Tag Archives: Reel Expressions



1967 was the prelude to the Summer of Love. Rolling Stone published its first issue. Ralph Nader came to the attention of the public with his book “Unsafe at any Speed” which launched consumer activism. Gas was 33 cents a gallon. Radio London started broadcasting. And Scott McKenzie sang “If you’re going to San Franciso,” the anthem calling youth to the Monterey Pop Festival. Resistance to the Vietnam War was growing and Muhammed Ali was stripped of his heavyweight boxing title for refusing induction into the army. The Beatles released Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Heart Clubs Band and the Magical Mystery Tour and Kurt Cobain was born. You can come to 1967 at The Velvet tonight from 7 to 9 SLT as Maht Wuyts continues his Rock per Annum tour of the last 52 years of music.


Inspired by the San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Some Flowers in your Hair) song, I decided to wear this Flower Children outfit from Gizza. You can find it at the Vintage Fair in two colors. This is the red one – as bright and vibrant as the music that played at the Monterey Pop Festival. The outfit includes the top, pants and the crocheted shrug and all have resize scripts to help you fit them.
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Hey, can I borrow your store for a minute?

I have been frantically updating the blogroll. You see it over there on the right? It’s so much shorter now because I have shifted the links to Blogging Second Life, a companion site to It’s Only Fashion. This will make our blog load more quickly while still making sure all the links are available if you need them. It also allows me to provide more useful information, such as the name behind the blog, the store, and marketplace links. If I knew how to integrate two themes on one site, I would have kept it right here, but that’s above my pay grade. I hope you check it out and add missing information in the comments there.

While working on this project, more than once I came upon a store blog that required an in-world visit to complete the information. One such was MMGrafitti’s store blog. It’s possible all the information is on his blog, but it’s in Japanese and even Google Translate cannot answer every question.  I am happy I checked it out, though, because it was such a fun home and decor store that I had to shoot some pictures there. Seriously, when it’s time to shoot some photos in the snow, I am definitely taking pictures at the snow cabin. It has footprints in the snow on the porch!!!


The weather has turned colder in real life and that has me reaching for warmth in Second Life. How silly is that? Still, any excuse to wear this marvelous fur from Baiastice. Sissy Pessoa has release two new jackets in four different furs. This is the short black fur and while she may have squeezed and skinned some pixels, no animals were harmed. I am wearing it over a magnificent blue python dress from R.icielli released for Modavia Fashion Week. I love the blue color and its overall look and don’t mind the seams not lining up as it makes it seem like python skin rather than a python-print fabric. The dress comes with shoes and earrings and that magnificent belt.

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Marvelous Night for a Moondance


Donna Flora's Dancing was made to be worn in the moonlight, its silk sheen reflecting the moon as you dance among the stars.

Well, it’s a marvelous night for a moondance
With the stars up above in your eyes
A fantabulous night to make romance
‘Neath the cover of October skies

And all the leaves on the trees are fallin’
To the sound of the breezes that blow
An’ I’m trying to please to the callin’
Of your heart strings that play soft and low

And all the nights magic seems to whisper and hush
And all the soft moonlight seems to shine in your blush
Can I just have one more moondance with you, my love?
Can I just make some more romance with you, my love?

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Gasqhe: the Joy of Discovery

Gasqhe Wen

One of the joys of events like Modavia Fashion Directory is the discovery of new designers and new stores and sometimes, as in the case of Karija Azalee, whose collection for Gasqhe blew me away. I was struck by the originality and the unique vision of her collection so planned to check out her store and saw no info in her picks. I im’ed to suggest she put her LM in her picks and she confess she didn’t have a store yet, but would in the near future. In the interim, she has a boutique booth at Moravia. The booths will stay open for two months, so there’s plenty of time for you to get there.

Gasqhe Jils

I think I compared her textures as Cezanne on Acid. They have the muted, soft look of watercolors. This dress, Jils, makes me think of a bed if irises. Irises were my mom’s favorite flower and they always find a soft spot in my heart.

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Kiss Kiss Bang Bang


Story has it that Pauline Kael, the late great film critic, was in Italy where she saw a poster for a James Bond film with the title “Kiss Kiss Bang Bang” and she quipped “Those words are perhaps the briefest statement imaginable of the basic appeal of movies” They were also the title of one of her books and later of a a film noir send up with Robert Downey, Jr. and Val Kilmer. In Second Life, though, it’s a clothing store – one with fun clothing at amazing prices. My bright yellow dress is from KKBB and was only three lindens. It comes in several colors, but I loved the yellow – a bright yellow in default lighting.
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And Now for Something Completely Different


As you can see, despite having worn this dress for a few days while I ran hither and yon and snapped and screenshotted for three different tutorials, this dress has resisted all stains and wrinkles. I think it’s perfect travel wear and should go with you on all your journeys. The top and skirt are from Fashionably Dead and are beautifully made. I love the understated colors in these pieces and the rich details such as the floral print inset on the skirt and the little buttons on the sleeves.
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Bragging Rights


The Leona dress from Zenith - Each color set comes in sold and print versions. The dress is by Miffyhoi Rosca - who is among the first dozen friends I made when I joined Second Life four years ago. PS. I hate the new iteration of the SL viewer. I have anti-aliasing on and all my settings are right I still get some raggedy edges.

The Vicious Family

When I first joined Second Life and was rescued by Gidge from the vicious stairs that had me trapped and began working with her (she was my supervisor) I was welcomed into this crazy “family” of folks at Vicious/Hypnoz, a club and shopping mall she managed. I started out cleaning prim trash and translating announcements into Spanish and graduated into helping plan and publicize events. It was a big family that included Miffyhoi Rosca. Miffy introduced me to pillow fighting and crazy gestures. I introduced her to horseback riding and surfing.

Miffy's first creation - a belt and armband

And then she decided she was going to make clothing and launched the Zenith brand. I can remember sitting with our mutual friend (and Gidge’s adopted daughter) Hatchy and one of Hatchy’s loves on a giant pig while watching Miffy spend hours and hours on her first creation – a candy belt and arm bands.  Well, that was 2007 and her style has changed over the years as she has grown from college student to adulthood but her meticulous attention to detail and her love of fashion remains the same. My appreciation of her fashion has grown over the years. Candy belts were never my thing, perhaps being diabetic played a role in that, but how can I resist a lovely flowing floral frock like this?

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Bandana Day

bandana day_006

One of the great elements of Hair Fair is that it asks for more participation from us than just shopping, blogging or building. Each year, it asks all of us to take off our hair and don a bandana in solidarity with those who are going through cancer treatment and losing their hair. Hair is very precious to us. Most of us when asked to describe ourselves, start with our hair color Our hairstyles are our signs to the world, communicating our interests, tastes and values. When people lose their hair, that signifier that said they are chic, or sporty, or rebellious is lost and replaced with a new signifier – Cancer Patient.
Bandana Day 2011
That is why Wigs For Kids is such a critical support to children who are going through cancer treatment. Children are already struggling to establish their identity, to individuate – and when cancer treatment robs them of such a critical signifier as hair, it’s important to restore that as best we can.
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