The more things you do, the more things you can do.”
Lucille Ball
Lucy could have been talking about Keira Seerose, who was busily preparing plans for Vintage Fair as Chic², celebrating the second birthday of her Chic Management company opened to eager crowds yesterday. Yesterday, just a little over a week after the huge fundraising event Culture Shock closed. With one event after another, she proves again and again that if you want something done, as a busy person to do it.

Bent's Country Chic Barn Prop for Chic² is a winner in my book. A great set full of poses and all the good things about a barn.
I have worked with Chic Management (Keira Seerose) as a blogger, a DJ and seen the creator side from Gidge’s perspective and marvel at the organization and efficiency that underlie the events. For example, I played a set at the Vintage Fair and needed to switch my time with someone. I IM’ed Keira and was told that was no problem and she would arrange it. Before the conversation was over, she had already changed the listing on the web site, probably doing it while we were chatting. As a blogger, what can I say? People love to blog Chic events because expectations are clear, it’s easy to pick up preview copies, information is provided promptly and designers are eager to provide previews. For creators, I assume the same can be said as stores scramble to apply for her events when they open.
I spent a little time browsing the Chic Management website this morning checking dates. Browsing through the list of past events, I was reminded of the power of some of those events. For example, the Back to Black event raising awareness of mental health issues where ignorance, alienation and stigma compound the effects of illness, encouraged creators and others to share their own struggles and experiences, breaking down that isolation. Visiting the event was not just a shopping experience, but one that opened windows into the hearts and minds of people.

I chose the delicate aqua dress from tomoto, but it also comes in other pastel colors. Tomoto designs are always such feminine, frothy confections that they seem to be spun of sugar.
Another event, the Pacfic Crisis Fundraiser typifies the lead with the heart qualities of Chic Management – and of course, of Keira Seerose. Knowing that after the horrific tsunami hit Japan people were eager to help, an event was stitched together as quickly as possible. It was a bit rough around the edges, but then you don’t put on a tuxedo to fight a fire, do you? You run out the door, tossing your clothes on as you go and if you notice that one sock is white and the other is blue as you tie your shoes in the car, does that really matter as much as acting quickly?
The official description of Chic Management SL is fashion, charity and awareness events within SecondLife. That’s true, I suppose, on the surface. But Chic Management is much more than an event management company and Keira Seerose is much more than an events planner. In fact, she is an organizer, a community organizer. A community organizer takes people as she finds them, speaks to their interest and their concern to motivate them and brings them together into a community with a purpose. If she ever decides to take her organizing talents into the real world, watch out. And Keira? Happy Birthday!
Store info at Blogging Second Life
- Poses: Bent Country Chic Barn for Chic²
- Skin: Baiastice_Kate-pearl-make up 1- RD for Skin Showcase
- Makeup Tattoos: Baiastice_Kate-exclusive make up 6 (Skin Showcase)
- Eyes: IKON Horizon Eyes v2 – Pale Green (M)
- Lashes: **Chaisuki*** lashes 51
- Mani/Pedi: Candy Nail #P069 Air white L20
- Clothing: tomoto, delice aqua for Chic²
- Shoes: *GField* Short Western Boots-turquoise
- Jewelry: Donna Flora Diana set