Monthly Archives: August 2009

Dany French touch peut etre

Every once in a while I come across a store and love so much of it, I have a virtual spending spree.  That happened yesterday when I went to Dany French touch peut etre and bought several outfits – that ranged from 1 to 150L in price, so a spree that did not break my bank. Surprisingly, a while later I got an IM from the creator thanking me for shopping and gifting me with this lovely dress. She said nothing about blogging, just a thanks for shopping – but I will mark it as promotional just in case.  I had to check it out immediately and just loved it. The store is in 2nd place in the creator levye Shippe’s picks and you should go there even if you’re not in the mood to shop because she has made such a beautiful place. Be sure to explore the grounds – they are lovely.

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UnDead Fashionista

Dress is 1L from Pididdle

Dress is 1L from Pididdle

posted by Gidge Uriza

In keeping with the cyber fashion you’ll find at ADDICTIVE SIM – Aleri Darkes included in the preview pack of her new Innana skins the GALACTICA tone and make up.

I think it looks like UnDead Fashionista. You know how it is. So many UnDead skins are freaking hideous – they are supposed to be, that’s the point. But I don’t like wearing HORROR and blood and guts.  So while I appreciate the art that goes into making them, I really won’t sport them with much enthusiasm.

Now watch someone make one I like, right? Continue reading


Gidge blogged the Paper Heart dress the other day and yet I could not resist its stripey goodness, so I thought I would see what other configuration I could wear it in and the very first thing I tried is another recent A-Bomb release, the pants from No More Words. Stripey heaven! A belt, some wine and thou and I was ready to go.

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Quelque part au-delà de la mer

posted by Gidge Uriza

I have to tell you guys a story while I show off this gorgeous, femme bikini/shorts set from Prelude.

Once upon a time I held a party and Cajsa’s tp’d in two of her friends – Polaire and Cezare. I instantly liked them. They were witty – they were full of wry repartee and good conversationalists. People who can carry on conversations on the grid can be hard to find – can’t they. You know – people who don’t think KEWLIES is an appropriate response to everything you say? Continue reading

Not My Area of Expertise

I have some familiarity with Behavior Body poses and am fond of the Elegance/Garbo AO which I sometimes use to shoot photos in no rez/no script sims as its stands are  modish and fashion-oriented. But I was very surprised to be asked by Antosperandeo Allen, the posemaker, if I would like to try out one of his Runway Model Huds and possibly feature it in my blog.

I explained to him that I don’t do runway modeling and am no expert. I gave him the names of several runway models who blog and said they would be much better at it than me. I guess he likes honesty, because then he said he would give them to me anyway AND send all three, if I didn’t mind. Now, really? Who would mind?

So, ease of use. There are 12 poses and 12 numbers. You click on a number and your posing. That’s easy. You can click on this colored square and it changes the orientation of the list of numbers. It’s like Quick Huddles in how it feels and operates. As to the poses, they are very naturalistic. You will not look like Auntie Mame having a DIVA moment, but like a modern modish woman, strutting her stuff. After the cut, I have, for my sins, made composites to show you all 36 animations in the pose position at the end of the animation. Oh…and you can turn your head and orient your gaze. Continue reading

ZOMG! That's a sexy dress!

Mr. Gausman of Rivier Couture sent me a little thank you for blogging awhile back. I say Mr. Gausman because he is always so formal and proper when he sends an IM that I feel I must respond in kind. Now, how that formal and proper man comes up with the hot and sexy clothing he makes is a conundrum, but then still waters do run deep, as they say. Thankfully, I do not have to resolve that enigma to enjoy the sizzling hot fashion from his house. This dress is MISTRESS and really, you should think of it as a suite. It comes with a jacket that really transforms its look, the colored shirt lies under lace and can be switched out with other colors or with a sheer black for more intimate settings. Or well, for those who are comfortable showing nipples in public, too.

The halter top has a lace back and lovely lace flourish at the neck. The cuffsare actually from Draconic Kiss but with the belted definition of the torso, the revers a lacet cuffs are  just too perfect for words.

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Casual Friday 8.14.09

posted by Gidge Uriza

My bedroom is littered with goodies from the Designer Showcase Network – some from old favorites and some completely new to me. I love getting something handed to me from a creator that I’ve never shopped at before just because I have the opportunity to learn a new place!

And even simple items like tanks or shorts tell me a lot. Continue reading

The Boiling Point is [42]

posted by Gidge Uriza

I’ll try to keep this on “Everyman’s” Level because you know this SCIENCE stuff? It’s TRICKY!

I’ve got a lot of charts and graphs here that I might have to refer to. Plus – I’ve got a Geiger Counter. And it CLICKS baby. That’s right. If you are radioactive you will NOT be sneaking up on this bloganista. I will know it! And I will refuse to go play Zyngo with you – if you are radioactive. I’m sorry but that’s just a guideline for AVATAR safety! Continue reading

Girl From Elsewhere Goes Clubbing

Well, if that last outfit was the Girl Next Door Goes Clubbing, this one is definitely the Girl from somewhere else.  I got more compliments and propositions wearing this in one day than I usually get in a month. I think it was the combination of everything – the dress, the hair, the skin. Whatever, this dress which is also from Redgrave certainly is hot.

Like the other outfit from Redgrave, this one comes with some key essentials including the stockings and the brilliant gold bangles. There are two bangles on each wrist – using the hand and forearm attachment points to give this more verisimilitude.

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Girl Next Door Goes Clubbing.

I was out dancing all night long in this outfit and really love the look for dancing, but I do have to share my date’s description. He said, “The girl next door goes clubbing!” I don’t know what that means, but he was particularly chilvarous, so it must be good. The lovely girl-next-door skin is Lily from Exodi and the dress is from Redgrave.

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