Tag Archives: la gyo

Bringing Color and Wonder

I looked across the lake and found that Cajsa has tinted a new house from Barnesworth Anubis that you can pick up at Collabor88 to a striking RED color. I’m so in love with it that I’m envious I didn’t think of it myself.

It was rather lovely to wake up to, I have to admit. Continue reading

Such a Nasty Woman

Such a Nasty Woman

It is Election Day at long last. Elections in America are far too long and of course, the campaigns in the commentariat are even longer. After all, there’s already speculation and talk about 2020 before 2016 is decided, because the media would rather talk horse races than policy.

This is the first truly existential election since 1860. People who complain that the election is not about issues this year are wrong. It’s just that the issues on the ballot are not the issues we are used to voting on—whether we are a free country or an authoritarian one, whether the United States controls it foreign policy or follows the dictates of a former KGB agent, and whether we want to continue as a democratic republic or are ready to just give it all up and hand it over to a despot. Thwse are the issues of this election and they could not be more important.

I am wearing suffragette white even though I voted two weeks ago. I am excited to be electing the first woman president. I wish the election were about her policies in competition with his, but it is not. This is not an election about marginal tax rates, health care policy and higher education funding. It is not about traditional issues. It is about our humanity.

Such a Nasty Woman

I am wearing a delightful white leather jacket from Pixicat for Collabor88 over a fun sports bra and pants from Azuchi. The Pixicat Night Jacket has a hud to allow color changes. It can be bi-color as well. I love the details on the pants. On a side note, I have been reading The Best Nature and Science Writing of 2016 and it included a great article from Racked on the science and engineering in developing sports bras. You should check it out, “Why Are Sports Bras So Terrible?” Fortunately in Second Life® if the sports bra fails to provide enough support we can just adjust the physics layer. If only it were so in real life.

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Who Was I Kidding About Staying In?

I’ve got new hair and a perfect summer dress from FISSION – why on earth would I stay in ! I can sleep when I’m dead, I tell you!

If you haven’t popped over to FISSION lately let me get you a taxi – it’s a great shop for retro-inspired clothes that are fun and not stuffy or boring. I highly recommend you get over there for something fresh and new in your SL wardrobe, you won’t be sorry. Continue reading

Going Home

Just hold on, we're going home.

Collabor88 opened today with a flourish, a crisp and clean flourish. Certainly the lovely Shiroi skin applier from Glam Affair for Lelutka Mesh Heads is a clean, crisp look for these hot summer days. So are the lovely stone and silver earrings (completely jewelry set) from La Gyo. I want to dress for the heat back home in Minnesota because I hit the road tomorrow for a trip back home to visit my sister and the rest of my family.

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Without looking back

Without looking back

At LEA27, there is a new installation called The City that opened on January 31st. Ziki Questi did a great post about it here.

Without looking back

I love its stark minimalist approach. It is a place to play with light and shadow.

Without looking back

It also seems a wonderful place to highlight the extraordinary elegance of Zaara’s Thalia dress. Thalia is the Greek muse of laughter and the dress has clear Greco-Roman inspiration in its draping. I had to ask Zaara if it was named after Thalia Heckroth™ and she confirmed. I have a friend in my first life named Thalia, too, and sometimes I think they are the best evidence of names being destiny because they both have a joyful laugh and both are animated by injustice to act.
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My Supervisor

Blog Supervisor

As you can see, my blog pictures and posts are all done under close supervision by Oscar. Because I reached for the camera and shifted back to take the picture, he is positioned a little farther from the laptop than he likes to sit while I work. While I am working, his preferred position is on the very edge of the laptop with his front paws on my forearm and his forehead leaning against my chin, completely blocking my view of the keyboard. Apparently he liked this shot because he walked across the keyboard and saved this shot to disk.


This is the picture Oscar took. The dress is from LIV-Glam and is a fabulous party gown that comes with a HUD allowing me to change it from silver to gold. It’s a perfect dress for us indecisive folks.
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Generally speaking, most clubbing dresses are in blacks or jewel tones – which made this white dress from Redgrave a real pleasure to find.  I find that I love the Redgrave store for very different reasons than most people who are addicted to the skins. I, on the other hand, love the clothes, shoes and jewelry at Redgrave. Whether it’s the iconic Biker Boots or sexy little clubbing dresses like this one, there’s a authenticity of detail that draws me in. And…Redgrave knows how to make an avatar look sexy.

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Bloggity Blog – An It's Only Fashion PSA

posted by Gidge Uriza

It never fails to amaze me the really talented creators I will hear say things like “I don’t know how to get my things blogged” or “I’m too shy to send review  copies, what if they don’t like me?” And then there are the dramanistas stirring it up with the whining about who gets blogged and how often and how person X NEVER GETS BLOGGED WAAAAAAAAAAAH.

Seriously, when I see this – my thought is “Wow, you seem to have a lot of time on your hands, why don’t you help your friend out with some PR work promoting them to bloggers?”

But instead of being an asshat, I decided that what is second nature to me and the bloganista community (I just made that up. That’s my word – Bloganista – you may use it but you gotta pay me 10%) might be an alien adventure to those you not card carrying members of the Fashion Mafia. So I want to share with you how it SHOULD work and what you SHOULD do, if this is important to you – or to your friend who apparently can only have you speak for them. Continue reading