ve got a song, I ain’t got no melody
I’ma gonna sing it to my friends
I’ve got a song, I ain’t got no melody
I’ ma gonna sing it to my friends

Will it go round in circles
Will it fly high like a bird up in the sky
Will it go round in circles
Will it fly high like a bird up in the sky

I love the fun dotted fabric in this playful Beetlebones dress and could not resist playing with the dot motif to the nth degree by pulling in the target tights from Veschi and even a circle in circle jewelry set from lucas lameth.

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Belleza y Moda

Belleza y Moda! Beauty and Fashion! Love of beauty and fashion energizes much of the passion of Second Life creators, bloggers and fashionistas. It is what sends skin creators back to their tablets to develop ever more beautiful skins. It’s what motivates creators to play with sculpts and textures to find new forms and to explore to the fullest what SL fashion can be.

Today I am wearing some of the boldest explorers who most fully realize and expand the boundaries of SL beauty and fashion. From MiaMai whose textures are stunning, to Mimikri who knows no bounds in finding new ways to form and shape clothing. From Stiletto Moody who has been at the vanguard of SL footwear development, to Truth whose energetic and playful explorations of hair sculpts send weekly tremors across the grid and finally, to Belleza whose stunning skins are at the apex of SL skin creation.

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Creator, Preserver & Destroyer

Annyka Bekkers just does the most stunning work. So stunning, she actually got me into a shirt with a picture on it. I love prints and all, but abstract and geometric prints – not representational. So it takes something really special to make me want to wear it. However, this shirt of Devi, the Great Goddess – the trinity of Creator, Preserver and Destroyer did the trick.  I love the colors, I love the artwork and how it is not lost in the expansion and contraction of the fabric over the shape. That is quality texture work, something that you can depend on with anything from Blowpop.

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Dispatches from the PXL Tanning Booth

I wanted to share the new July skin in tan with you. It’s a fabulous tan, bronzed and healthy without a hint of orange. Blue looks gorgeous against a nice tan, so I put on this gorgeous hemp shirt from Phoenix Rising. How exciting that even in SL, sustainable fabrics are gaining in the market. The pants are from A-Bomb and about as fun as pants can be, based on the traditional seaman’s pant, they have been modified to make them more feminine and flattering.

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1 + 1 = 1

No, I didn’t flunk math, but in this case, take 1 lovely bra and 1 lovely corset and put them together and you get 1 lovely top. The corset is from A Piece of Candy and has such a beautifully intricate fabric – reminding me of Frank Lloyd Wright’s stained glass windows, actually. I really loved the fabric and wanted to show it off, but wanted some straps and frankly, the plain edged top of it just needed a bit of boost. So, trying on some bras that would be just a bit higher to give it an edge, I put on this lovely Casa del Shai bra with a bit of pink lace to pick up the pink in the fabric and I knew I had what I wanted.

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When I saw this lovely bright and luscious dress at Ninia, the Big Maybelle song Candy jumped into my head and stayed there. Of course, it was her deep, syrupy voice that makes the song, that signature growl of hers, but for whatever reason, it’s always a joy to get Big Maybelle’s music on your mind.

Why I call my sugar candy
I’m sweet on Candy
And candy’s sweet on me

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Rocking It Old School

J’s Thigh High Boots are one of those can’t live without releases that just explode across the grid and everyone has them, wears them and looks rocking hot in them. Now, am not long enough in-world to actually remember the era when system boots were de riguer, but I have seen a few people call these old-school boots and if by old-school they mean high boots that fit, don’t bork when you walk and look hotter than cobra chili, well, give me old school. With it, I wore the lovely skirt and jacket from Doux Petit Dahl with a gorgeous mustard colored skirt that is made for fall. The off the shoulder jacket is delectable, though it did present some challenges in finding something to wear under it. Yes, I know, I could have worn nothing under it if I were not me.

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Quick Look: Mr. Poet

I love this sweater. I have one like it in RL and it’s so warm and cozy. It’s my go-to-sweater for those fall events when the weather is just cool enough to need something, but not cold enough for a coat. It’s thick enough that I can wear it in the Oregon rain without getting wet. You don’t get wet when it rains all day and accumulates 2/hundredths of an inch, so it keeps me warm, dry and cozy. Now I have the perfect sweater for visiting those misty, rainy sims.

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My Red Carpet Gown

MDR Photo Studio had its 2nd Anniversary Party on Thursday night and they threw a Red Carpet party. It’s always fun to go to the parties where we get to really dress up and this party was full of beautifully dressed men and women in some luscious ball gowns. I had purchased this gown earlier this year and had not yet had a chance to wear it, so it was great to give it an outing as I really love the design.

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Looking Idiosyncratic

Idiosyncrasy’s Justice is a delightful skin that makes me think of the women you see in a de Lempicka painting. I love the rich, bold lipstick and eyeshadow and the strong look of this skin. It is a fundraiser skin for CARE International at the Skin Expo and a wonderful addition to any inventory.  I wore it with the multi-color jewelry from Bliensen & Maitai because it suited the lovely halter top I picked up at Different Drummer – a new to me store.

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