Sequoia Nightfire was so busy keeping the Peace One Earth hunt train on the tracks, she had no time for guest styling before Christmas, but what a few days here or there? My parents once got a Christmas card that arrived in July 18 years after it was mailed. It came with a note from the Canadian postal service explaining that it was discovered when a desk was pulled out so they could paint behind it. Which raises the question, which is worse, not painting for 18 years or painting around the desk and not pulling it out for 18 years? Of course, coming so late, that card got so much more attention than if it had come 18 years earlier with the rush of Christmas cards. Somehow I think, though, if Sequoia Nightfire had been the picture on the face of that card, it would have glowed right through the envelope and out from behind the desk so they saw it and pulled it out and mailed in on time.

I mean look at that red! I thought about making a box and covering it with wrapping paper and having her pose as the bow! This magical red dress is from Sascha Frangilli of SAS – Sascha’s Designs. It is one of those see it to believe it dresses with the flowing panels of semi-sheer fabric that seems alive.
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