So the other day my friend Hart Larsson of PXL Creations passed me a couple sweaters to try on and critique. He asked if I liked the colors and if the pois looked good. I asked “What’s pois?” Then I crashed before he answered.. or he crashed. I don’t remember. So…I googled it. You can google it, too. The first response in Google is Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome. So I log back in with some ammunition to tease him, and ask “What’s pois?” again, but he explained quite simply that it’s those little dots and sure enough if you look in a French-English dictionary – it is a polka dot or dot. I took pity on Hart and didn’t ask him about Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome after all.

You see, I got distracted by the details on the sweater – like the little tag sticking up on the back with the PXL logo on it. I actually said “Awwww, that’s so cute!” out loud, making my cat think I was talking to him and preen a little. Anyway, it’s an adorable sweater in a rainbow of colors. It has charming details and it has pois. In fact, there’s only one thing wrong with it – it’s for men. However, I don’t care. It fits me like a glove and I am going to wear it anyway. And, ladies, just so you know, one of my critiques was that Hart needed to add some lighter colors which he did later – after I shot these pictures. So now there’s a nice antique rose, a cornflower blue, a lovely beige – beautiful colors for women AND men.

The look I went for was pretty casual and I shot the pictures at The Mother Road – an homage to Route 66. However, I didn’t shoot on the highway this time, but walked a few blocks away from the road into the farmland that it crosses. Continue reading →