So, I went for comfort, but not at the expense of style, not with these glorious pants andd Untone Quilt’s marvelous cardigan. A lovely pink thermal top from pig makes it complete.
Tag Archives: ETD
Rhodesy's Purple is A-Bomb
posted by Gidge Uriza
My friend Rhodesy is famed for her beautiful purple tresses. When I saw this delicious Purple MELT THE GUNS ensemble from A-Bomb I simply had to bring out some purple hair as an homage to Rho. No one wears purple hair with the style and grace she does, those some of us try. Continue reading
Ready For The Weekend – NAO!
posted by Gidge Uriza
I have coveted these shoes at Tesla for some time, and this great spring jacket was just the thing I needed for an excuse to pick up the fatpack. They’re so cute! Continue reading
Never Drink Alone
posted by Gidge Uriza
I may be the only one that gets dressed and ready even when they have no plans. I wasn’t in a shopping mood, or an exploring mood, or an IMing old friends or people who are on my friends list and I don’t know who they are anymore……….Mood.
I was just in a sitting around mood. Weird, eh? Continue reading
Wig Wam GLAM – Naeko
posted by Gidge Uriza
So I’m still working my way, SLOWLY, through all the gifts from the VIP hunt and trying to patronize the retailers who participated due to their overwhelming giftiness. At almost NO distance into the list (like umm, # 2 or #3) I hit Naeko and I’ve been STUCK there.
Sigh. I just don’t DO neko. I don’t like it. I don’t dislike it on YOU, as a matter of fact I’ve got a couple of friends who rock various degrees of neko at ANY given time. And it can be cute on them. But me, no. I’d say it’s not my role play but it’s deeper than that. I sort of have a weird aversion – I don’t want to be a neko any more than I want to be a mech.
It just doesn’t do it for me…….AT ALL.
So I’ve been dithering and I swear to GOD I’ve been single handedly driving up their traffic numbers repeatedly going to Naeko and desperately trying to decide what I could buy and what I could DO with it, given my girly-princess, Barbie-wanna- be- brat nature.
And then I remembered DINEE! Continue reading
Color Me Purple
posted by Gidge Uriza
Cajsa reminded me to paint the grid purple in support for RFL so here I am. This dress is on sale in their bargain room for $L70! When Miffy saw it she said “If ETD has dresses for 70 the rest of us have to close up shop now.”
Ha! Probably not, since it’s just her bargain store.
Anyway……I need coffee, so this one is a quickee!
Style Notes
***Bold R Indicates a Review Item***
- Shape Gidge Custom Shape by Hatchy Mills
- Skin – SSv3 Alto in Berrylicious – Busty R
- Dress – Purple Striped dress from ETD
- Hose – Insolence – Dolores Hose
- Shoes – Insolence – Marie Jeanne
- Hair -ETD – Hayden in Blonde
- Eyes – Poetic Color – Lilac Blossoms
- Necklace – Armidi
Jealous Much?
posted by Gidge Uriza
My recent drop by the DSN was a gorgeous smexy baby-doll nighty from JEALOUSY whose main-store I have yet to find. I went to the LM I had but it said they’d moved, and then I tried to get the new LM giver to give me one but it wouldn’t soooooo, I’m assuming they’ve moved and I will find them soon.
Delicately sexy, but definitely something for alone time OR time with someone you know VERY well ( or are intending to know well in very short order), the Booty Baby-doll has sleek styling and opaque texture while being JUST a bit revealing. (You gotta look CLOSE) Continue reading
Casual Friday – On Wednesday
posted by Gidge Uriza
It’s Friday in my world. I used to work in a place that had a jeans on Friday rule. If you were going to be OFF of work on Friday, you’d wear jeans on whatever your LAST day of work that week was, and declare to anyone who raised their eyebrows “TODAY IS MY FRIDAY!”
Hey. It worked.
This is another great pick-up from Dolly Rock when she releases her new releases for only L$100. I would never lie and say I’m madly in love with everything she makes (hell, I fangrl Digit Darkes and won’t even say that about her) but truly – I find some gems in that store, fun kicky things from formal to smexy and I adore picking them up on sale for belonging to her SOM.
This set includes the jens, corset style top and a hat.
I am not wearing the hat. I’m not a hat person, they involve editing and other things that I have little patience for. It’s a CUTE hat. It’s just not my thing. Especially after I spent so much time doing my hair!

Skin from Lelutka - Blogger Appreciation Gift
Style Notes
No Review Items Worn in This Shoot
- Shape – Gidge Custom Shape by Hatchy Mills
- Skin – Lelutka – Blogger Appreciation Skin
- Hair – ETD – Regina Blonde
- Eyes -Poetic Color – Lilac
- Outift – pants and shirt – Dolly Rock – Calista in Sunbeam
- Shoes – Lori Heels by Tesla (you can’t see them but they are cute)
Dollyrock Sweet
posted by Gidge Uriza
You know who I don’t see enough of on the fashion blogs? Dollyrock. I don’t know why. Longetivy? Is it one of those places that we all know is there and assume everyone else knows is there so she doesn’t need any blog love?
I think it’s an uncanny nack she has for making either simple constructions lovely and unique, as well as producing very creative looks that are unique to her shop. I almost always run over weekly to pick something up because, as do many creators, she puts out new items discounted for the first 24 Hours – ROCK! Continue reading
Memorial Day Weekend, I'll Be In The Hamptons
posted by Gidge Uriza
Ok that’s a lie. Memorial Day weekend I’ll be recovering from surgery. BUT – in my mind I’ll be relaxing with a mimosa on Buffy’s yacht while Chad sales out for a lobster bake on the beach.
Cuz,that’s how real people live -right? Continue reading