Tag Archives: Reel Expression



Hair in Second Life has come a long way since Washu first developed prim hair. This evolution has gone from prim hair to flexis, sculpts and combinations thereof. Over a year ago, we first started seeing hair bases with attachments, usually a bun, ponytail and perhaps an updo in blonde and black, but still limited in variety and color. With the 2.0 tattoo layer we saw a new innovation, the hair base on the tattoo layer with attachments best illustrated by Monica Outlander’s creations for MiaMai which I will highlight tomorrow. Today, I will stay with the skin plus hair base innovation and its tremendous expansion with the release of Baiastice’s new Pulchra skin by Sissy Pessoa.  It’s not just that she also includes brunettes and redheads, but it’s the great variety of hair styles she has produced to work with her hair bases. So many, in fact, that I made a slide show to show them all to you.

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It's a Dream

I had planned to shoot four of these gorgeous tops from Orage Creations but SL had other plans. It decided that despite all my plans, I would be a cloud for the day yesterday. Seriously, I tried clearing cache, restarting not just Second Life but also my computer and the SL, SL Beta, SnowGlobe, Kristens, Emerald and Emerald Beta viewers and despite it all, I stayed a cloud.  I finally resolved the issue about midnight, but I was not going to shoot photos that late, so I will have to be content with showing you just the gorgeous zebra Dream Top and let you check out the leopard, snake and fleur (b and white brocade) on your own.  The Orage Creations Main Store was closed for renovations this weekend, but the tops can be found at affiliates in Best of SL, Costa Rica and Saudi Arabia. For latest locations check Elettra Gausman’s profile


I shot this set at Third World – home of the Third World Bar and Third World Kino. It’s a beautiful sim with many tiny set pieces of surreality and beauty for you to enjoy.  To get a taste of the amazing scenes at Third World, take a look at the Flickriver stream of interesting photos shot there.

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Expectations 8: Mixed Expectations

It’s pretty clear that with the many Sn@tch separates we can put together all sorts of looks, but let’s not forget that we can also take pieces of outfits and mix with separates for an entire new look as well. For example, the cocktail dance dress that Gidge blogged the other day is a perfect resource for mining for ingredients in a new look. Here, I take the bodice and sleeves and mix with a sash from Personal and a skirt from Sn@tch for a new look.

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IFW10 – Floralie

So I went to Elephant Walk to shoot this flamboyantly floral Floralie gown from A La Folie  for IFW10 thinking I would perch by the peacock and snap while he walks by with this tail flourished as the train is flourished on the dress. Well, he did walk by, I snapped, but after 45 minutes and dozens of refreshed failed snaps, I have to confess that I was out outwitted, outplayed and outlasted by a pixel peacock. Yes, I finished the shoot with out the flouishes² and left the island. The peacock is the sole survivor (well with miscellaneous toucans, wild felines, monkeys and other wildlife.

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IFW10 – Queen of the Jungle

When I saw the Safari Dress from ROC (Ranena Olivier Couture) at International Fashion Week, my first thought was “Sheena Queen of the Jungle.” So were my second, third and fourth thoughts. This is one hot steamy jungle dress and I knew I wanted to shoot it someplace fierce. With the great timing of Second Life Serendipity, Hybrid Ansar dropped a notecard with some of her favorite landmarks on me yesterday, so I had to see if there was someplace fierce on the list. Oh, my, there surely was.

So here I am at the fierce, fierce, fierce Scorched Earth where you can find an amazing butte that glistens and an active volcano and some eerie fires and the scorched remains of fallen forests. I suppose with the forest burned, that’s why I could not find any leopards to pose with my leopard skin dress – they do like trees, you know.

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Expectations 2

The Second in a series of posts illustrating why the label Alternative is too tight a fit for Sn@tch designs. The point of the series is not that the label is inaccurate or insulting – just that Sn@tch has a wider range of clothing than will fit in that label. For example, for this outfit, you could, if you like, pull out the Retro or Vintage label.

If you spend more than 10 minutes at Sn@tch, you will discover that Ivey has a thing for floral prints. A lot of the time you will see that love expressed in rich floral brocades that can be classified as Gothic – depending on how they are styled. On the other hand, there are some occasional flashes of pure romanticism such as this recent release of summer sun dresses in the loveliest of French floral prints.

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Gogo's 20L Top to Bottom Challenge

Gogo’s Newbie Style Challenge ends today. I would have fared better if SL had not been so crashtastic yesterday. However, I did manage to put together a few looks that work.  This one cost 1L for the hair, all the rest was free. The top comes from Orage Creations and is part of a top and skirt set. I opted for the capris, one of a blue and black fatpack free from Uzuri. The boots are from N-Core and require joining the group for free. The boots can be changed from black to red or white with the click of your mouse. You can also choose multiple colors for the warmers or not wear them at all.

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Dancing in a Field of Stars

Lizzie Lexington is a great source of ideas for places to explore in Second Life. She’s an intrepid sim explorer, always finding new and fun places.  I was all set to shoot this dress the other night and she im’ed and asked if I have been to see the Hybrid Productions sim build yet. It was on my to-do list, but I decided that if she was following up, it had to be better than usual so I popped over there and in one of those moments of SLerendipity – it was the perfect place to shoot the dress I was wearing, much better than my original plan.

Actually, it’s not a dress exactly. It’s a fun little mash-up mixing the new Baiastice Arina swimsuit with the LeeZu WhiteStar skirt. Seriously, could I have found any place better? The thing is, if you want to see it, you need to go quickly as the sim closes after July 11th. It’s been created for the launch party of a new album. You can see the details here.  Go while you can – and shoot lots of pretty pictures, because it is beautiful.

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Hot Weather Blues

It’s too darn hot!
It’s too darn hot!
I’d like to sup with my baby tonight,
Refill the cup with my baby tonight.
I’d like to sup with my baby tonight,
Refill the cup with my baby tonight,
But I ain’t up to my baby tonight
‘Cause it’s too darn hot

It’s too darn hot for much of anything – even sitting at the computer to blog this is too darn hot. Dressing for the heat – in the lovely new releases from Indyra Originals – there’s some relief in the hot weather clothes – but it’s still too darn hot.

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