Monthly Archives: August 2009

Cigar? Cigarette?

posted by Gidge Uriza

The folks at Reasonable Desires released this one a while back but I never remember to shoot things in order. So while it’s not NEW – it’s still uber fantastic and cute.

Cajsa had an event at MDR back in the day, and she had a good Furry friend of ours wear a waiter AO with a serving tray which was very festive and fun. This costume is in the same idea – your traditional 40s style Cigar/Cigarette Girl (they often also had gum and candies to freshen your breath back in the day) with a tray that actually gives stuff out. Continue reading

Lingerie Post In Need of A Title: Apply Within

Okay, now that I have spent over 10 minutes cycling through bad title ideas for this post, I hand the job over to you, dear Readers.  I am wearing the wonderfully detailed and sexy lingerie from Cicciuzzo Gausman of Riviera Couture. It also comes in Mocha, Black and Blue. Yummy!

I thought about making up a title like I ♥ Italy since the lingerie and the skin I am wearing (PXL Creations) are by Italian designers, but if I had been planning that I would have used the poses by Antosperandeo Allen.  Instead I went with the Sex Sells and Sultry poses of Reel Expressions and if you look at the photos you can see they are well-named.  Besides, that gorgeous Mirone hair plays a role. So do those luscious earings from Zaara who is  from India and though India and Italy both begin with an I, I don’t think that counts.

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Serendipity @ Tuli

So on  Sunday, I was trying to get to The Velvet for Maht’s set and my tp’s failed and failed and failed. I got a lovely thank you IM from Antonsperandeo Allen of Behavior Body for my post featuring his animations and asked for a TP to see if I could get untrapped. Well, I was able to leave the Spa, but now I was stuck on the Baiastice sim. So, I start clicking every LM I have trying to find one that gets me away… and whoosh, I end up at Tuli right in front of this dress and was like, “Forget the music, I want that dress!!!”  And that’s how I ended up finding it.

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Yummy Yummy Yummy, Love That Tummy

When I put on this lovely little number from Casa del Shai, the first thing I noticed is that little mole next to the navel on this gorgeous PXL Creations skin. Yummy! It was so yummy I changed the lyrics to the Herman’s Hermits song.  Love that tummy!!

I also love how beautifully the Bdreams dress named Puppy (no idea why) works over the Casa del Shai lingerie. And doesn’t that makeup make a lovely, sultry face?

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Quick Look:Doux Petite

posted by Gidge Uriza

One of my favorite little boutique finds of late has been been Doux Petite which has a fun assort of casual wear, skins and now more boho style fashions.

This Boho Dress and crocheted stockings are absolutely perfect with Izumiya’s Saba sandals and all are at great prices that won’t break your bank for a different look than you might normally wear. Continue reading

I Have One Thing To Say…..

posted by Gidge Uriza

When you save stuff onto flicker, save it into sets or it ges lost like this pretty!

Available for only L$10 at the big Pixel Dolls sale I just love this Paw Prints Cheongsam. I even left the regular shape on cuz there was so much discussion today about people liking curves. So there you go Anti and Analu. Big bootie. Continue reading

Hot Summer Nights

On really hot summer nights, there’s nothing better than a pair of loose cotton gauze palazzo pants so light you can feel the breeze flow through them. I took the pair from a Zenith pantsuit and paired it with the bodice of a Zaara summer dress for a nice cool summer night casual look. Adding the fab leather & lace belt from EarthStones put me in the mood for more EarthStones so I popped over there and picked up the matching shoes.

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