Monthly Archives: August 2009

Moody Blues

The moment I put the Rebel X dress created for the final SwanSong event at Black Swan, I knew it had to be shot at Templum ex Obscurum. The dress is the exact color of the glow in the trees and on the water – and has the same wild moodiness and extravagant commitment to an aesthetic.  Even knowing it would work, I confess I was shocked at how perfectly the dress and the sim go together.

I had to try out some of the poses strategically seeded around the sim. This one is near the entrance. As a water-lover, I have daydreamed along the shoreline, enjoying the ebb and flow of the waves…so this pose was certainly one that spoke to me.

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Sister Act

posted by Gidge Uriza

Heehee. Ok it’s true. I did IM the entire Bloggers Group that I could see Cajsa’s butt. It wasn’t my fault, at first we were discussing my goat – and we somehow ended up discussing her butt when she TP’d into my extremely organized and not prim trashy at all bedroom.

You believe me right?

Most of these things aren’t my fault. I don’t have sisters you see. When I was in college, other girls would say “Could I borrow this sweater/dress/jeans?” and I’d say “Ummmm, no. Get your own.” Continue reading

Too Sexy For My Skirt

Polina Kaestner has made one of the sexiest, cutest skirts ever!!  It is very sheer and your legs will show – and that’s the point! It has a perfectly discreet pair of matching glitch panties and that is enough to keep embarrassment at bay so long as you don’t have a friend like Gidge who actually sent an IM to the entire fashion bloggers group saying she could see my butt and then sent a slurl inviting people to come see my butt.  However, I was not embarrassed. The skirt is adorable and a few glimpses thanks to my AO isn’t going to upset me. I should have just changed AO’s, but Gidge was having too much fun.  Considering that she was wearing the Lonely Goatherd dress and carrying a goat, I think she really didn’t have a leg to stand on.

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Indyra Originals 50% Off Sale

posted by Gidge Uriza

If you had asked me, I would’ve said that I already owned everything at Indyra Originals. So how surprised was I to find a few things nestled in her 50% off sale that I’ve coveted but never picked up? QUITE!

This is just a quckie but I wanted to show all of you the lovely Picassa ballgown which comes in several colors – I justhad to have this vibrant sunny color though.

Cruel fate and a busy schedule keeps me from logging in to pick up Ryker Beck’s New Skin Lily – so I’ll content myself with Wearing Shiloh.

Style Notes

  • Shape – Gidge Custom Shape by Hatchy Mills
  • Skin – Exodi – Shiloh
  • Hair – Miau Haus – Valena
  • Dress – Indyra Originals – Picassa
  • Lashes – Lelutka Photolashes 2

Elysium Surprises

Elysium Elide whose blog Photographing SL is familiar to all of us who read the feeds has begun making clothing. She brings to her clothing the same quality and artistry that sets her blog apart from most. Her store, Elymode, opened Friday and the clothing is beautifully made and surprising conservative and wearable anywhere and everywhere. I have to express just a bit of surprise that there are no breast-baring options. ;P

I really fell for the Leafy skirt, top and cardigan. The details are subtle and well-planned to keep the clothing suitable for mixing and matching. The fabric is deceptively simple, but zoom close and see the attention to the weave that gives the solid colors depth and luster.

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Quicklook: Wetherby's

posted by Gidge Uriza

It’s a quicklook at one of my favorite cocktail dress dress creators. WETHERBY’S.

As always, paring one of her lovely gem colored dressed with snappy shoes she’s got bargains, and midnight mania and a fun freebie available at the store. Continue reading


Ambrosia – the drink of the gods. I don’t know what yours is. Mine is a gin & tonic with a dash of Tia Rosa’s and fresh lime. For Polaire of Prelude, it seems it might be a nice froth cafe latte or cappucino.  She recently gave me this dress of hers.  I added the corset from Polina Kaestner and it suited it so well Polaire said she wished she had thought of it. Polaire and Polina, it must be destiny. Certainly the two pieces look made for each other.

This was another outfit I put together for Second Style. The only reason I feel bad that it fell through is that I asked Polaire to give me this dress for the magazine shoot – and it did not happen.  If anyone deserves to have her designs highlighted in a magazine – it’s Polaire. So let’s hope that happens some other way.

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That's some skirt

The new skirt from LeeZu – or actully, pants as she named the Mia Corset Pants, is one hot look that I think would be hard to replicate in real life. Of course, who needs to? It’s a high-waisted skirt with lots of ruffles that is open down the side.  I paired it with a LeeZu top – not any of the ones pictures, but a top actually designed to go with some short. The curve of the top is a perfect line with the top of the skirt – so they may not be pictured together, but they coudl be made for each other.

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Weekend Gorgeous from Donna Flora

posted by Gidge Uriza

I have watched Cajsa post Donna Flora and said in my mind “Self, you do not need another store to love. Let Cajsa make sweet love to Donna Flora and no matter what, DO NOT GO THERE!”

And then I went there.

The fact that I came away with only one dress and one necklace was not a statement of not being able to find something to SUIT me, rather a statement of being so overwhelmed with the fantastic fun I found that I couldn’t pick what to buy next.

I’m serious, how did I not know that this store had unbelievable bargains and goodness? Plus jewelry oh drooooool for the JEWELRY. You have no idea what gorgeous stuffs there are to be found, if you have not been yet.

My Grandma Had a Brooch Exactly Like the Waist Ornament!

My Grandma Had a Brooch Exactly Like the Waist Ornament!

I am also wearing a fun hairstyle courtesy of Head Mistress and I want EVERYONE TO NOTICE my title says nothing about dirty knees this time! This hair is called Drama Queen and it made me laugh. Perhaps big hair = big drama?

Cajsa also corrupted me by taking me to Chaisuki to look at skin. I can see that place is going to break me.  The make-ups are amazing.

Style Notes

***Bold R Indicates a Review Item***

  • Shape – Gidge Custom Shape by Hatchy Mills
  • Skin – Chaisuki – Alisha – Rainbow in Medium Tone
  • Hair – HEAD MISTRESS – Drama Queen – Starlet  R
  • Eyes – Poetic Color- Lilac Blossoms
  • Dress – Donna Flora – Rebecca
  • Necklace – Donna Flora – Gabriela – Turquoise
  • Shoes – Juicy – Slingback Pumps in Marshmallow
  • Lashes – Lelutka Photoshoot Lashes