What’s your favorite thing about Hair Fair?
The fact that I am able to help children with my creativity.
What drew you to creating hair, arguably one of the most difficult challenges for creators?
I always had a fascination for different, edgy hairstyles in real life so I decided to make those in SL. It was a challenge to learn the process but in the end, it was worth it. Now I get to share my taste with others and get to see how others wear my hair.

How would you describe your brand’s aesthetic or niche?
Adoness niche is punk/alternative/rock hair, mostly with shaved sides. The brand aesthetic – A dark fantasy world with endless starry nights. Peace, serenity, and cuteness are how you could describe my vision of the brand.
What comic/cartoon character would shop at your store? Veronica, Betty, Olive Oyl, Miss Piggy, Storm?
Kermit the Frog, I’m sure.
- Beanie at Hair Fair – Photo Credit: Cruella Pennell
- Ainia at Hair Fair – Photo Credit: Cruella Pennell
- Hipp at Hair Fair – Photo Credit: Cruella Pennell
What inspired the styles you created for Hair Fair?
I picked up inspiration from requests I receive from my customers. My friend requested straight fringe styles. Beanie hairstyle which was released at Hair Fair was named after her.
Do you have a funny hair story to share?
One happened recently. It was a request from my customer. It was dark but I find it incredibly funny, “Some of my friends and I have been hunting down a hair we saw on Marketplace and it led me to you. Will the Ares hair be put up for sale? We are willing to give up Lindens, our first born and do sacrificial slaughters. Other forms of payment, death and mutilation will be considered.”
Which hair from your collection is closest to your real life hair?

The Odin hairstyle was created according to my own hair at the time.
Where do I find more about Adoness?