Tag Archives: Plastik

Wake Up!


When I was growing up, if I woke up tired, grumpy or out of sorts and complained that I didn’t want to get up and go to school, my mom would say, “Well, you better wear a wake up outfit, then, hadn’t you?” A “wake up outfit” was anything with bright, cheery colors or prints, clothes that could make you smile when you look at it. I’m all grown up. My mother is gone, but on a gloomy, grumpy morning, I will still turn to clothing to lift my mood. I put this on as a sort of prophylactic outfit, hoping to stay up for a good portion of my friend Maht’s mahrathon for Heifer International. Of course, my computer did not cooperate, crashing constantly, so all it’s wake up powers went untested.

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Pose Appreciation: oOo Studio


Poses are what separates avatars from mannequins and dress up dolls. They convey emotions, attitudes and actions. In a photo, we can have the most beautiful setting and glorious gowns, but without a pose, we have no narrative. They are the verbs in our Second Life® stories. Olaenka Chesnokov of oOo Studio is a wonderful storyteller. Do I really have to tell you that this pose is from her Bitch series? Can’t you tell by looking?

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The Plastik Gambit


I don’t know which opening move Aikea Rieko is commemorating with her Gambit dress, but it must be a colorful one.
I love the many iterations of this Gambit dress from The Plastik for FaMESHed and there is one in the tradition black and white colors of chess, so the name makes perfect sense. But for me, I am drawn to the wild, hallucinogenic prints like this one and the one that Acha wore the other day. But then, I have never had the patience for chess.

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Donna Flora Does Mesh for Vintage Fair

Vintage Fair - Cajsa Lilliehook

There has been a Donna Flora shortage on the grid this year while the store’s designer/creator Squinternet Larnia has been going through cancer treatment and working on rebuilding her strength, but Vintage Fair has inspired her to come back with a bang – releasing three mesh dresses in several options. This dress is Elena and it comes in eight different colors/textures.

Vintage Fair - Donna Flora

One of the great things about Donna Flora’s designs is that she doesn’t just recolor, she retextures with different prints, creating different moods.

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22769 reasons to go shopping NOW!!!

Hello, lovelies! I hope you’re all doing good 🙂

22769 has released its mesh Ethnic/African inspired collection with awesome tube dresses and tops in different patterns, silk miniskirts and shorts and what i consider the best piece of the collection, a gorgeous turban called “The Badu”.
The Badu, of course. Erykah docet.


The Badu

More pictures after the cut!
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Grayed Rainbow

Wear Gray

I love this mesh top from Elmont - with the subtle musical score printed on the fabric. It's available in three options at Wear Gray Market.

My childhood winters seem from another world now that I am grown and living in a city. We frequently were without power. There were just two families on our long, narrow and winding road through the woods, so when storms knocked out the electricity it might take 5 to 10 days for them to get around to repairing our lines. We had plenty of kerosene lamps and were always prepared, so it was not a hardship, though I thought I should get extra credit on my history papers for writing them by lamplight. One of the bonuses of those nights without power was that we pulled out the board games and played cards and games for hours.

Wear Gray

Prelude is a new release from WTG and includes not only these highly detailed bangles and nail sets, but also earrings and a necklace.

My favorite game was Masterpiece, the art auction game. I think that is where I learned my love of art. In most games, I am a very good strategic player, but in Masterpiece, I was not. I bid on the art I wanted, not the art I thought had the highest hidden value. One that I was sure to outbid everyone on was Jackson Pollack’s Grayed Rainbow. Mom was always puzzled by my love for Grayed Rainbow while delighting in sticking me with its forgery.  I could not really explain why that painting had such a pull on me, but it did. Looking at it as an adult, I am still drawn to it, but now I can explain why. You see, at first glance it looks a bunch of white paint dribbled and splashed on a black background, but it’s not. There really is an entire rainbow there, but you have to pause and let it reveal itself. It always seemed to me to be a painting about hope – the rainbow hidden by storms and despair, but there all the time if you have the patience to wait for it to reveal itself.

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This jumpsuit makes my butt look sooooo cute!


Skin, jumpsuit and hair i’m wearing in the following pictures are some of my fav items ever and I must admit I have been wearing them quite a lot lately. I just love each of them and I think they go really great with each other.
You already know the Miamai jumpsuit ‘cause Cajsa blogged it and, yeah, it’s another beautiful gem created by the super talented monica Outlander:


What is she thinking?

Simply amazing.

And yes, it makes your butt look uber cute! Wanna see????

After the cut! 😀
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Week 33 – Mahogany

Mahogany is not usually a color you think of when it comes to your clothing. But this week I managed to find something I already had in my closet… well TWO somethings.. my hair and top!

Mahogany-33 b

Both are Mahogany. The top is from one of my favorite stores The Plastik, and the hair is from another that I love to shop at Exile.

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Ruby – Week 30

I know… I’m pathetic when it comes to naming my posts… but, hey, at least you know what its for, right?  Ok, this week (well the week I’m on and I’m like 10 weeks behind) is Ruby.  And for Ruby I chose this gorgeously sexy dress from Plastik. Ruby
Its one of the few styles that I have the fat pack of and my oh my is this a FAT PACK…. love the colors… such a variety.

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Look of the day :) :) :)

Hi! Hope everyone is doing good 🙂
Let me show you my look of the day, i definitely adore each one of these items.

My look of the day  :) :) :)

Aikea Rieko from Plastik has recently released the Aeda Slacks because, as she wrote in the notecard she sent to the group “I realized that i make tons of dresses and shirts and don’t have many pants!”.
And she did good, the new collection is fantastic, it consists of jeans, pants,capris, minis, shorts, each one available in 1 million colors. My fav are the skinnies which you can see in the picture: the style, the cut and the texture left me speechless! I really think they are the best skinnies i’ve seen so far. Great job, Aikea!
The Ara shirt from Miamai is another fantastic new release. It’s a sculpted top/shirt made of layered fabrics, sparkling sequin and print silk. It comes in 6 different color variations, the one i’m wearing in the picture is the “Summernight” color. Thank you, Monica! *mwah*

After the cut more cuteness!
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