Tag Archives: IC-Skins


Sometimes I buy impractical things that I do not need for any reason.

Such as dresses composed entirely of sequins. I gotta confess when I saw this dress at Dolly Rock I truly had to run over and pick it up. It’s just such an OUT THERE dress…….cut down to THERE…..tight all around THERE…….with fun photosourced sequin texturing all over. Continue reading

Paper Couture is for the birds.

So, yesterday I put on this old Paper Couture dress and sighed and asked Whither Paper  Couture? When they only do a spring and fall collection, I get impatient for the next collection to arrive and honestly, seasonly speaking, Fall is tiptoing toward Winter and they announced it was coming back in September. Wah!!!

No sooner have a I finished the hurry-up photos when like magic, there on the feed I see a new Paper Couture outfit – an outfit for men – but still I had to rush back in-world and see what new fripperies and whimsies they have dreamed up and  they did not disappoint me.Taking their inspiration from birdlife, they have produced an aviary of dreams.

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I must be hunthausted because when I made a few attempts at the Pumpkin hunt today I could not find anything. Well, I found lots of pumpkins, but they were all decorative and not  Pumpkin hunt pumpkins on sale.  Oh, well, it’s not as though I needed anything and if I were smart, I would be reducing my inventory. I just enjoy how creative some of the hunt gifts can be. However, I am disappointed in not getting to air my huntastic low-lag outfit for the hunt.

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