Take it from us, SySy Chapman (pronounced Sai-Sai) is one of the sweetest people on the grid and great fun to hang around with. She is one of those people whose answer to almost every question is yes – and not just yes, but an enthusiastic yes. She is a whole-hearted, jump right in with both feet sort of person. For example, when mesh came along, she deleted all her system clothing and started fresh with mesh. But do not let me tell you, you can see it for yourself when you read her interview.

SySy’s Billboard @ Hair Fair
It’s Only Fashion: What was your first day in Second Life® like? What made you stick it out through the learning curve?
SySy: A real life friend of mine told me about Second Life, she said “you have to try this chat game out, it is like an extended MSN messenger”. Little did we know at the time…. Because the fact she was already a week or two old in SL®, she found most of the basic things like teleporting, saving landmarks, change outfits, how to buy things etc., so i skipped the whole orientation island thing. I landed in some shady club she had found and was immediately intrigued by avatars we saw visiting the club. How come some had moving hair and why was i wearing an orange-non-movable-helmet type of thing on my head? Where did they got those pretty clothes? Which basically immediately set the tone for me, to begin creating.
IOF: What’s the craziest thing you ever did in Second Life? Most exciting? Silliest?
SySy: Oh boy. Where do I even begin? lol…. The most exciting things are definately some awesome projects I was involved in. For example the First Fusion show, back in the day organized by the Ewing Fashion Agency in SL, it was the first cross-over fashion show in real life and SL at the Amsterdam Fashion week. A year later, we did it again as Second Fusion, where a real life fashion show was held at the Beurs van Berlage in Amsterdam, and simultaneously we did the SL fashion show, at both places visible on big screens. We even created the exact designs the real life designer had created. A big challenge, but an absolute honor and privilege to have been a part of! Continue reading →