Okay, now that I have spent over 10 minutes cycling through bad title ideas for this post, I hand the job over to you, dear Readers. I am wearing the wonderfully detailed and sexy lingerie from Cicciuzzo Gausman of Riviera Couture. It also comes in Mocha, Black and Blue. Yummy!
I thought about making up a title like I ♥ Italy since the lingerie and the skin I am wearing (PXL Creations) are by Italian designers, but if I had been planning that I would have used the poses by Antosperandeo Allen. Instead I went with the Sex Sells and Sultry poses of Reel Expressions and if you look at the photos you can see they are well-named. Besides, that gorgeous Mirone hair plays a role. So do those luscious earings from Zaara who is from India and though India and Italy both begin with an I, I don’t think that counts.