While you were playing Glitch and Skyrim, Daphne took an arrow to the knee and Velma graduated from college and updated her look a bit. Yes, she still has the beloved orange sweater with a skirt from Tres Blah, but she added some cool earrings, kickin’ boots and a chic short cut.
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Category Archives: Great Places to Shoot
The First Time I Ran Away
The first time I ran away I saw
Faces in the dreams I heard
Voices in the storm they say
Uh, uh,… water falls
Uh, uh
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One Bad Pixel Don’t Spoil the Whole Bunch
In case you slept through yesterday, a new collaboration has launched featuring high quality mesh clothing from two established designers who are working together to develop a line of mesh clothing that is naughty and nice. One Bad Pixel is naughtily sexy, with figure-hugging styles that lay so beautifully against the skin and it’s nicely done, made with attention to detail, flawless texturing and fabulous colors. This is the Pearl dress in Aubergine – just one in a double rainbow of colors.
Serendipitous Swan
This gorgeous jacket from Swansong is called Serendipity. Serendipity is one of my favorite words as well as a lovely concept. While I don’t believe in fate or karma or other supernatural interventions in our lives, I do believe in serendipity. Serendipity is making desirable discoveries by accident, finding fortunate or agreeable things while you’re not looking for them, the happy coincidences of life. It’s that charming coincidence of deciding to wear a bright, colorful jacket like this one from Swansong and teleporting to Collbora88 and finding the fabulously florescent colored shoes from R2 that are a perfect complement, without even intending to look for them.
The Grasslands
I spent far too much shopping this weekend with so many new releases and events that I decided to take a break and go for a walk at the fabulous Noweeto Grasslands. I thought the lizard tote from Celoe would love to go for a walk with me.
You Would Hardly Recognize Me, I’m So Glad…
Well except for that whole over dressed avatar with a blonde wig thing wearing my shape. I guess you might recognize me.
Sometimes though, the exhilaration of life and change sweeps you up and makes you pause to think about how beautiful everything is, how good it is, and how at this point – there is nothing you would change. Every step though the purple flowered lagoon led you here and well, dammit, I’m wearing a new dress from Donna Flora and literally I couldn’t be one ounce fucking happier. Continue reading
Misali Moonlight
So I went looking for a lovely place to shoot and found Misali – a gorgeous water sim with small islands that hold lovely little set pieces perfect for the SL photographer. Since I was wearing the purple and sapphire dress and jacket outfit from Baiastice I decided to use the lovely Purple Moonlight windlight setting from Elysium Elide. I love the dress and the jacket and like them together, though this does highlight one of the reasons I have not become a 100% supporter of mesh. I would love to have them as separate pieces, but unlike system clothing, mesh separates can be difficult to fit together. Some strategies I have used to make mesh separates work is to wear a M under and an L on top, though that does not always work. That’s why designers like Baiastice’ Sissy Pessoa make the outfits in one unified mesh instead of separates. It makes them work together perfectly, adjusting to your poses and preventing all intersections, but it does reduce our opportunity to make individualist styling choices.
Or maybe we just have to dig a little deeper to come up with new ways to add our own quirks and options. Here, I added the collar and sleeve fur pieces from a Bliss Couture jacket. I decided to tie the jacket more directly to the dress, adding the accents in the sapphire color of the dress.
The ocean is a desert with its life underground
One of the most enigmatic songs of all time popped into my head while trying to conjure up a title for this post. I was sim-hopping through the many Linden Endowment for the Arts sims and stopped off at one (LEA17) that struck me as having a gorgeous, high desert atmosphere that might be fun for playing around with shadows. I used the Barcelona windlight setting though I fiddled around with the time of day and where east was relative to the sim just to arrange the lighting more conveniently. My outfit was great for trekking about – though that Maitreya top actually has a long, draping open back.
Lovely Day at Juicy
I picked up the lovely outfit at My Attic at The Deck last week and just am getting around to wearing it. It is such a happy outfit, that I decided to go to the lovely beachfront sim Juicy that seemed sure to suit the mood of the dress – and of course it did. Those shoes you see are from Gos – his espadrilles that came out right about the time Viewer 2 got rid of invisiprims, so they are are current as if they had been released yesterday.
Did Someone Say Grayed Rainbow?
If you get the number of subscribo notices I do, you spend a lot of time going, “Next, Next, Next, Boring, Template, Next, Next….” and deleting them without RUSHING out to acquire what it is you’ve been offered. Call it ennui, call it being an oldbie but it’s a bit hard to get more all that motivated beyond “oh cute.” Continue reading