I went out and about this Sunday to explore more of what the grid has to offer in terms of beautiful builds. You know I’m partial to Asian builds of any type, and this one did not disappoint.

I love this tea ceremony build – it’s beautiful and creative.

This particular part really caught my fancy alas it was just for looks and no food was actually available for my ever hungry avatar. Sad isn’t it? I went away hungry, but still pretty happy because everything was so pretty.

Okay that’s not completely true – I found some ice cream!!
Gidge is Adventuring in;
Jeans; Mug – Ava Jean Set – Brows: Eyebrows (soft arch) mint 75%
Skin: Guapa – Noela Skin (LELUTKA EVOX) Icy [Browless]
Head: / HEAD / lel EvoX NOEL 3.1
Rings: e.marie // Cecilie Rings – Golds { Maitreya F }
Hair: Exile:: Esse (Unrigged)
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – LaraX V1.1
Umbrella: Melodic Effect Umbrella
Tank; Mug – Ava Tank – Pink
Shoes: REIGN.- Knotted Berkin Sandals (MAITREYA-FLAT)
Earrings: [HANDverk]Enamel Elephant
Shot on Location: maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/A%20Love%20Project/16/137/…