Tag Archives: PixelDolls

Color Me Cashmere

Cashmere – the must luxurious and sensuous of knits. It is the epitome of YUM and PixelDolls have been doing cashmere right.

But first, let me just say something about PixelDolls because they along with Digit Darkes and Nyte & Day have a special place in my heart. They were the first three stores I shopped at after Gidge rescued me the day I met her and showed me there was more to Second Life than freebie dungeons.

Yes, she rescued me. I was so dumb I walked under a ramp and got stuck and couldn’t figure out why I could not move and this sweet woman said, “I think you are trying to walk through a wall, dear.”  Continue reading

VaVaVelvety Leathers from Baiastice

Look how touchable and soft that little jacket is. It’s one of the appropriately named Sexy jackets from Baiastice made of rubbed leather, sueded to the point it seems more like velvet than leather.  With it I am wearing a top from Pixel Dolls – Isolde, aptly named with its Arthurian chasing on the belting. Continue reading

Excuse Me, Have You Seen My Sn@tch?

posted by Gidge Uriza

Okay. I’ve been eyeballing these pants at Sn@tch for a while. But it was only when I realized how great they’d go with the group gift from Pixeldolls shirt that I finally made the jump and went and picked them up.

Now, you’ve seen this shirt. Everyone on planet earth blogged it when it came out.

And it’s a really fun, festive design.

But my thing is, with few exceptions, I don’t blog things just because I just got them. Review items aside, I’m blogging for you WHAT I WEAR. So I’m not just saying “here is some crap in my closet isn’t it cool?” This is actually what I wore one day in SL, and then saved as an outfit. So my inventory becomes a bit of a journal of what I did and where I went. Continue reading

Dots & Fleurishes

Le Petite Fleur has more than an outrageously fun group gift. The store has lots of lovely dresses. The one I am wearing today is a confection with a cream base and several tones of dots in all the shades of coffee, from latte to mocha to espresso. I really wanted to wear this particular necklace, so I took of the dotted bodice that comes with it and chose another top. Continue reading

Peach Sorbet

Bianca F always can be relied on for imaginative and fun outfits. She doesn’t disappoint with her super-sexy net skirts that show lots of leg. The skirts come in several colors and I went for the peach – a color that flatters every skin tone. Of course, it also matches my skin tone very closely so the skirt seems more daring than it really is. There really are glitch pants under there, I promise.  I paired it with a corset from PixelDolls. Can anybody make a corset like they can? You can see more on my flickr.

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