Category Archives: Expos, Fairs and Fundraisers

Spam Gets Metaphysical


We get spam. Luckily most just flies right past into a filter, but a few gems get by and then we get to manually trash it. Every once in a while, it’s tempting to let one through. Take this nugget of wisdom we received today:

Indeed, the sound of words can strike more keenly than any modern decoding of them. Without thinking of the meaning, chant the words “cellar door” to yourself.

I am sure the secret of the universe can be found in there somewhere.  So, I will chant “cellar door” while I stand here looking Tres Glam. And no, I am not being vain. My top is from a Tres Blah dress and the pants are from Glam Affair – which makes me Tres Glam, right?

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A Preview of SL9B


Second Life’s 9th birthday celebration opens on June 18th, just a week away. Gidge and I, along with some of our friends are working our pixel fingers to the bone preparing all sorts of fun tutorials about SL photography and blogging. Just to give you a preview of what’s to come, the pictures in this post are all unedited, raw shots direct from Second Life. The only thing that has been done is that they have been cropped.

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Fashion Vanguard

Chic2 Vanguard

There is a vanguard in any human endeavor, there is a vanguard that leads the way forward. They are the ones who develop new ideas. The find the new technologies and adopt new ways of communicating in music, literature and art. They are the forward shock troops in combat and in culture. It’s appropriate, then, that the store Vanguard in Second Life produces clothing that is completely á la page and then one step beyond.

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Fame Shed and The Gary Gacha

So first of all I should say, I know full WELL that it’s not called FAME SHED. However, there was a whole slew of conversation about how one says the name of this event, and someone had asked if it was called FAME SHED – hell I think Cajsa even did a poll.

The truth is, mnemonic devices are effective, and while there are more events on the grid than you can shake a stick at – the ones with names I can remember are the ones that I patronize. So – while I know it’s faMESHed – it’s Fame Shed to me.

And more importantly – I went shopping there because I remembered it. Oh and bcse Vaki  told me I should. Continue reading

More color than a rainbow


Azure Electricteeth of the brand Tee*fy has created an adorable babydoll that is so cute it triumphed over my usual preference for a more tailored fit with snug, body-hugging waists. Part of its deliciousness comes from the tiny spaghetti straps that are sliding off the shoulders – a bit of cheeky fun. She adds a strapless alternative to the folder in case you want to layer or something, but who would want to cover up that charming detail? But even more, it’s the color! She made this dress in enough colors for two rainbows. Yes, 15 different colors from rich, vibrant primary colors to tender, romantic pastels, there’s a color for everyone.

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Post Number 3269


My post title mojo has disappeared, lost in a long nap I accidentally took this afternoon. I was chilly and just crawled under the blanket to warm up and six hours later, I am rested but my synapses are firing at half-speed. This skirt from Nyu for faMESHed is not just running full-speed, it’s full-speed in the awesome lane. I love everything about it from the texture details on the front of the skirt, the tuxedo bow belt, the zipper up the back, the lining on the bottom inside to eliminate the alpha inside issue. the bodysuit from Milk Motion for Dressing Room Blue seemed made for it with its sexy but refined styling.


The pictures are shot at Memento Mori though I turned glow off in the debug settings. It’s so well done that I hate losing the details in the glow. I was excited to use Di’s Opera poses for the first time in a long time. I was sad when she closed her store awhile back, but she says she has more free time again to indulge in Second Life so she has just re-opened with a new release aptly named Redux.

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Returning To Old Loves

What Next Then?

With the CHIC2 birthday event in full swing I found myself returning to an old love, a creator I haven’t worn in a while but I’m so tickled to have rediscovered. Elemiah Designs was a love of mine back when I was a noob blogger (ohai 2008) and so I was excited to see that she was not only still around but had released a cute mesh dress with a fun summer texture to boot.

Check out this dress and all the other fun items at CHIC2 – the birthday event to celebrate two years of fun events from CHIC. All the items in their awesomeness can be found on SERAPHIM .

Manicure: :::Sn@tch Nail Candy (Black/Pink Tips):::
Hair: ::Exile:: Secret Summer:Vanilla
Shoes: Ingenue :: Gatsby Heels :: Prussian
Necklace: Maxi Gossamer – Roho – Medium – SILVER
Eyes: Vision by A:S:S – Enaid – Alexandria L
Vision by A:S:S – Enaid – Pale green R
Dress: Elemiah Design: Youpi 01 – mesh dress Medium CHIC2 Release
Shape: Gidge ~Savoir Faire Shapes~
Skin: al vulo- Baba2 *intense sucre CHIC2 Release




Head to Toe, Mesh is the Word

Costa Rica Whaling

I was not excited about the advent of mesh, fearful that new technology would mean new reasons to crash and new problems to solve. In part that is true, there are new fitting problems. In order to fit the mesh to your shape, you do have to make the central core of your shape conform to a range of standard sizes. In exchange, though, you do not have to fit five separate sculpts to your shape, then edit them every time you change your pose. FaMESHed is a monthly sales event that has formed to celebrate the glory of mesh and this second month is even more exciting than the first.  By the way, look at the wide sleeve of the top, lines so it does not disappear, it is far superior to the melting flesh that lines a bell-shaped system sleeve.

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Lucille Ball Was Right


Pose set, dress and hair can all be found at the Chic² event until June 24th

“If you want something done, ask a busy person to do it.
The more things you do, the more things you can do.”
Lucille Ball

Lucy could have been talking about Keira Seerose,  who was busily preparing plans for Vintage Fair as Chic², celebrating the second birthday of her Chic Management company opened to eager crowds yesterday.  Yesterday, just a little over a week after the huge fundraising event Culture Shock closed.  With one event after another, she proves again and again that if you want something done, as a busy person to do it.

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Three Events

Are you hungry for mesh? Then you should run, not walk, to faMESHed. And yes, I still privately call it Fame Shed because that’s how we roll here. There’s lots of delights there and with some of the other events going on this weekend. There’s so much going on, that I put together this post with an item or two from three different events.

The dress, however, is even more special because it is not associated with an event. Yes, you get to go to an actual store! I came across Bilo at The Ashraya Project, loved the design aesthetic and the workmanship and went on a mini-spree at the store where I picked up this fabulous dress that combines the fit of system where with the flexibility and finesse of mesh. Instead of the old hated crotch flap, there is a mesh skirt panel that makes the system pants and top into a dress. It’s well done, merging mesh with system pieces so you can’t even see the join except from certain extreme angles and positions.

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